Sunday, August 2, 2009
My dog has allergies and is constantly scratching. Any suggestions to aide him?
Has your dog been diagnosed with an allergie specific from your vet? if so what was the treatment? allergies can be from many things, fleas even if you don't see them they can still be there. food, enviroment, seasonal. DON'T give your dog any medication unless instructed by your vet. you can get anti itch sprays and shampoo that can help, but you really need to find the source of the problem. and in order to find out what it is for sure, do one thing at a time. if you change food and use flea products you won't know which it is. go to your vet.
If you give your dog medication that is rec from the website that person is liable, they are not a vet and have not seen your pet. BEWARE
put your dog somewhere worn like a doghouse/basket inside and lots of covers, and also give him/her worm drinks like milk or water
You could try some childrens benadryl. If that does not help you may have to take your dog to the vet for an injection . if the allergies are bad enough your vet may even suggest allergy testing
u may use shampoo that relieves itching, also put anti tick powder, change the food if the dog is allergic, and use a solution to make the fur bitter if he tries to bite his own hair, and cut the nails to lessen any injuries from scratching
Your dog probably has seasonal allergy and will get them every year from now on. You should go to the vet and he will do an allergy test or give him and allergy shot. That will help his itching. if you weight to long he will develop it worse. I have seen dogs that lose their fur because the took to long to get the dog in the vet . The itching should go away when it get colder. Try to use allergy shampoo or natural shampoo and only bath once in a wile. I have worked in a vet office.
go to the vet! they medication would probably cost a lot thought..
Diet is the first culprit I usually think of. Many dogs are allergic to the grains and fillers in kibble.
First step might be to upgrade to higher quality kibble. Anything sold at a grocery store is liable to cause these problems in many dogs. Beneful, Science Diet, Iams, etc. all of these contain more filler than useful food, and can trigger gas, itching, goopy ears, and more.
With one of my dogs, we finally took her right off kibble and went to home cooked diet. We finally got her body to a happy place on goat and rice.
More recently, I had to go through food contortions again with my two-year old shepherd who was itching himself down through his very skin. We finally made the switch to raw diet, and he's doing fantastically. All of my dogs now eat raw meat, like nature intended. After seeing the results (and realizing how easy it is), I will never, ever feed kibble again.
Here is a good reference book that will be helpful
used to have a sheltie with that exact probem, first make sure it isn't fleas. Take the dog to the vet, they can prescribe corticosteriods, like prednisone, that will help with the skin irritation, My dog used to go bald from about the middle of her back to her tail every summer cuz she was allergic to grass, once she was on the prednisone, she never did again. Go to the vet, they will help, and prednisone is relatively cheap to buy, about $20 a month back then.
Checkout Ocean Omega fish oil pet food supplement
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