Monday, May 24, 2010
My dog is licking the floor constantly, how can I stop it?
it's called SOUR APPLE
it's a spray that you can use on furniture and floors and whatever you don't want your dog eating or chewing
get it at any pet supply store
put a little bit of something that your dog wont like on the hot sauce?.or something..that dogs dont like lol. thatlll stop him
Where ever he is licking the floor put down the stuff that stops you biting your nails. Or for larger areas Lemon juice.
My dog used to do that and I just sprayed a little bit of perfume on the floor, and he never went back to it . And it doesn't cause any harm unless he keeps on licking
Rip its tongue out with a pair of good quality pliers!
Mine used to do that, and lick the fabric sofas leaving huge wet patches. It took me a while to work out that it was her licking and not wetting herself the patches were so vast!! I used Fabreze on the sofas and bleached the floors with a weak solution of bleach and hot water. She soon stopped. I have no idea why they do it tho, but that worked for me!!
Try bitterbite its a brand u spray on surfaces to stop animals chewing them
well first of all you have to stop vacuuming the floor with bacon flavored vacuum powder air freshener.. vacuum your floor with that good smelling powder. for laminate floors clean it with.. you know.. soap cause that doesn't taste good.
if you tie a brush to its tail you wont have to do any more housework
Try putting something your dog doesn't like on the floor, such as tabasco sauce or lemon juice. Yes, this will leave your floors sticky. Make sure your dog has a constant source of fresh water, and try giving him ice cubes, it may be that he likes the "cold" feel of the floor. Also, make sure he's got something to chew on or lick, such as a large bone, to keep him happy. Some dogs develop oral habits that result from boredom.
Your dog is probably licking the floor because something is on the floor like human food. So what you need to do is mop the floor up with soap+water. And then if it continues then you haveta try licking the floor yourself..just kidding, just kidding, but then l suggest you call the vet or something and see if theres something wrong with his/ her tongue. But maybe he/she just likes the feeling of the floor. And also DO NOT put ANYTHING on the floor to make the dog stop. (like lemon juice, hot sauce ect..) Because if you put it on then it will work for a little then the bitter/ spiciness with fade away and then the dog willl be at it again. Trust me l had a dog and he kept chewing on the chair and I tried putting stuff on it and at first he didnt like it but then he didnt seem to care that it was there. So just clean the floor and do the stuff I said and hey maybe you will see some improvment. And before you pick the best answer just try everything that everyones sending you to do. And you can even waste your money on those things that you spray on like lemon juice or bitter apple. But im tellling you right now they wont work and im telling you that if you clean the floor whatever is on there will go away. But remember if it doesnt work maybe he/she likes the feeling or has a tongue problem. Good Luck. and make a good choice on picking that best answer. I mean im not saying pick me or anything im just saying think hard before you pick.
animals do strange things like that when they need vitamins or minerals. there might be a certain mineral in the materal used to make the floor that your dog needs. horses eat paint off of fences when they need zinc.
look for a good mineral supplement for dogs or change food to one that has more vitamins in it.
your dog might stop licking the floor if he has enough minerals.
Either stop spilling food on the floor, or suspend it from the ceiling for a couple of hours a day.
give him a filled kong, something better to do than licking carpets
first of all i think your dog is a cat and it thinks the floor is a cat also.But i agree with everyone else other than the guy that said to put a brush on his tail just put something on the floor that he doesn't like or just cover your floor with rubber shower pads
put a large piece of sellotape around its neck and the other end in a nail on the roof. this will hold the dogs neck up and stop in licking the ground !.are you for real ?
are u female? lay on the floor! lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Put petrol on your floor, watch your dog run circles round itself until it runs out of fuel!
you animal lovers are all the same .its your pet .why do you not just accept that you have purchased an animal.
My dog is leaking clear fluids?
My dog is about 59 days along in her pregnancy. i was just wondering if she was going to have her puppies soon? I heard that they will have a discharge before they have them so i was just wondering. No im not goin to call the vet its not important shes not bleeding so it couldnt wait for monday to ask them.When she was leaking on my bed it was about the size of a cotton ball. She is now in her whelping box so i dont know if she is still leaking or not.
Shes about ready to have her puppies. Also usually a day b4 delivery she will also vomit, and start panting very hard, and she will be ansy. Good Luck.
poor puppy.I wish i could help but i dont know.
she is probably okay though
best of luck on the puppies!
well i would just keep a eye on her just in case. and maybe call you vet if there are any more problems that start up
She is a mammal and she is ready to whelp. Mammals all have some form of what is commonly called, " water breaking".
sounds like she is in labour now.
Sounds like her water broke. Your vet's office should have an answering service where you can have them call you.
Just let her get comfortable and wait it out until they pop out. We had a rottwhiler when I was growing up. She was prego. She was leeking, and we thought she just had to pee, so we took her outside. Then she popped one out on the ground and sprinted for the door. We picked it up and took it in to her, but it didn't make it. 14 puppies and 3 lived out of the first litter.
She may be in the early stages of labour, just keep an eye on her, and good luck
Hang in there Tina, you are going to have puppies. Be sure to post so we can enjoy them too!
Calm down Tina. Your dog is getting ready to birth her puppies. You're due to witness a wonderful sight. She'll do a fine job, by herself. Mother Nature will show her what to do.I hope you find homes for the little ones. Congratulations "Grandma"
You are getting ready to be a grandma. Congrats just watch her and make sure she is delivering okay what breed is she? And how old?
Shes about ready to have her puppies. Also usually a day b4 delivery she will also vomit, and start panting very hard, and she will be ansy. Good Luck.
poor puppy.I wish i could help but i dont know.
she is probably okay though
best of luck on the puppies!
well i would just keep a eye on her just in case. and maybe call you vet if there are any more problems that start up
She is a mammal and she is ready to whelp. Mammals all have some form of what is commonly called, " water breaking".
sounds like she is in labour now.
Sounds like her water broke. Your vet's office should have an answering service where you can have them call you.
Just let her get comfortable and wait it out until they pop out. We had a rottwhiler when I was growing up. She was prego. She was leeking, and we thought she just had to pee, so we took her outside. Then she popped one out on the ground and sprinted for the door. We picked it up and took it in to her, but it didn't make it. 14 puppies and 3 lived out of the first litter.
She may be in the early stages of labour, just keep an eye on her, and good luck
Hang in there Tina, you are going to have puppies. Be sure to post so we can enjoy them too!
Calm down Tina. Your dog is getting ready to birth her puppies. You're due to witness a wonderful sight. She'll do a fine job, by herself. Mother Nature will show her what to do.I hope you find homes for the little ones. Congratulations "Grandma"
You are getting ready to be a grandma. Congrats just watch her and make sure she is delivering okay what breed is she? And how old?
My dog is jealous of the new baby.?
I'm due to have my first child in a few weeks, so I've been putting her nursery together. When I woke up this morning, I noticed that my dog had crapped all over the new carpet in that room! I was really upset. She must have known that she did something wrong because she hid under the bed and wouldn't come out.
I didn't think the new baby would be a problem for her. I had been bringing some of the baby's things in slowly so she wouldn't feel overwhelmed by the change. Is she jealous? How can I help her?
1st, Congrads on your pregnancy!
Perhaps she was laying her sent on the new carpet (I know, it drives you crazy. mine pee'ed all over the stairs after we got them carpeted)
Or perhaps she is starting to get jealous. It is common for pets to get jealous when a new baby arrives, or even when company is in town visiting. Esp if its been just you and the dog up till now.
I know things must be crazy right now for you, but try and set a little time for just you and your pooch to play and cuddle. Perhaps take her to the park so she can be around children. Maybe even go to the store and by a doll that cries and soforth like a baby and see how the dog reacts to it. It may help her get a little used to it.
Have some time when you and the dog can be in the babies room together, perhaps you reading in a chair and the dog asleep on the floor or playing with one of her toys on the floor so that she can get used to the room and not feel threatened by it.
When you have the baby, before you bring it home from the hospital, have someone take something of the babies (a blanket or something) and let your dog smell it so she can get somewhat used to it so that when you bring the baby in the door, she is somewhat familar with the smell.
You may have to take her for training of some sort if it gets worse.
For now just keep the babies room door closed when she is out and you can't watch the dog.
Again, congrads and good luck!
put her outside
I think she is marking her turf,,thats her new baby,,lol.
i think she is jealous and i will probalby take a little time for her to get use to it and i think you should play with the dog so she knows that she is not being left out
don't worry the dog will soon get used to the baby
Im sure the dog just had to go and you woudnt let it out or something. but when you bring the baby home make sure you dnt neglect the dog
she think that you do not like her no more that sounds like what happen to my mom and dad what i was they let yhe dog be with me alot and it help it alot.
Sounds like you have a difficult choice to make.
Of course she is jealous and I would make the dog part of the homecoming.But you must remember to kept the babies door closed at all times and never leave the baby alone in a room when the dog is in the house. If the dog attempts to become aggressive with the baby even one time the dog goes.
When we had our first baby, my husband brought home a blanket the baby was wrapped in to let the dogs smell and get used to the scent of the baby.
Since the baby hasn't arrived yet, the dog is likely not jealous. Be sure to give your dog tons of love and attention when the baby does arrive and ease curiosity by making sure she is properly introduced to new baby. As long as she doesn't get ignored as a result of the new baby in your home, she will have no reason to be jealous of the baby. It could take a little time, but most likely you won't have anything to worry about.
ha. . yea, it happens..what i did was that i let my baby interact with my dog(i have a toy yorkie, if you have a big dog, be careful).after a few months she got used to the baby and i even walked in one day and the baby was keeping her mouth open so the dog would lick her.gross!! but kinda cute to see them interact..try it and dont stop giving your dog attention.afterall, the dog was there first.. :)
Suggested this for a friend and it worked.get several shallow containers.small sour cream containers or such.put baby bath in oil in lotion.etc. Place them around the house (use cheap stuff because this is a will not use this on the baby after it sits around the house getting dust and dirt in in).this will get the dog used to the smell. DON'T ALLOW THE DOG TO GO INTO THAT ROOM! Keep the door closed if you have to, or put up a baby gate to keep her out. She is marking HER territory and that is not a good thing.
