Sunday, August 2, 2009

my dog has an infection in his leg. It is all swelled up and he won't eat. What can I do for him?

There is a chance your dog may die unless you take him to a vet right away. You shouldn't wait - if at all possible, take him to a doctor now.

It's okay to use "hydrogen peroxide" on his leg to wash away germs, and you can also use Neosporin, which will help draw out the infection.

After cleansing the leg with hydrogen peroxide (it doesn't hurt at all), smear a liberal amount of Neosporin on the leg (Neosporin won't hurt either).

But don't use hydrogen peroxide if your dog has a puncture wound of some kind.

Buy a couple of jars of baby food meats, especially chicken and beef. Just the meat - no vegetables. Feed it to him from your fingertip if he won't eat from a bowl. Smear it on his mouth if you have to and let him lick it off.

Keep him warm and comfort him.

If he refuses to drink water, that means his health is really declining.

Please take him to a vet.
call the vet
Take him to the vet as soon as you can, but for now I would put some peroxide on it if it is like an open sore. That way you can take some of the infection out of it.
well you could get off here and take him to a vet God i hope you don't have kids and something happen to them . You would be on here asking what to do for them.
Take him to the veterinary clinic to see the doctor he probably needs some antibiotics. Good luck and God bless
Be a responsible pet owner and take it to the vet.
Take him to a vet!
OK take it to a vet as soon as you can my dog had a swelling on her leg that ended up being bone cancer so get to the vet
Take his temperature. If he has a temp. he needs antibiotics ASAP. Let him have plenty of fluids and wash the wound w/warm water and epsom salt to draw the infection out. You may use an antibiotic cream but be careful what kind depending on the wound. Peroxide cant be used on puncture or deep wounds. Keep the wound clean. Is their heat to the site? You need to call the vet. There are emergency clinics and not seeing the wound I would advise on calling an emergency clinic to be safe specially if the dog has a temp. Good luck. If the infection is deep it is very hard to treat and may get into the bone. You need to be urgent on this matter.
Take him to a vet today. This is serious. He is probably in pain and infections can spread into the bloodstream and eventually kill your dog. Get him to a vet today.
Well, don't let the poor thing be in pain, clean the wound with peroxide, take him to a vet and try to get him better. If you cannot do that, then do what they do to horses when they break a leg. (shoot him) It is cruel to let the animal suffer. I hope you do not have to put the animal down, but if you cannot get to a vet, then by all means have him put down.
Get it to a vet. It really needs some antibiotics. Don't wait or you will needlessly lose your dog.
Think of the pain its in, how would you like it.
Take him to the vet.
Uh take him to the vet duh..Obviously what you have been doing has not worked.
He is dying. What do you think you should do?
If the infection is from a wound,clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide,then apply an antibiotic ointment like neosporin,and if you have any knowledge on giving an injection,get some pencillin,or gentamicin,you probably can purchase either one at a local feed store and on a 3cc syringe,give him 1/2 cc,which is 5 little marks on syringe for every 3 lbs. 2 X daily.Example if your pet weighs 6 lbs. then you would give him 1cc,which is 10 little marks on the syringe.Best given in a muscle,but can be given just under the skin at neck area,be sure and keep the meds in fridge.Repeat this for three days with keeping the wound clean and your pet should be back to normal in a few days.Also try boiling him some chicken,cut in small pieces and try to feed it this,most dogs will eat this when they won't eat anything else.If your pet still refuses this,then you will have to force feed it with some baby food,meat only,and give it the baby non-flavored pediolyte to keep it form dehydrating.If all the above isn't possible,see your vet asap.
sounds like your poor dog is in pain. get him to the vet now.infection can get real bad real quick. your dog could lose his leg, or even his life. don't wait, go now.
the vet, that's probably the best thing that you can do
Get in contact with your vet
take him to a vet and get antibiotics

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