Friday, May 8, 2009

My daddy got me a australian sheperd hes a pupy and my ma said I cant keep him how can I make my ma 2 keep em?

I have just rescued a little terrier puppy he is only 5 weeks old, he was abandoned so I brought him home, my husband said we couldn't keep him, as soon as my 10 year old Daughter saw him she fell in love with him, and when her Daddy said we couldn't keep him, she cried so much and said she would look after him and clean all his poo up etc.., he eventually gave in and said yes, so we have him now and Natasha has stuck to her word, she cleans, feeds and looks after hi all the time, she loves and adores that little puppy, why don't you try that,see if your Mummy will change her mind if you do and say what Natasha did.

I wish you luck sweetie, I hope she changes her mind for you, as puppies are so adorable and I know you will have hours of fun with him, and Australian shepherds are such beautiful dog's.
Have your father discuss it with your father. There is nothing you can do about it.
first of all try doing extra work around the house. if your mom sees what your doing and has a soft heart she'll probably say since u have been more responsible u can keep the pup. just remeber don't back talk or she'll send the pup out the door.
where are you from
how old are you
I'm guessing your parents are divorced? Your father really should have discussed this with your mother prior to getting the puppy. If they are divorced, is it possible that your father can keep the dog at his place?
Leave it to your parents to fight it out. Take care of your puppy.
Try to train your dog. Cleaning the house and doing extra chores wont do anything about the dog. You need to show her the dog is houstrained and it listens. You need to make the dog look good not the house or yourself. So what im trying to say is dont try and make her think your responsible about your chores or anything make her think you are worthy enough to have a dog. Make her like your dog and think hes not to much of a handful. I hope my idea works.
beg your mom show her how cool having a puppy around would be.Just take it slow.
If your parents are not living together (or even if they are) your father should have discussed this with your mother. At this point, the best you can do is demonstrate that you will completely take care of the dog, because usually it is all put off onto the mom. Ask your mom to give you a chance to prove that you will take care of the dog. I hope this works out for you.

My dad feeds my dogs Gaviscon antacid tablets?

He left 10 tablets on the ground for my chihuahua to eat. My chihuahua actually eats them.

Is this dangerous or what??
Does he feed Alka-Seltzer to pigeons too?
Yes, it's fatal. Here's what will happen:
1. The dog chews the Gaviscon.
2. The Gaviscon foams up in the dog's mouth, just as it does with people.
3. The neighbor sees the dog with the foaming mouth and calls animal control and says there is a dog with rabies.
4. Animal control comes and shoots the dog.
5. The owner sues animal control and gets big dollars and buys more dogs and more Gaviscon.
Did the dog tell him he had heartburn?
Poor chihuahua. Yes, I wouldn't give anything like that to a tiny chihuahua. Call the vet and see what he should do. Below is a website about the product. It contains aluminum and magnesium. 10 tablets of that could well be a lethal dose. Dosage for an adult human is 1-2 tablets and a chihuahua is so tiny.
Not really, it is just calcium (if they are anything like tums)
Although I think 10 is a bit excessive.
My mom gives her chihuahua baby asprin when she feels like she has a "fever" lol. It doesn't hurt her. And I am talking like a 2 or 3 lb chi. very small
Any type of medicine that is made for humans is Dangerous to animals. Your Dad needs to stop feeding your dog medicine ASAP he could be causing serious damage to your beloved pet only a vet should give an animal medicine.
why did he do that? Yes it could be harmful
i don't know if it is safe or not check whit the vet
your father is a sadist.
I would say that ten is a bit much and if he is using them like a treat tell him to stop. I do and have given my dogs things like asperin and pepto bismal and even rolaids and every vet I have talked to says its fine. And I have asked and found out that quite a few of the drugs they give for pain and other ailments are the same things that you and I would take. But I would tell him to stop.!
Why doesn't he just give the poor dog a box of Efferdent, some poprocks, and a liter of tequila while he's at it?
(Sarcasm intended.)

My dad always used to tell me that pets could get anything a human could can a dog get Parkinson's disease?