Sorry I can't go more is a "Monday" for me, and I can't think!
Good Luck and Congrats on your new baby!
Well, I wouldn't say she is jealous, that carpet was new and in her house so she prob was just you know like marking her territory. My dog did the same thing and he would chew the babys things up even, but when the baby finally came home he was not jealous at all.
He will now lay next to her and not let anyone by her, except for me and my boyfriend, it is so sweet.
Good luck and congrats!
your dog is not doing it out of jealousy. she is just marking the new things in the house. she doesn't even know that the things in the nursery is for the baby. just be patient. we had to go through this when our baby came into the world (5 months ago). our little boy (yorkie) tried to mark EVERYTHING in the nursery. we had to put a barrier into the room. we introduced them slowly, and now he is super-protective of her (he ALWAYS stands between the baby and any visitors). just take your time introducing them to each other.
get rid of the dog and don't be daft-thats a human you'll be raising
I've also recently had a baby and my 2 dogs have adjusted really well. Just be sure to give your dog pets and attention when the baby is around. Be calm, let the dog sniff the baby and praise her when she acts calm around the baby. Obviously, never leave the dog alone with the baby, but with time, the dog will get used to the baby and probably won't pay much attention to it.
I also got a book from, I think it's called "Babyproofing your dog," which had a lot of good tips.
Good luck!
wait to babe born
I didn't think the new baby would be a problem for her. I had been bringing some of the baby's things in slowly so she wouldn't feel overwhelmed by the change. Is she jealous? How can I help her?
1st, Congrads on your pregnancy!
Perhaps she was laying her sent on the new carpet (I know, it drives you crazy. mine pee'ed all over the stairs after we got them carpeted)
Or perhaps she is starting to get jealous. It is common for pets to get jealous when a new baby arrives, or even when company is in town visiting. Esp if its been just you and the dog up till now.
I know things must be crazy right now for you, but try and set a little time for just you and your pooch to play and cuddle. Perhaps take her to the park so she can be around children. Maybe even go to the store and by a doll that cries and soforth like a baby and see how the dog reacts to it. It may help her get a little used to it.
Have some time when you and the dog can be in the babies room together, perhaps you reading in a chair and the dog asleep on the floor or playing with one of her toys on the floor so that she can get used to the room and not feel threatened by it.
When you have the baby, before you bring it home from the hospital, have someone take something of the babies (a blanket or something) and let your dog smell it so she can get somewhat used to it so that when you bring the baby in the door, she is somewhat familar with the smell.
You may have to take her for training of some sort if it gets worse.
For now just keep the babies room door closed when she is out and you can't watch the dog.
Again, congrads and good luck!
put her outside
I think she is marking her turf,,thats her new baby,,lol.
i think she is jealous and i will probalby take a little time for her to get use to it and i think you should play with the dog so she knows that she is not being left out
don't worry the dog will soon get used to the baby
Im sure the dog just had to go and you woudnt let it out or something. but when you bring the baby home make sure you dnt neglect the dog
she think that you do not like her no more that sounds like what happen to my mom and dad what i was they let yhe dog be with me alot and it help it alot.
Sounds like you have a difficult choice to make.
Of course she is jealous and I would make the dog part of the homecoming.But you must remember to kept the babies door closed at all times and never leave the baby alone in a room when the dog is in the house. If the dog attempts to become aggressive with the baby even one time the dog goes.
When we had our first baby, my husband brought home a blanket the baby was wrapped in to let the dogs smell and get used to the scent of the baby.
Since the baby hasn't arrived yet, the dog is likely not jealous. Be sure to give your dog tons of love and attention when the baby does arrive and ease curiosity by making sure she is properly introduced to new baby. As long as she doesn't get ignored as a result of the new baby in your home, she will have no reason to be jealous of the baby. It could take a little time, but most likely you won't have anything to worry about.
ha. . yea, it happens..what i did was that i let my baby interact with my dog(i have a toy yorkie, if you have a big dog, be careful).after a few months she got used to the baby and i even walked in one day and the baby was keeping her mouth open so the dog would lick her.gross!! but kinda cute to see them interact..try it and dont stop giving your dog attention.afterall, the dog was there first.. :)
Suggested this for a friend and it worked.get several shallow containers.small sour cream containers or such.put baby bath in oil in lotion.etc. Place them around the house (use cheap stuff because this is a will not use this on the baby after it sits around the house getting dust and dirt in in).this will get the dog used to the smell. DON'T ALLOW THE DOG TO GO INTO THAT ROOM! Keep the door closed if you have to, or put up a baby gate to keep her out. She is marking HER territory and that is not a good thing.
Sorry I can't go more is a "Monday" for me, and I can't think!
Good Luck and Congrats on your new baby!
Well, I wouldn't say she is jealous, that carpet was new and in her house so she prob was just you know like marking her territory. My dog did the same thing and he would chew the babys things up even, but when the baby finally came home he was not jealous at all.
He will now lay next to her and not let anyone by her, except for me and my boyfriend, it is so sweet.
Good luck and congrats!
your dog is not doing it out of jealousy. she is just marking the new things in the house. she doesn't even know that the things in the nursery is for the baby. just be patient. we had to go through this when our baby came into the world (5 months ago). our little boy (yorkie) tried to mark EVERYTHING in the nursery. we had to put a barrier into the room. we introduced them slowly, and now he is super-protective of her (he ALWAYS stands between the baby and any visitors). just take your time introducing them to each other.
get rid of the dog and don't be daft-thats a human you'll be raising
I've also recently had a baby and my 2 dogs have adjusted really well. Just be sure to give your dog pets and attention when the baby is around. Be calm, let the dog sniff the baby and praise her when she acts calm around the baby. Obviously, never leave the dog alone with the baby, but with time, the dog will get used to the baby and probably won't pay much attention to it.
I also got a book from, I think it's called "Babyproofing your dog," which had a lot of good tips.
Good luck!
wait to babe born
my dog is jealous when my baby sister comes what should i do?
You should keep your dog, when your baby sister is around. I know a friend of mine, whose child was been beaten by a dog, because of the same thing. These animals have feelings and they would like to be always in direct contact with their master. Before anything happened, please prevent it.
get rid of it
Work with the dog, when the baby comes home, introduce them. Show the dog that you care about the baby, but do not forget the dog.
Dogs have a pecking order, and packs of them have a concept in which there is a lead male and lead female (the "alpha" male and female.) While your dog may be jealous of your baby sister because she gets your attention, it is also a case of wanting to climb the social ladder.
Try to correct your dog - even if that means sending it away to another room or locking it outside while your sister is there. Eventually, the dog will understand that in order to be accepted, it needs to be in the lower social position for your "pack."
My dog is itchy!?
My pug has had a problem with sensitive skin for a few weeks now. We wash him about every 2 weeks and have even switched shampoo but it doesnt seem to help. He really seems to be itchy whenever we scratch him. and not just in one spot- everywhere. Is there any over-the-counter stuff that i can get? He doesnt have fleas or anything.
There are these people called veterinarians and they help sick and injured animals. Ask around. I'm sure SOMEBODY in your area has heard of this. One of those people would be PERFECT for this really tricky problem that could have many causes and needs to be dealt with by a professional, not assholes like me posting on the internet.
It might be a food allergy, you should call your vet for advice. Good luck!
It might be allergies. I would talk to a vet about it. I know there is a certain shot that they can give him to cure it temporarily. I don't know of anything over the counter, sorry.
Mabey you are washing him too frequently, which would cause him toy have dry skin, which would cause him to be itchy.
maybe he really does have fleas or he might be alergic to whatever you wash him with
I hope you are using a shampoo made for dogs..
Go to your vet and he can direct you to the proper shampoo for dogs with sensitive skin.
Don't wash the dog every two weeks. Try every six weeks.
He may also have developed allergies. You can give him some children's Benadryl (recommended by my vet).
Also for the immediate itching there is something called Hot Spot medicine that you can get at Walmart; you can get it in a liquid or a cream in the Pet Section.
Also a great thing to get from Walmart is Linoleic Acid; it has all the omega fatty acids the dog needs for their coat %26 cuts down a lot on the itchy; it is in the pet section in a brown bottle.
Check check and CHECK again for fleas - they are notoriously difficult to spot. Look under his belly, insides of his legs, and around the base of his tail. You're also bathing him too much, dogs shouldn't be bathed unless they REALLY need it. If he smells it could be not because he needs a bath, but his teeth could be dirty, his ears infected. anything! Could be that the bathing has irritated his skin. OR he could have a skin condition. If his skin is red, flaky or crusty, he needs to see a vet for a prescribed treatment.
Good Luck
That time of year. do not shampoo him. maybe try a spray on cleaner that you wipe off if he really needs to be bathed. I would also add corn/vegetable oil to his food.
My Lab also has similar skin issues. You might try an oatmeal (that's right) based shampoo if you are not using one already.
Buying vitamins from your vet that contain fish oils may also alleviate the itching.
I am not familair with pugs but I do know that Labs should not be bathed that regularly as it can damage their coat and skin but again, that is for Labs, not necessarily for pugs.
Lastly, it might be an allergy, particularly to food. If you have switched recently it could be the source of your dilemna.
My dog had this problem for a while. Our vet suggested using human dandruff shampoo on him. It helped my dog alot. If you try it, make sure to avoid the dog's eye's!
Hi I'm A Vet Tech. We have a lot of dogs come in to the clinic this time of year with the same problem. Here is what our vet says to use and it works wonders. OK try washing your dog in Dawn Dish Soap, let it soak for five minutes, then rinse. Also, give your dog Benadrill once a day. This is most likely an allergy. A lot of people don't think there dogs have allergies but, most dogs have them. I hope this helps you out. They keeping your dog in the house too.
sounds like you are washing him to often. He probably has dry skin. You should only need to wash your dog every 4-6 wks or so. he might also have an allergy so try changing to a more natural food. nutro lamb and rice helped my dog. WE also use a rasberry oatmeal shampoo
This might be a skin condition caused by the shampoo . Why not ask the opinion of a vet.? It shouldn't cost that much and if you love your dog perhaps you shouldn't scratch him and see if you can help him be more comfortable. An itchy condition is really about an irritation I think.
