Sunday, August 2, 2009

My dog has an exceessive case of dandruff. What can I do to help him ease the scratching caused by it?

First, make sure you aren't bathing this dog too often - that causes dry skin and coat. Also, give him about 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in his food daily. Since he's scratching a lot right now, I'd also give him a salmon oil capsule daily. There's a product made for dogs called Linatone which is great for dry skin and coat - you could also get some of that for him to get him some relief right away.
I remember my dad's dog had this and it was caused by chocolate, so make sure you don't give him any!
Give him a cool bath in Aveeno, or generic of same, Oatmeal bath. Leave on for 5 minutes as directed. Rinse well under cool water.
Then give him Chamomile tea, to help his nerve endings calm down.
Chamomile tea works very well, and is safe for him. Dump it out of the teabag, and use 1 teaspoon for small breed, up to 1 tablespoon for a large breed. Mix it in a little canned food, such as Mighty Dog, or Cesar's, and give about 30 minutes before he needs to relax. It will keep him happy, but reduce stress. It can be given as needed.

Make sure he has no corn or wheat in his kibble
bath him and put flea powder good luck!
Try using Draffout shampoo it is really good.Mere pet is the company.
I really hpoe it helps you out.

Best of luck.
most puppy shampoos have moisturizers in them specifically for dogs, try that a couple times and if there is no improvement or it gets worse go see a vet it could be a sign of a skin condition that could be easily and quickly treated with medication
Hi my Vet told me to put a teaspoon of vegetable oil in his food in the morning. Seens to be working.

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