Your dog could possibly have epilepsy. Poodles are especially prone to that.
no i don't think so
Adog can get some human diseases an yes parkinsons is one.
Zoonotic diseases are those that can be passes between animals and humans. Your dad is not correct. Not all illnesses or diseases are zoonotic diseases. Parkinson's disease is a genetic disease (influenced by environmental factors). Animals that have the Parkins gene can potentially get Parkinson's disease. Dogs have a gene similar enough to the Parkins gene, that when altered, causes a disease similar to Parkinson's disease in humans. In short, yes, your dog can get Parkinson's disease.
animals can not get human disease
i know a dog cant get AIDS or HIV i learned that in life science


i got a pomeranian! ooh! aah! my dogs full name is Leonardo Martin Devialto Wolf Chowder Majcher. we call him Leo for short. i wish i had a pic! HE'S THE CUTEST DOG ON EARTH!! but you'll think urs is so don't argue with me.

is there anything special about pomeranians?
Little yappers.

Wolf Chowder made me laugh for such a little dog.
I have one. He is 13 years old. He barks at everything.
i love little pomeranians
go you!
there's something special about all dogs/pets

check out our pomeranians (Winston The 3rd)(toy Pom);. (Casper) (Bandit) (Foxie Angel) (Cookie )(party Pom) (puppies 1) (puppies 2)

ps you should make a dogster page when you get pictures
its free

enjoy your pom they can be wonderful dogs
ps crate training works great on poms
Poms are very prone to a list of medical problems..patellar luzation, laryngeal collapse, obesity, periodontal disease, congestive heart failure, anal gland impactions..shall I go on? what is your question really? Any dog is very special to each person. All dog owners should research the breed (before they obtain it ) don't just buy a dog cause its cute. Many homeless pets out there looking for a life instead of death. Hope you find joy in your pommie.although you may be in for years of yapping! :) Good luck.
Pomeranians are intensly loyal and protective towards their owners. They are energetic and like going for short walks, but they are generally suited to appartment life. They spend long period asleep or dozing and don't make so many demands on the resources of their owners. Pomeranians would in the right circumstances make a good pet for children or the elderly. They require relatively litttle feeding, but they love snacks (in our case sweet biscuits and hard cheese!). Pomeranians are quite intelligent, though they perhaps look more intelligent than they really are; and they may take a little while to become fully house-trained. They are easier to house train than most Toy breeds, however. A few chew sticks lying around will stop them from damaging the furniture. They enjoy being groomed and cared for, and many Pomeranians relish going to shows. They will chase strange cats, given half a chance, but they will get on with cats and other pets that live in the same house, and often play with them. Because of their size and smiling faces many people who are otherwise not too keen on dogs find them very attractive. Walking a Pomeranian can extend circle! Female dogs are less likely to yap than males. Pomeranians make good watchdogs, and are generally not frightened of even the largest Great Dane.

Pom intelligence
According to Stanley Coren in his publication "The Intelligence of Dogs" Pomeranians rank as the 23rd most intelligent breed, out of 79. Top place goes to Border Collie, bottom place to the Afghan Hound. I do not know on what basis this information was constructed, but Pomeranians are not really obedience dogs, and develop their own characters. This doesn't make them less intelligent, indeed it is one their strong points.
I hope this is helpful visit the Pomeranian homepage.

My cousins give their dog TEA every morning(it is not hot)is that healthy.?

Meesha doesn't seem to mind the fact that he gets tea every morning. He actually needs it he has just gotten so used to it that it is part of his daily routine!!My aunt tells me that he loves it. He drinks it every morning cold. I just want to know if that is okay/healthy(by the way he's 5 years old and a border collie)
Caffeine is poisonous to dogs.
dogs have better smell than taste,a friend has a doberman that wont leave my beers alone,hes only been bad drunk once,

ya ever seen a 150lb dog lean up against the wall just to stand up,it was the funnyest thing ive ever seen
Well caffeine is not good for a dog i don't think it will hurt it at all my son gives his dog coffee every morning and the dog loves it.