My puppy has the same problem. I called the vet and they told me to get childrens benadryl (the liquid kind, mine loved the cherry flavor.) That will help with the itching and chewing. It is only 1cc per 3 pounds of body weight. Hope that works for your dog. Also try not to bathe him as often that will dry out their skin and could cause itching too. If that dont help let your vet know and ask him about prescribing predisone. It works but they can only stay on it for a short period of time because it is a steriod. The benadryl they can take everyday. Hope that helps.
keep the carpet clean.and at least twice a week add a bit of black pepper to his diet. dry food no help.moist food mix it'll give him a healthy glossy coat and no skratching.and a humidifyer would work.shampoos mostly deal with REMOVING oils essential to theyre coats.if he starts losing hair before u try the pepper route it could be mange.again keep pepper in his diet from now on..pepper we found out was a good cure for the mange.
He could be allergic to his shampoo, food, or a number of other things. I no when I got my dog, granted she is not a pug she is a greyhound, she had dermatitis and had to get a special shampoo from the vet. I suggest you go to the vet and not over the counter. The problem could be getting worse.
Itching can often be rectified by improving the dog's diet and adding omega fatty acids to the diet.
One of the most common severe itching problems for dogs is mange. Mange is nothing but microscopic mites. A dog will experience intense itching once it is suffering from severe infection of Demodex, Sarcoptes etc.
Outbreaks often occur around the ears, elbows and face. The skin starts out crusty and scab-like and becomes thick and dark.
A skin scraping is needed by your vet to confirm diagnosis.
Proper medication and treatment should also be prescribed by your vet.
There are some other severe itching problems such as fungal infections. They are less common, but also require a vet's attention.
Allergic itching
A dog which is on a diet designed to eliminate food allergy problems who is still itching probably does not have food allergies.
1. Itching can often be rectified by improving the dog's diet and adding omega fatty acids to the diet. Healthy Coat Omega-3 Gel Caps or VitaCapsåº will help a lot to counteract allergies among dogs.
2.Soothing products such as Soothing Pads and Soothing Mist will help ease itching and inflammation.
3. Shampooing relieves the itch temporarily as well as helping to remove scales, scabs, some parasites, bacteria, and other potential causes of the itching.
4.Washing or rinsing the legs and paws each time the dog comes inside during the allergy season may help keep the pet more comfortable.
Your vet is an excellent resource if you believe your pet has allergies.
Why are you bathing your dog every two weeks. He is probably itchy because you are drying his skin with too much washing!
There are these people called veterinarians and they help sick and injured animals. Ask around. I'm sure SOMEBODY in your area has heard of this. One of those people would be PERFECT for this really tricky problem that could have many causes and needs to be dealt with by a professional, not assholes like me posting on the internet.
It might be a food allergy, you should call your vet for advice. Good luck!
It might be allergies. I would talk to a vet about it. I know there is a certain shot that they can give him to cure it temporarily. I don't know of anything over the counter, sorry.
Mabey you are washing him too frequently, which would cause him toy have dry skin, which would cause him to be itchy.
maybe he really does have fleas or he might be alergic to whatever you wash him with
I hope you are using a shampoo made for dogs..
Go to your vet and he can direct you to the proper shampoo for dogs with sensitive skin.
Don't wash the dog every two weeks. Try every six weeks.
He may also have developed allergies. You can give him some children's Benadryl (recommended by my vet).
Also for the immediate itching there is something called Hot Spot medicine that you can get at Walmart; you can get it in a liquid or a cream in the Pet Section.
Also a great thing to get from Walmart is Linoleic Acid; it has all the omega fatty acids the dog needs for their coat %26 cuts down a lot on the itchy; it is in the pet section in a brown bottle.
Check check and CHECK again for fleas - they are notoriously difficult to spot. Look under his belly, insides of his legs, and around the base of his tail. You're also bathing him too much, dogs shouldn't be bathed unless they REALLY need it. If he smells it could be not because he needs a bath, but his teeth could be dirty, his ears infected. anything! Could be that the bathing has irritated his skin. OR he could have a skin condition. If his skin is red, flaky or crusty, he needs to see a vet for a prescribed treatment.
Good Luck
That time of year. do not shampoo him. maybe try a spray on cleaner that you wipe off if he really needs to be bathed. I would also add corn/vegetable oil to his food.
My Lab also has similar skin issues. You might try an oatmeal (that's right) based shampoo if you are not using one already.
Buying vitamins from your vet that contain fish oils may also alleviate the itching.
I am not familair with pugs but I do know that Labs should not be bathed that regularly as it can damage their coat and skin but again, that is for Labs, not necessarily for pugs.
Lastly, it might be an allergy, particularly to food. If you have switched recently it could be the source of your dilemna.
My dog had this problem for a while. Our vet suggested using human dandruff shampoo on him. It helped my dog alot. If you try it, make sure to avoid the dog's eye's!
Hi I'm A Vet Tech. We have a lot of dogs come in to the clinic this time of year with the same problem. Here is what our vet says to use and it works wonders. OK try washing your dog in Dawn Dish Soap, let it soak for five minutes, then rinse. Also, give your dog Benadrill once a day. This is most likely an allergy. A lot of people don't think there dogs have allergies but, most dogs have them. I hope this helps you out. They keeping your dog in the house too.
sounds like you are washing him to often. He probably has dry skin. You should only need to wash your dog every 4-6 wks or so. he might also have an allergy so try changing to a more natural food. nutro lamb and rice helped my dog. WE also use a rasberry oatmeal shampoo
This might be a skin condition caused by the shampoo . Why not ask the opinion of a vet.? It shouldn't cost that much and if you love your dog perhaps you shouldn't scratch him and see if you can help him be more comfortable. An itchy condition is really about an irritation I think.
My puppy has the same problem. I called the vet and they told me to get childrens benadryl (the liquid kind, mine loved the cherry flavor.) That will help with the itching and chewing. It is only 1cc per 3 pounds of body weight. Hope that works for your dog. Also try not to bathe him as often that will dry out their skin and could cause itching too. If that dont help let your vet know and ask him about prescribing predisone. It works but they can only stay on it for a short period of time because it is a steriod. The benadryl they can take everyday. Hope that helps.
keep the carpet clean.and at least twice a week add a bit of black pepper to his diet. dry food no help.moist food mix it'll give him a healthy glossy coat and no skratching.and a humidifyer would work.shampoos mostly deal with REMOVING oils essential to theyre coats.if he starts losing hair before u try the pepper route it could be mange.again keep pepper in his diet from now on..pepper we found out was a good cure for the mange.
He could be allergic to his shampoo, food, or a number of other things. I no when I got my dog, granted she is not a pug she is a greyhound, she had dermatitis and had to get a special shampoo from the vet. I suggest you go to the vet and not over the counter. The problem could be getting worse.
Itching can often be rectified by improving the dog's diet and adding omega fatty acids to the diet.
One of the most common severe itching problems for dogs is mange. Mange is nothing but microscopic mites. A dog will experience intense itching once it is suffering from severe infection of Demodex, Sarcoptes etc.
Outbreaks often occur around the ears, elbows and face. The skin starts out crusty and scab-like and becomes thick and dark.
A skin scraping is needed by your vet to confirm diagnosis.
Proper medication and treatment should also be prescribed by your vet.
There are some other severe itching problems such as fungal infections. They are less common, but also require a vet's attention.
Allergic itching
A dog which is on a diet designed to eliminate food allergy problems who is still itching probably does not have food allergies.
1. Itching can often be rectified by improving the dog's diet and adding omega fatty acids to the diet. Healthy Coat Omega-3 Gel Caps or VitaCapsåº will help a lot to counteract allergies among dogs.
2.Soothing products such as Soothing Pads and Soothing Mist will help ease itching and inflammation.
3. Shampooing relieves the itch temporarily as well as helping to remove scales, scabs, some parasites, bacteria, and other potential causes of the itching.
4.Washing or rinsing the legs and paws each time the dog comes inside during the allergy season may help keep the pet more comfortable.
Your vet is an excellent resource if you believe your pet has allergies.
Why are you bathing your dog every two weeks. He is probably itchy because you are drying his skin with too much washing!
My dog is inbred?
I have a german shepherd that is almost 3 years old and we got her fixed about 6 months ago. The vet said that she wasn't a pure bred and told us that she thought that she was also inbred becasue of a deformed uterus or something. It kind of confirmed my own thoughts and my dog seems to be getting worse by the day. How bad will she get? The whole point was for her to protect my children and now they won't even go outside if she's out there. What should I do?
A bad breeding can be an outcross, a linebreed, or an inbreed. Defects, and bad temperaments simply mean that the breeder had no idea of what they were doing except having a litter of puppy's. Simply put a "back yard breeder".
I won't be pretentious and tell you what to do, but I WILL tell you what not to do; do not wate until one of your children has been bitten before you decide what to do.
Personal opinion is I would NEVER waste ten years of my life on a dog that I didn't like.
That totally does not mean that the dog is inbred. It could just have come from REALLY BAD genetics!!
Yes, what Stu says is true!! LOL!! What an idiot the vet must be!! THe dog cannot be both a NON-purebred AND inbred too!
That doesn't even make sense!!
IF you must part with the dog.DO NOT TAKE IT TO A SHELTER! This dog would need to be put down. It should not be rehomed. It could be a danger and people wouldn't even know!!
if its not a pure bred its not an inbred
Your question is to vague, what exactly is she doing that your children are afraid of? The only way you will know if the dog is inbred is by the papers. Having a dog that is mixed breed does not mean they will make bad watch dogs. I have 3 dogs and all three are protectors and all 3 are mixed breeds. I am handicapped and my big rott/lab mix is my helper dog, though not certified he helps me up if I fall. Please explain how she is getting worse, please explain what the problem is. I can always edit my answer if I knew what the problem was.
To me it sounds like she is just becoming over protective of her area. I believe you may wish to either check into a behavioral training class or possibly find another home for her or worse case sinario you may have to put her down, and get a dog that is not so territorial. Your children are far to important to have to worry if your dog is going to get extremely aggressive. If she is mixed with a more dominant breed than a German Shepard you could be setting yourself up for a disaster. Good luck.
I have never had a problem like this with a dog. I had one a shepherd/colllie mix that was inbred. Someone gave her to us. She would have been put to sleep if we hadn't taken her. She had half a brain. Not too smart in the brains department but she was a sweet loving dog. If you dog is getting mean, you need to find her a new home, or she may hurt one of your kids. If she gets bad enough, you may have to put her to sleep.
Find another vet, if she isn't pure bred, she sure isn't inbred. I had a Yorkie that was inbred, never again. Her puppies were deformed.Good luck.
I agree about being vague. Why will your children not go out there? What do they do if the dog is in the house/
Please don't think I am heartless, but if your pet isn't working out with your family, sell, or give her away and find another. As far as a loyal protecter. Consider breed reputation. Rot weiler plus black lab equals a great dog.
is the dog being / acting mean towards the kids..are they afraid of her or is she just being playful..maybe if the dog is being mean it might be that she is in pain.Sheppard have several inherit problems, which is why the breeding should be done with care, hip dsyplsia leaps to mind..but have never heard of deformed uterus meaning she is inbred.
perhaps we could have a bit more info so we can help / advise you.
I too agree that your question was vague. If the dog is a threat to your children then you need to find it another home, take it to a dog shelter or put to sleep.
I own an inbred dog. he was rescued from a collector that went all over our county answering free puppy ads. He would just take the whole litter from people giving them away. He was a very sick man who really thought he was saving the dog's he was adopting.When he finally got reported he had over 100 dogs in tiny pens all over his property. They were all starving, full of parasites and mange, breeding with their own brothers and sisters, and eating their own young. My poor Wilbur and his brother were the only puppies left in the pen who hadn't been eaten by their parents, who were brother and sister. he was literally skin stretched over bones, covered in mange, and totally unsocialized. He had never been touched by a person before he was rescued. For the first month I had him he was like a lifeless corpse cowering in the corner of his crate. It took several months before we could touch him without him screaming in fear and urinating all over himself. Now four years later, he is a different dog. He is a complete idiot, absolutely retarded, but very loving and sweet. You can tell there is something wrong with him, but he is nowhere near the dog he was when I got him. Work with your dog, hire a trainer. Maybe there is something you can do.
1) get another vet, this one is an idiot
2) take her to obedience class and teach her some manners
If your dog's health is declining, that could be the reason for behavior problems. When you don't feel well, you might act as nice or interact as well with others.
It's sad that some breeders don't watch their genetic pool very well, or are not responsible in breeding for puppies. Even with papers, you might get a dog that was not bred with the best chances for being healthy. Papers are filled out by breeders, and no one checks for "quality" when those papers are mailed to the AKC. Research and patience will find you great breeders.
If the dog's quality of life is slowly or rapidly declining, you might weigh out the humane issues of helping her. Dogs can't always tell us what they need, so look past your own needs and think about what she might want.
You wouldn't know "INBRED" if you stepped in it!
If it's NOT even PURE BRED,there's ABSOLUTELYNO WAY it can be "inbred"!!
"Getting worse" at *WHAT*?
A bad breeding can be an outcross, a linebreed, or an inbreed. Defects, and bad temperaments simply mean that the breeder had no idea of what they were doing except having a litter of puppy's. Simply put a "back yard breeder".
I won't be pretentious and tell you what to do, but I WILL tell you what not to do; do not wate until one of your children has been bitten before you decide what to do.
Personal opinion is I would NEVER waste ten years of my life on a dog that I didn't like.
That totally does not mean that the dog is inbred. It could just have come from REALLY BAD genetics!!
Yes, what Stu says is true!! LOL!! What an idiot the vet must be!! THe dog cannot be both a NON-purebred AND inbred too!
That doesn't even make sense!!
IF you must part with the dog.DO NOT TAKE IT TO A SHELTER! This dog would need to be put down. It should not be rehomed. It could be a danger and people wouldn't even know!!
if its not a pure bred its not an inbred
Your question is to vague, what exactly is she doing that your children are afraid of? The only way you will know if the dog is inbred is by the papers. Having a dog that is mixed breed does not mean they will make bad watch dogs. I have 3 dogs and all three are protectors and all 3 are mixed breeds. I am handicapped and my big rott/lab mix is my helper dog, though not certified he helps me up if I fall. Please explain how she is getting worse, please explain what the problem is. I can always edit my answer if I knew what the problem was.
To me it sounds like she is just becoming over protective of her area. I believe you may wish to either check into a behavioral training class or possibly find another home for her or worse case sinario you may have to put her down, and get a dog that is not so territorial. Your children are far to important to have to worry if your dog is going to get extremely aggressive. If she is mixed with a more dominant breed than a German Shepard you could be setting yourself up for a disaster. Good luck.
I have never had a problem like this with a dog. I had one a shepherd/colllie mix that was inbred. Someone gave her to us. She would have been put to sleep if we hadn't taken her. She had half a brain. Not too smart in the brains department but she was a sweet loving dog. If you dog is getting mean, you need to find her a new home, or she may hurt one of your kids. If she gets bad enough, you may have to put her to sleep.
Find another vet, if she isn't pure bred, she sure isn't inbred. I had a Yorkie that was inbred, never again. Her puppies were deformed.Good luck.
I agree about being vague. Why will your children not go out there? What do they do if the dog is in the house/
Please don't think I am heartless, but if your pet isn't working out with your family, sell, or give her away and find another. As far as a loyal protecter. Consider breed reputation. Rot weiler plus black lab equals a great dog.
is the dog being / acting mean towards the kids..are they afraid of her or is she just being playful..maybe if the dog is being mean it might be that she is in pain.Sheppard have several inherit problems, which is why the breeding should be done with care, hip dsyplsia leaps to mind..but have never heard of deformed uterus meaning she is inbred.
perhaps we could have a bit more info so we can help / advise you.
I too agree that your question was vague. If the dog is a threat to your children then you need to find it another home, take it to a dog shelter or put to sleep.
I own an inbred dog. he was rescued from a collector that went all over our county answering free puppy ads. He would just take the whole litter from people giving them away. He was a very sick man who really thought he was saving the dog's he was adopting.When he finally got reported he had over 100 dogs in tiny pens all over his property. They were all starving, full of parasites and mange, breeding with their own brothers and sisters, and eating their own young. My poor Wilbur and his brother were the only puppies left in the pen who hadn't been eaten by their parents, who were brother and sister. he was literally skin stretched over bones, covered in mange, and totally unsocialized. He had never been touched by a person before he was rescued. For the first month I had him he was like a lifeless corpse cowering in the corner of his crate. It took several months before we could touch him without him screaming in fear and urinating all over himself. Now four years later, he is a different dog. He is a complete idiot, absolutely retarded, but very loving and sweet. You can tell there is something wrong with him, but he is nowhere near the dog he was when I got him. Work with your dog, hire a trainer. Maybe there is something you can do.
1) get another vet, this one is an idiot
2) take her to obedience class and teach her some manners
If your dog's health is declining, that could be the reason for behavior problems. When you don't feel well, you might act as nice or interact as well with others.
It's sad that some breeders don't watch their genetic pool very well, or are not responsible in breeding for puppies. Even with papers, you might get a dog that was not bred with the best chances for being healthy. Papers are filled out by breeders, and no one checks for "quality" when those papers are mailed to the AKC. Research and patience will find you great breeders.
If the dog's quality of life is slowly or rapidly declining, you might weigh out the humane issues of helping her. Dogs can't always tell us what they need, so look past your own needs and think about what she might want.
You wouldn't know "INBRED" if you stepped in it!
If it's NOT even PURE BRED,there's ABSOLUTELYNO WAY it can be "inbred"!!
"Getting worse" at *WHAT*?
My Dog is in heat.?
How long does it last?
Approx 3 weeks, keep her on a leash and in your sight at all times, when the heat is over, get her spayed.
Estrus ("heat") is the mating period of female animals. When estrus occurs, animals are said to be "in heat" or "in season." Dogs generally have their first estrous cycle at 6-12 months of age. Some females of the large breeds, however, may not have their first estrus until they are 12-24 months of age.
The complete cycle takes about 6 months, resulting in 2 estrous periods each year. Individual variation occurs, but a given female's pattern tends to be repeated regularly.
The estrous cycle can be divided into 4 stages:
1. Proestrus: This stage begins with the appearance of vaginal bleeding. It normally lasts from 4 to 9 days. Male dogs become very interested in the female; however, she will not yet mate with them.
2. Estrus: This is the stage in which the female will accept the male and conception can occur. The vaginal discharge is more yellowish than bloody. Ordinarily, the stage lasts for 4 to 13 days. Your female will stand still and hold her tail to the side when you touch her back or a male dog tries to mount.
3. and 4. Metestrus and anestrus: These 2 stages are periods of ovarian activity, but with no significant outward signs. False pregnancies frequently occur during metestrus.
Some Important Points
* You should consider your pet to be "in season" for 21 days: 7 days coming into heat, 7 days in heat, 7 days going out. Though conception is most likely during the middle 7 days, Mother Nature doesn't always follow the rules. Confine your pet for the entire 3 weeks.
* Remember that the above information is general. Not all females follow these patterns. Consult with the doctor if your pet does not seem typical. Sometimes, cycling problems can be an early warning of more serious problems, and the sooner they are dealt with, the better.
Depends on what kind of dog. Don't listen to that person that gives a list of web sites.
till it stops
you can get your dog spade or neutered to prevent that
I'm not exactly sure, but i do know we have male dogs
visiting for about 2 weeks when our dog goes into heat.
Good Luck to ya
Depends if anyone puts out.
21 days in total- 7 days before, 7 days during %26 7 days after.
Approx 3 weeks, keep her on a leash and in your sight at all times, when the heat is over, get her spayed.
Estrus ("heat") is the mating period of female animals. When estrus occurs, animals are said to be "in heat" or "in season." Dogs generally have their first estrous cycle at 6-12 months of age. Some females of the large breeds, however, may not have their first estrus until they are 12-24 months of age.
The complete cycle takes about 6 months, resulting in 2 estrous periods each year. Individual variation occurs, but a given female's pattern tends to be repeated regularly.
The estrous cycle can be divided into 4 stages:
1. Proestrus: This stage begins with the appearance of vaginal bleeding. It normally lasts from 4 to 9 days. Male dogs become very interested in the female; however, she will not yet mate with them.
2. Estrus: This is the stage in which the female will accept the male and conception can occur. The vaginal discharge is more yellowish than bloody. Ordinarily, the stage lasts for 4 to 13 days. Your female will stand still and hold her tail to the side when you touch her back or a male dog tries to mount.
3. and 4. Metestrus and anestrus: These 2 stages are periods of ovarian activity, but with no significant outward signs. False pregnancies frequently occur during metestrus.
Some Important Points
* You should consider your pet to be "in season" for 21 days: 7 days coming into heat, 7 days in heat, 7 days going out. Though conception is most likely during the middle 7 days, Mother Nature doesn't always follow the rules. Confine your pet for the entire 3 weeks.
* Remember that the above information is general. Not all females follow these patterns. Consult with the doctor if your pet does not seem typical. Sometimes, cycling problems can be an early warning of more serious problems, and the sooner they are dealt with, the better.
Depends on what kind of dog. Don't listen to that person that gives a list of web sites.
till it stops
you can get your dog spade or neutered to prevent that
I'm not exactly sure, but i do know we have male dogs
visiting for about 2 weeks when our dog goes into heat.
Good Luck to ya
Depends if anyone puts out.
21 days in total- 7 days before, 7 days during %26 7 days after.
my dog is in heat,swollen and red boobs where she keeps licking them.anything i can put on them 2 relievepain
my dog is in heat(not pregnant)and as usual she swell up.this is the 1st time ive noticed her licking at her boobs so much(leaking milk).they are red and tender from all of the licking,,,is there anything i can put on her that will relieve the swelling and soreness that will be safe for her if she licks at it.
Please spay the dog. You can call the Humane Society and ask about reduced price or free spaying.
If she is leaking milk, sounds like she is getting ready to have pups!! Are you sure she is not pregnant? The breats do not swell that much when they are in heat. She is either pregnant or having a flase pregnancy. How long has it been since her last heat??
A cool wash cloth held on there for a few min several times a day can help but rubbing balms or lotions on her teats while her ducts are open and leaking can sometimes cause clogged ducts.
Sweetheart, if your dog is producing milk, then she's not in heat. She's pregnant. She can be swollen up because she's getting ready to give birth! If you're positive she's NOT pregnant, then you should take her to a veterinarian, she's probably gotten an infection of some sort and that would be the only thing causing the redness in her 'boobs'. And in that case, it wouldn't be milk, but a more milky-white substance (like pus) that's actually leaking from her teats.
mastitis, see a vet and stop her from licking.get an e-collar
Try these sites.might have what you are looking for.
I have used both of them at different times for my cats.
Are you sure she is not pregnant? Is it possible she had a miscarriage? I have never heard of a cat lactating if not pregnant or nursing.
Good Luck
Call Vet! very unusual- put an Elizabethan collar on her to keep her from irritating her skin,take it off every few hours so she can attend to herself. Watch her to see if she is still abrading her skin.
Ask your vet if udder cream is safe.
You can try bag balm or something cool to soothe her swollen mammary glands. If you are postive she didn't get bred, then she is having a false pregnancy. A false pregnancy can last up to 3 weeks and her breasts will be engorged and painful during that time. You will need to have a vet check her out to make sure she doesn't develop pyometra (uterine infection). She may start to "nest", which is also normal for a false pregnancy. If her mammary glands seem like they are causing her extreme pain or discomfort, consult with your veterinarian about pain meds. Here is a website that explains what a false pregnancy is.
Good luck and I hope you are able to get your dog some relief.
have you tried teething gel like u put on the gums of babies when they are teething? it must be safe if we use in on our own bubs!
if you insist take she is not pregant then you ought to take her to the vet dogs just don't leak milk. i would not wait this could be serious!
Please spay the dog. You can call the Humane Society and ask about reduced price or free spaying.
If she is leaking milk, sounds like she is getting ready to have pups!! Are you sure she is not pregnant? The breats do not swell that much when they are in heat. She is either pregnant or having a flase pregnancy. How long has it been since her last heat??
A cool wash cloth held on there for a few min several times a day can help but rubbing balms or lotions on her teats while her ducts are open and leaking can sometimes cause clogged ducts.
Sweetheart, if your dog is producing milk, then she's not in heat. She's pregnant. She can be swollen up because she's getting ready to give birth! If you're positive she's NOT pregnant, then you should take her to a veterinarian, she's probably gotten an infection of some sort and that would be the only thing causing the redness in her 'boobs'. And in that case, it wouldn't be milk, but a more milky-white substance (like pus) that's actually leaking from her teats.
mastitis, see a vet and stop her from licking.get an e-collar
Try these sites.might have what you are looking for.
I have used both of them at different times for my cats.
Are you sure she is not pregnant? Is it possible she had a miscarriage? I have never heard of a cat lactating if not pregnant or nursing.
Good Luck
Call Vet! very unusual- put an Elizabethan collar on her to keep her from irritating her skin,take it off every few hours so she can attend to herself. Watch her to see if she is still abrading her skin.
Ask your vet if udder cream is safe.
You can try bag balm or something cool to soothe her swollen mammary glands. If you are postive she didn't get bred, then she is having a false pregnancy. A false pregnancy can last up to 3 weeks and her breasts will be engorged and painful during that time. You will need to have a vet check her out to make sure she doesn't develop pyometra (uterine infection). She may start to "nest", which is also normal for a false pregnancy. If her mammary glands seem like they are causing her extreme pain or discomfort, consult with your veterinarian about pain meds. Here is a website that explains what a false pregnancy is.
Good luck and I hope you are able to get your dog some relief.
have you tried teething gel like u put on the gums of babies when they are teething? it must be safe if we use in on our own bubs!
if you insist take she is not pregant then you ought to take her to the vet dogs just don't leak milk. i would not wait this could be serious!
My dog is in heat, does she get cramps just like women do?
Who knows. They are not wienies like people so they would never let you know if they had an issue.
I'm pretty sure they do, sometimes they even bleed like a period.. at least that's my dog did, and the vet said that's supposed to happen.
yes they do and they also bleed just as women on periods. so yes they do get cramps.
awe that's terrible:( I know mine are far worse than before I even had children.I cant imagine for a b.i.t.c.h to have a litter of 11 pups! poor thing! good luck:)
Yes, same construction!
No, dogs do not get cramps!! It would be better for your dog if you got her spayed - then you won't have a mess in the house and much less chance of her getting cancer.
not sure -when my dog is in heat she doesn't seem like shes in pain but you never know
My dog is in heat, and she keep getting blood every where. Is there anything I can put on her?
Yes. There are sanitary belts with pads made for female dogs. you can find them at many pet stores like PetSmart, Petco etc., or online. A couple of sites are and You can order free catalogs from them too.
Of course, the best way to prevent this is to have her spayed after she is done with her cycle!
Take her to thevet to make her feel better.
spay her now. take her 2 a vet. u rn't an experienced enough person, obviously, to breed a dog, and y else would u not spay her. it's not 2 expensive, and u won't have 2 replace bloody things. b sides, it's better 4 her.
go to the pet store. They do sell doggie pads.
get her fixed
Get her spayed now. Then you won't have the mess ever again.
A lot of pet stores have doggie diapers just for that reason. Ask your vet, too. Maybe they carry them.
My daughter bought a little device that looks like panties that hold a mini pad and her dog wears it all during her period. She found the device at the pet store. If you can't get to the pet store then try to tie a rag around the dogs bottom until you can find something better.
go to the pet store and get doggie diapers
Get her fixed
a diaper, but she will probably pull it off. My dog does the same thing. she is also sensitive to things now too. Love her, she cant help it. And get her fixed, like I have to do. Its less expensive when she is out of heat.
you can buy dogie diapers at any pet store or get some baby diapers. just depends how big or little the dog is when you determine the size of the diapers.
The best thing would be getting her spayed. If that isn't an option for you then pet stores sell dog pads.
another dog ?
Any pet store should have diapers you can put on her.
Depending on the size of your pup you can also use the pull up pants for little kids. They're cheaper than dog diapers, they work better because the waist is one piece not something with the little velcro pieces that fall off. You have to cut a hole for the tail though, but I can get a generic brand at walmart and they stay on better - when they are messy you toss them out and get a new one.
Buy some diapers that you think will fit her and keep them on her until she goes out of heat.
My dog is in alot of pain, he has a bad back, are there any over-the-counter medications that i can give him?
Okay, I'm assuming you're asking this question because it's the weekend and you can't get a hold of your vet. I'm sure you're stressing because it's awful watching your pet go through pain and feeling helpless. Been there and done that.
Everything everyone in here has stated so far is true:
- that there are SOME human OTC meds that SOME dogs can take
- but that also IT CAN BE VERY DANGEROUS to give a dog human OTC meds.
Really, truly, only a vet should advise you on which - if any - human OTC meds your dog should take.
If you are unable to get your dog to an ER vet, perhaps you could try calling them . often, they are willing to give out informed advice over the phone.
If that doesn't work, here is a professionally staffed 24 / 7 site that for a very small fee will respond to your question within just a few minutes:
When you jot them your question, be sure to give detailed info about your dog's medical history and back condition as well as his breed, weight, age, etc. so that they can provide you with an informed response.
Best of Luck to you and your dog !!
apirin is Ok if coated (
The pill, not the dog)
yes its called Zantrex 3, it helps reduce the pain from the Dehopshos joint in the dogs back. Get it at a local dog store, (super pet)
You never want to give your animal over the counter meds without consulting your vet. There are some meds that can cause Severe GI upset and even bleeding disorders. Your vet can tell you what human meds are safe to give your animal.
I wouldn't give any human meds for pain, to a dog. They can tolerate some things like kaopectate but I'd get something from the vet for pain.
you should not give your pet any medicine without talking to your vet first.
Glucosamine. Did wonders for our dog. You can get it at any pet store, and it's not too expensive.
Take your dog to the vet, and if he is in constant pain, then maybe you should have him put down. Try to do whats best for the dog and not whats best for you.
I know how much you love your dog, maybe it is time to have your vet step in. and look see.
Be prepaired for the worst news
OTC medications are designed with humans in mind, not animals. Giving it to animal can kill the creature or make him or her very sick.
Call the vet. If he/she knows about the condition, they'll let you know the brand and dosage.
Go to the vet in hurry.
Take him to a vet for the right medicine.
My dog is in 2weeks of her heat?
.and she hasnt been outside and no dogs have been lurkin around our house, and we live in TN and its gettin really cold so i dont think any dog owners would leave their pets outside in the cold, so i think they probably leave ther dogs in the garage or something, i havent seeen any dogs lurking around other peoples yards either.
and we're planning on getting her spayed after her first heat.
and my female dog is beginning to have nipples
is this a normal thing when a female dog is in heat for the very first time?
could she be pregnant? or is this a stage of puberty or something.
Yes, it is normal..
our miniature schnauser had them a year b4 we got her bread. Do not leave her out alone or be far from a door. Males are not gonna stop because you holler no. For some reason their ideas on rape are not the same as modern womans idea.
When female dogs are in heat, there is a blood tinged discharge from the vulva (vagina). If you do not intend to let her be bred it is important to keep her confined where male dogs can not get to her when you are not with her. It is necessary to do this for at least 3 weeks. It is possible to spay a female dog when she is in heat (some vets are uncomfortable doing this but most are willing). You have not mentioned the breed of your dog. For further details you should contact veterinary clinic.
yes its she can be if no dogs have been in her. but mary did have jesus
and we're planning on getting her spayed after her first heat.
and my female dog is beginning to have nipples
is this a normal thing when a female dog is in heat for the very first time?
could she be pregnant? or is this a stage of puberty or something.
Yes, it is normal..
our miniature schnauser had them a year b4 we got her bread. Do not leave her out alone or be far from a door. Males are not gonna stop because you holler no. For some reason their ideas on rape are not the same as modern womans idea.
When female dogs are in heat, there is a blood tinged discharge from the vulva (vagina). If you do not intend to let her be bred it is important to keep her confined where male dogs can not get to her when you are not with her. It is necessary to do this for at least 3 weeks. It is possible to spay a female dog when she is in heat (some vets are uncomfortable doing this but most are willing). You have not mentioned the breed of your dog. For further details you should contact veterinary clinic.
yes its she can be if no dogs have been in her. but mary did have jesus
My dog is howling when alone in the house. How to make her stop that? Neighbours are complaining.?
She is 5 months old, german shepherd cross rotweiller. I got her last Friday. She still doesn't show, that she wants to go out and the house is a mess. HELP!!.
I'm with Laean; she's lonely. And not to mention the probability of her being scared as she's only been with you less then a week. Her surroundings are new to her, she doesn't -know- who you are and no one's with her when you're gone to comfort her.
Laean's suggestion of a ticking clock is great! Usually best works for younger pups, but can work to comfort any age. It represents a heartbeat; younger pups think its their mother's.
The radio and tv are two more great suggestions. It leaves her with some noise to let her think she isn't alone.
You may also want to consider leaving a shirt or other clothing with her so that she has your scent to soothe her when you're not around. It also helps her in recognizing who you are; bringing your bond closer.
Next thing is the house being a mess. Where are you keeping her?? If she has the full run of the house; well her tearing it up is going to happen. With all the changes she's going through, she's going to exhibit her displeasure by doing what she's doing. Besides that, you're not there to correct her behavior. Think of a child left unattended who sneaks into cabinets or colors on walls.
My suggestion to help with the house and potty training would be buying her a crate. Dogs are essentially den animals, even if in the beginning they are scared of the close quarters of a crate. She'll eventually get into it (you can also coax her into it with treats, making it a "good" place and make it a refuge for her) and it'll become her "home". This will prevent your home from being trashed while you're not there. However, a dog should NOT be kept in a crate for any period longer then 4-5 hours.
Crate training a dog is actually very simple and can be such a remedy for rambunctious behavior or puppy training. Visit your local pet store and ask an associate the ins and outs to crate training. Or you can Google more information about it, too.
If crate training's not for you, you can also utilize exercize pens. These are metal pens, usually 16ft in circumference and meant as a sleep, play and for some, a potty area. Because they have a larger area, they can be left in the pen for longer periods then the crate.
She'll also need sufficient entertainment while you're away. Try to give her a variety of toy subjects; like with kids, dogs too can get bored by one thing easily.
And don't forget to reinforce good behavior by rewarding her with treats.
In anycase, give her some time to get used to her new home. And the more you interact with her, the better. Probably the best advice I could suggest would be in ringing the same sentiments as others have; have someone with her when you can't be. Dogs need that companionship, unlike the independency of cats.
Voice activated shock collars. It's drastic, I know,but it works.
My neighbours had police dogs and as part of their training they were kept in a shed at the bottom of the garden and had a bucket of water thrown on them every time they howled. Not sure I would want to do this, but it certainly worked, and very quickly, they had an alsation and a springer spaniel drugs dog and they were both gorgeous dogs
She's lonely
methods that can help include the ticking clock in a blanket, leaving on TV or radio for company, giving her a stuffed animal friend
go to the vet it seems that it is missing her mum there are special medican to make the dog relax
take her for walks. also get somebody to walk her when you are out at wrok etc. she is lonely. dogs are pack animals.
get another dog for company.
Leave her with a friend. Why have you got a dog, if you can't be around to look after her?
It's called seperation anxiety. You need to see a dog trainer about getting this sorted.
Give it a company
Get her some classical music, it will calm her down.
she seems to be lonely and bored
i wouldn't leave her on her own
your house is a new environment
i agree that you should leave her with someone or get somebody to come to your house and stay with her and take her out for walks
I agree with Taz C you shouldn't get a dog if you are going to leave her for long spells, you've only had her a week and already leaving her, not given her long enough to adjust to her new home
you cannot get a puppy and leave it alone for hours. This is sheer mental torture to it. Dogs are by instinct pack animals. What you have done is got a pup, them committed her to solitary confinement. She is litterally going crazy. Find her another home with someone who won't leave her for hours on end as it won't get any better only worse with you having to rehome her once she has developed serious mental problems meaning nobody else will want her and after she has wrecked thousands of pounds worth of your home and the neighbours have got the council involved to prosecute you.
I am stunned and saddended by somne of the things you have been told to do to your puppy. YOU decided to get her even though your home and life is obviously not suitable, then you are supposed to give her electric shocks or chuck cold water over her. For chrissakes, she is a baby and she is very distressed at being made to live in solitary confinement. I thought I had seen and heard most cruelty which people do to animals but I can still be shocked by some people's attitudes. Anyone who uses cruel methods to punish an already distressed baby and inflict pain and fear on it, wants to be shut in a room with me for 15 minutes or prosecuted by the RSPCA.
My suggestion would be to get her used to going outside, even if she doesn't ask to, at least in the morning, noon, and night. She also may be bored and needs something to do. Our dogs (one being a German Shepard and the other an Akita) used to love raw bones from the grocery store, at the meat department (not expensive. Maybe you have to ask the deli person for a left over bone. Your dog may like peanut butter inside of the bone. The Akita didn't. They will keep the dog busy, chewing on the bone for at least the morning, it may need another one the next day or everyother day. Just finding something like that to do. I'm not an expert but its something to try.
your dog will be howling as she's loneley. dogs are social creatures. they also need lots of exersize and fresh air, what you think of as a cold day outside isn't for a dog. they need outside space to use up there energy and also company. when you go out your dog will feel abandond,it canno't do dog things it has to behave as a home alone child and not do any thing to upset you whilst your out.its living in a human home not an enviroment designed for a dog.may be you could get her a kennel for when your out,and or may be a friend.
She is still a baby and you've only had her for a few days so this is all quite predictable behaviour and you can sort these problems out.
She is messing in the house and making a noise because she is anxious. It will take her a while to settle down.
Ideally you should be with her for the next 2 weeks to set the house rules and so she can settle in but it sounds like you are already leaving her alone.
You need to start house training her as if she were a new puppy. Take her out in the garden every time she wakes up and after she has had a play, first thing in the morning, last thing at night etc. Stay with her in the garden until she goes and then reward her. She will then learn that is the place to go! Watch her in the house because she will only learn to ask to go out if she is always supervised and you pick up on her getting restless. Eventually she'll realise that when she goes to the door or barks or whines - whatever her sign is, you'll let her out and so she'll keep doing it. Constant supervision on this is the only way to properly house train her.
With regards to the howling, she needs to settle in before you can leave her alone. You need to build up the periods of time she is happy being left for. Does she follow you from room to room when you are at home? Restrict her to one room so that she can't do this. When you leave the room or the house, do so without fuss so that there isn't a huge difference between you being there and you being out. Make sure she has a few toys that she can play with or something to keep her busy like a plastic bottle stuffed with treats. As she becomes more settled you can leave her for longer periods without her becoming distressed. However, a large dog at this age is still very immature and won't be able to go for longer than 3 or 4 hours without needing to do a wee. You will have to make sure that she is let out during the day or she will keep on having accidents.
Hope things go well - its early days and don't worry, she'll learn!
She's doing it because she misses you. If you think about it logically she has been at one home for 5 months then came to you.. she obviously decided you were very nice and liked being with you over weekend and now she is left alone she is pining for you. Try some interactive toys around the house - look on ebay for them. Also a Kong - make sure u get the biggest one there is as she will be very large dog. Also leave a radio on- if she is the chewing type get a battery powered one and put it somewhere she cant reach. Leave the toys down, put the radio on ,,,and put here where ever u usually leave her.or somewhere she wont trash the house. then nip out of the front door for a couple of mins.try to return before she howls..even if you only go out for 2 mins.DONT MAKE A FUSS OF GOING OUT- TRY TO SNEAK OUT. Then when you come back in, if she has stayed quiet ..say .good girl..give her a really big fuss and hug. Keep doing this all over this weekend..Nip out for 5 mins.just sneak out. and then come back and make a real fuss of her. Eventually she will stop howling. She may be picking up on the fact that you are saying bye to her and that starts her off.
As for toilet training..She prob does do something but it may be a very tiny indication like turning round. you need to train her to do something you want her to. Every hour take her outside.. When she goes to toilet stand near her and say something like 'clean girl good' or 'busy' etc . you need to associate a word with her going to the loo.. also in the house have some paper near the front door. it is quite likely she has been trained at some point to go on paper ..if she does great.half the worry is over.. if she goes on paper. tell her good girl. but always try to get her outside. gradually start moving the paper outside. Also try to ignore if you find she has been in the house.i say if you find as in if you find it after she has been. IF you catch her going to the loo.say uhhhh uhhh noooooo OUTSIDE ..take her outside and say BE CLEAN OR BE BUSY or whatever word u choose to associate with it.. hope that helps. good luck
ps- take her dog training if you at all will really help u plus she will be a very nig dog so u want her to 100 per cent listen to you!
she's just lonely.. don't wont to be by herself.
scared, lonely. different environment.
Don't leave her on her own! She's only a puppy! Would you leave a 5 month old baby on their own? I think not. As she's just been seperated from her mother, she needs someone to be close to. If you're gonna be out all day, why have a puppy in the first place?!
Give her chance you are expecting a lot.You have not had her long try spending time with her.Sshe needs time to get use to you %26 feel safe.
On the howling issue she is just afraid and still a "baby". How would you react if your mother just dumped you in a room and then went away for a long period? I'd be howling the house down too. Try leaving her in a room for a couple of minutes at a time then go back to her. BUT make sure you make a fuss of her when you come back. THis should re-inforce the thought that you will ALWAYS come back to her.
Then increase the length of time you leave her and, again, make a fuss when you return and offer her a treat as a reward. Dogs are suckers for little treats. Then, over time she should recognise that when you go away you will always come back and she can expect either a lot of hugs or a treat on your return.
On the "potty training", the phrase "You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink" comes to mind. A puppy doesn't realise that it can't just P %26 Poo where it likes it needs to be shown. Like most babies you have to show it how to do its business.
As your pup is looking to you for guidance, like it might do to its mother if she were still around, it will do something if you show it. Take her outside and give her a "trigger" word to do what it wants. Something like "piddles" and in a friendly up beat tone. Then if it does something outside make a fuss of her and, maybe, give her a treat for doing it right. If she makes a mistake inside din't shout at her but take her outside and say the "trigger" word to her. If she catches on that outside, "piddles" and treat all go together she will sonn be tapping at the door to do her business.
This worked with both our dogs so I must have done something right. Now mine tap on the patio door when they need to go out and, if I'm not paying attention they stand in front of me and stare me out..see, now they have me trained.but I don't get any teats or hugs! :-(
Hope this helps sort your problems!!
I'm with Laean; she's lonely. And not to mention the probability of her being scared as she's only been with you less then a week. Her surroundings are new to her, she doesn't -know- who you are and no one's with her when you're gone to comfort her.
Laean's suggestion of a ticking clock is great! Usually best works for younger pups, but can work to comfort any age. It represents a heartbeat; younger pups think its their mother's.
The radio and tv are two more great suggestions. It leaves her with some noise to let her think she isn't alone.
You may also want to consider leaving a shirt or other clothing with her so that she has your scent to soothe her when you're not around. It also helps her in recognizing who you are; bringing your bond closer.
Next thing is the house being a mess. Where are you keeping her?? If she has the full run of the house; well her tearing it up is going to happen. With all the changes she's going through, she's going to exhibit her displeasure by doing what she's doing. Besides that, you're not there to correct her behavior. Think of a child left unattended who sneaks into cabinets or colors on walls.
My suggestion to help with the house and potty training would be buying her a crate. Dogs are essentially den animals, even if in the beginning they are scared of the close quarters of a crate. She'll eventually get into it (you can also coax her into it with treats, making it a "good" place and make it a refuge for her) and it'll become her "home". This will prevent your home from being trashed while you're not there. However, a dog should NOT be kept in a crate for any period longer then 4-5 hours.
Crate training a dog is actually very simple and can be such a remedy for rambunctious behavior or puppy training. Visit your local pet store and ask an associate the ins and outs to crate training. Or you can Google more information about it, too.
If crate training's not for you, you can also utilize exercize pens. These are metal pens, usually 16ft in circumference and meant as a sleep, play and for some, a potty area. Because they have a larger area, they can be left in the pen for longer periods then the crate.
She'll also need sufficient entertainment while you're away. Try to give her a variety of toy subjects; like with kids, dogs too can get bored by one thing easily.
And don't forget to reinforce good behavior by rewarding her with treats.
In anycase, give her some time to get used to her new home. And the more you interact with her, the better. Probably the best advice I could suggest would be in ringing the same sentiments as others have; have someone with her when you can't be. Dogs need that companionship, unlike the independency of cats.
Voice activated shock collars. It's drastic, I know,but it works.
My neighbours had police dogs and as part of their training they were kept in a shed at the bottom of the garden and had a bucket of water thrown on them every time they howled. Not sure I would want to do this, but it certainly worked, and very quickly, they had an alsation and a springer spaniel drugs dog and they were both gorgeous dogs
She's lonely
methods that can help include the ticking clock in a blanket, leaving on TV or radio for company, giving her a stuffed animal friend
go to the vet it seems that it is missing her mum there are special medican to make the dog relax
take her for walks. also get somebody to walk her when you are out at wrok etc. she is lonely. dogs are pack animals.
get another dog for company.
Leave her with a friend. Why have you got a dog, if you can't be around to look after her?
It's called seperation anxiety. You need to see a dog trainer about getting this sorted.
Give it a company
Get her some classical music, it will calm her down.
she seems to be lonely and bored
i wouldn't leave her on her own
your house is a new environment
i agree that you should leave her with someone or get somebody to come to your house and stay with her and take her out for walks
I agree with Taz C you shouldn't get a dog if you are going to leave her for long spells, you've only had her a week and already leaving her, not given her long enough to adjust to her new home
you cannot get a puppy and leave it alone for hours. This is sheer mental torture to it. Dogs are by instinct pack animals. What you have done is got a pup, them committed her to solitary confinement. She is litterally going crazy. Find her another home with someone who won't leave her for hours on end as it won't get any better only worse with you having to rehome her once she has developed serious mental problems meaning nobody else will want her and after she has wrecked thousands of pounds worth of your home and the neighbours have got the council involved to prosecute you.
I am stunned and saddended by somne of the things you have been told to do to your puppy. YOU decided to get her even though your home and life is obviously not suitable, then you are supposed to give her electric shocks or chuck cold water over her. For chrissakes, she is a baby and she is very distressed at being made to live in solitary confinement. I thought I had seen and heard most cruelty which people do to animals but I can still be shocked by some people's attitudes. Anyone who uses cruel methods to punish an already distressed baby and inflict pain and fear on it, wants to be shut in a room with me for 15 minutes or prosecuted by the RSPCA.
My suggestion would be to get her used to going outside, even if she doesn't ask to, at least in the morning, noon, and night. She also may be bored and needs something to do. Our dogs (one being a German Shepard and the other an Akita) used to love raw bones from the grocery store, at the meat department (not expensive. Maybe you have to ask the deli person for a left over bone. Your dog may like peanut butter inside of the bone. The Akita didn't. They will keep the dog busy, chewing on the bone for at least the morning, it may need another one the next day or everyother day. Just finding something like that to do. I'm not an expert but its something to try.
your dog will be howling as she's loneley. dogs are social creatures. they also need lots of exersize and fresh air, what you think of as a cold day outside isn't for a dog. they need outside space to use up there energy and also company. when you go out your dog will feel abandond,it canno't do dog things it has to behave as a home alone child and not do any thing to upset you whilst your out.its living in a human home not an enviroment designed for a dog.may be you could get her a kennel for when your out,and or may be a friend.
She is still a baby and you've only had her for a few days so this is all quite predictable behaviour and you can sort these problems out.
She is messing in the house and making a noise because she is anxious. It will take her a while to settle down.
Ideally you should be with her for the next 2 weeks to set the house rules and so she can settle in but it sounds like you are already leaving her alone.
You need to start house training her as if she were a new puppy. Take her out in the garden every time she wakes up and after she has had a play, first thing in the morning, last thing at night etc. Stay with her in the garden until she goes and then reward her. She will then learn that is the place to go! Watch her in the house because she will only learn to ask to go out if she is always supervised and you pick up on her getting restless. Eventually she'll realise that when she goes to the door or barks or whines - whatever her sign is, you'll let her out and so she'll keep doing it. Constant supervision on this is the only way to properly house train her.
With regards to the howling, she needs to settle in before you can leave her alone. You need to build up the periods of time she is happy being left for. Does she follow you from room to room when you are at home? Restrict her to one room so that she can't do this. When you leave the room or the house, do so without fuss so that there isn't a huge difference between you being there and you being out. Make sure she has a few toys that she can play with or something to keep her busy like a plastic bottle stuffed with treats. As she becomes more settled you can leave her for longer periods without her becoming distressed. However, a large dog at this age is still very immature and won't be able to go for longer than 3 or 4 hours without needing to do a wee. You will have to make sure that she is let out during the day or she will keep on having accidents.
Hope things go well - its early days and don't worry, she'll learn!
She's doing it because she misses you. If you think about it logically she has been at one home for 5 months then came to you.. she obviously decided you were very nice and liked being with you over weekend and now she is left alone she is pining for you. Try some interactive toys around the house - look on ebay for them. Also a Kong - make sure u get the biggest one there is as she will be very large dog. Also leave a radio on- if she is the chewing type get a battery powered one and put it somewhere she cant reach. Leave the toys down, put the radio on ,,,and put here where ever u usually leave her.or somewhere she wont trash the house. then nip out of the front door for a couple of mins.try to return before she howls..even if you only go out for 2 mins.DONT MAKE A FUSS OF GOING OUT- TRY TO SNEAK OUT. Then when you come back in, if she has stayed quiet ..say .good girl..give her a really big fuss and hug. Keep doing this all over this weekend..Nip out for 5 mins.just sneak out. and then come back and make a real fuss of her. Eventually she will stop howling. She may be picking up on the fact that you are saying bye to her and that starts her off.
As for toilet training..She prob does do something but it may be a very tiny indication like turning round. you need to train her to do something you want her to. Every hour take her outside.. When she goes to toilet stand near her and say something like 'clean girl good' or 'busy' etc . you need to associate a word with her going to the loo.. also in the house have some paper near the front door. it is quite likely she has been trained at some point to go on paper ..if she does great.half the worry is over.. if she goes on paper. tell her good girl. but always try to get her outside. gradually start moving the paper outside. Also try to ignore if you find she has been in the house.i say if you find as in if you find it after she has been. IF you catch her going to the loo.say uhhhh uhhh noooooo OUTSIDE ..take her outside and say BE CLEAN OR BE BUSY or whatever word u choose to associate with it.. hope that helps. good luck
ps- take her dog training if you at all will really help u plus she will be a very nig dog so u want her to 100 per cent listen to you!
she's just lonely.. don't wont to be by herself.
scared, lonely. different environment.
Don't leave her on her own! She's only a puppy! Would you leave a 5 month old baby on their own? I think not. As she's just been seperated from her mother, she needs someone to be close to. If you're gonna be out all day, why have a puppy in the first place?!
Give her chance you are expecting a lot.You have not had her long try spending time with her.Sshe needs time to get use to you %26 feel safe.
On the howling issue she is just afraid and still a "baby". How would you react if your mother just dumped you in a room and then went away for a long period? I'd be howling the house down too. Try leaving her in a room for a couple of minutes at a time then go back to her. BUT make sure you make a fuss of her when you come back. THis should re-inforce the thought that you will ALWAYS come back to her.
Then increase the length of time you leave her and, again, make a fuss when you return and offer her a treat as a reward. Dogs are suckers for little treats. Then, over time she should recognise that when you go away you will always come back and she can expect either a lot of hugs or a treat on your return.
On the "potty training", the phrase "You can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink" comes to mind. A puppy doesn't realise that it can't just P %26 Poo where it likes it needs to be shown. Like most babies you have to show it how to do its business.
As your pup is looking to you for guidance, like it might do to its mother if she were still around, it will do something if you show it. Take her outside and give her a "trigger" word to do what it wants. Something like "piddles" and in a friendly up beat tone. Then if it does something outside make a fuss of her and, maybe, give her a treat for doing it right. If she makes a mistake inside din't shout at her but take her outside and say the "trigger" word to her. If she catches on that outside, "piddles" and treat all go together she will sonn be tapping at the door to do her business.
This worked with both our dogs so I must have done something right. Now mine tap on the patio door when they need to go out and, if I'm not paying attention they stand in front of me and stare me out..see, now they have me trained.but I don't get any teats or hugs! :-(
Hope this helps sort your problems!!
is there anything i should do? she had one about 45mins. ago, and now she's just pacing back and forth and making werid noises. i gave her some water, but is there anything else i should do?
Make sure each puppy is breathing properly - you might need to clear nose and mouth if the mom's not.
If she's too rough tearing the cords, you might want to cut and tie them to prevent her giving the puppies hernias.
Make sure she's nursing each puppy after it's born and cleaned up.
Count afterbirths to make sure she expels one for each puppy. If not, she'll have to go the vet later for a shot.
Don't let her eat more than one or two afterbirths or she'll get the runs.
Keep calm and just be with her!
1. get off
2. go to a vet
just be there incase she needs help. Also, call your vet and let him know to be ready incase of an emergency.
Keep an eye on her, make sure she is getting them out of the sack, she should have one an average of every 45 min. Maybe rub them to start them breathing better.
No, not really. Instinct tells them what to do. It's too late for your vet to help now. Just let nature take its course.
I hope you have her in a whelping box with lots of warm layers of cloth (easier to clean up) Keep the temp 80 your dog knows what to do, leave her alone unless she needs help. Then call a vet and get off the computer!!
Just sit back and ENJOY! It is Beautiful experince. Totally pamper her from now on, she is about to have her hands full. Congrats!!
Make sure she opens the sac around each puppy, if she doesnt you will have to. Make sure their airways are clear. Of course shes making weird noises, its painful! Just try to keep her comfortable IF YOU ARE UNSURE PLEASE CALL YOUR VET!
Good luck to you.
Be calm and she will be calm. let nature run it's course. If she starts to have trouble or starts bleeding too much or the puppies arent looking good call your local 24 hour vet.
make sure she's veryy warm and in a secluded place because they like to have their pups in seclusion. have the water near her and just make sure she is as comfy as the vet, tell the vet what u have done and than the vet will tell u anything else u need to know
no just watch her n try to make her comfy she is having labor pains but b 4 warned she might take a couple of hours between pups so dont panick as long as she dont go over 3hrs she will b fine
Put her in a quiet room with just you and her in their, make sure she has a warm bed food and water, and just comfort her she will do it on her own, it can take up to 12 o 24 hrs for a dog to have all its putties but after 12 hrs it she hasnt had anymore i would take her to the vet or atleast contact the vet and let them know.
Stay calm, give her towel(s) or blanket(s) so she can lay down when/if she wants. If she lets you near her without stress (for her, not you) fine sit near her. If she gives you any sign she doesn't want you near her then move back and let her be.
Make sure she is removing the sac from each pup after it is birthed. A short time after the pup is born she will deliver the placenta. She will then chew off the umbellical cord and eat the placenta. This is disgusting, but necessary (I can never watch it so I go do something else when this occurs). The new momma needs all the nutritional value she can get from the placenta.
As each puppy arrives momma will get more tired, so she may take longer to clean up the pup and eat the placenta. give her the time to rest as long as the pup is breathing and the sac has been removed let her take care of the rest in her own time!
Good luck and keep us posted!
Make sure she has a soft warm place to have these pups. Ideally a whelping box, but at least some old blankets/towels/whatever you've got. If she is laying down having contractions/straining for more than an hour with no pup, call a vet. If four hours pass between pups (and you think there's more in there) call a vet. If she becomes pale, overly anxious, acts like she is in extreme pain in any way, call a vet. If a pup comes out backwards (tail first) don't worry, they usually come out fine. If a pup seems 'stuck' lube your finger with ky jelly or vaseline and VERY GENTLY slide your finger in to help her and VERY SLOWLY and GENTLY try to help ease the pup out in time with the mama's contractions. If you don't feel comfortable doing this or it doesn't work call a vet. (Luckily this rarely happens).
And if you don't want to go through all this again, be sure to have your dog spayed after the pups are weaned.
no you don't need to do anything, just keep an eye on her to make sure that she is fine. it is normal what she is doing. i breed golden retrievers and my female does the same thing. the only time you would need to call the vet is if she is having trouble delivering. i go through this very same thing when my female is prego. so don't worry about her just let her do it by herself. congrats on your new additions. it will be fun to have them around. my dog is due with next litter on nov 8th, and so far she has 7 pups and she might be carrying more than that i guess we will see. good luck
Make sure each puppy is breathing properly - you might need to clear nose and mouth if the mom's not.
If she's too rough tearing the cords, you might want to cut and tie them to prevent her giving the puppies hernias.
Make sure she's nursing each puppy after it's born and cleaned up.
Count afterbirths to make sure she expels one for each puppy. If not, she'll have to go the vet later for a shot.
Don't let her eat more than one or two afterbirths or she'll get the runs.
Keep calm and just be with her!
1. get off
2. go to a vet
just be there incase she needs help. Also, call your vet and let him know to be ready incase of an emergency.
Keep an eye on her, make sure she is getting them out of the sack, she should have one an average of every 45 min. Maybe rub them to start them breathing better.
No, not really. Instinct tells them what to do. It's too late for your vet to help now. Just let nature take its course.
I hope you have her in a whelping box with lots of warm layers of cloth (easier to clean up) Keep the temp 80 your dog knows what to do, leave her alone unless she needs help. Then call a vet and get off the computer!!
Just sit back and ENJOY! It is Beautiful experince. Totally pamper her from now on, she is about to have her hands full. Congrats!!
Make sure she opens the sac around each puppy, if she doesnt you will have to. Make sure their airways are clear. Of course shes making weird noises, its painful! Just try to keep her comfortable IF YOU ARE UNSURE PLEASE CALL YOUR VET!
Good luck to you.
Be calm and she will be calm. let nature run it's course. If she starts to have trouble or starts bleeding too much or the puppies arent looking good call your local 24 hour vet.
make sure she's veryy warm and in a secluded place because they like to have their pups in seclusion. have the water near her and just make sure she is as comfy as the vet, tell the vet what u have done and than the vet will tell u anything else u need to know
no just watch her n try to make her comfy she is having labor pains but b 4 warned she might take a couple of hours between pups so dont panick as long as she dont go over 3hrs she will b fine
Put her in a quiet room with just you and her in their, make sure she has a warm bed food and water, and just comfort her she will do it on her own, it can take up to 12 o 24 hrs for a dog to have all its putties but after 12 hrs it she hasnt had anymore i would take her to the vet or atleast contact the vet and let them know.
Stay calm, give her towel(s) or blanket(s) so she can lay down when/if she wants. If she lets you near her without stress (for her, not you) fine sit near her. If she gives you any sign she doesn't want you near her then move back and let her be.
Make sure she is removing the sac from each pup after it is birthed. A short time after the pup is born she will deliver the placenta. She will then chew off the umbellical cord and eat the placenta. This is disgusting, but necessary (I can never watch it so I go do something else when this occurs). The new momma needs all the nutritional value she can get from the placenta.
As each puppy arrives momma will get more tired, so she may take longer to clean up the pup and eat the placenta. give her the time to rest as long as the pup is breathing and the sac has been removed let her take care of the rest in her own time!
Good luck and keep us posted!
Make sure she has a soft warm place to have these pups. Ideally a whelping box, but at least some old blankets/towels/whatever you've got. If she is laying down having contractions/straining for more than an hour with no pup, call a vet. If four hours pass between pups (and you think there's more in there) call a vet. If she becomes pale, overly anxious, acts like she is in extreme pain in any way, call a vet. If a pup comes out backwards (tail first) don't worry, they usually come out fine. If a pup seems 'stuck' lube your finger with ky jelly or vaseline and VERY GENTLY slide your finger in to help her and VERY SLOWLY and GENTLY try to help ease the pup out in time with the mama's contractions. If you don't feel comfortable doing this or it doesn't work call a vet. (Luckily this rarely happens).
And if you don't want to go through all this again, be sure to have your dog spayed after the pups are weaned.
no you don't need to do anything, just keep an eye on her to make sure that she is fine. it is normal what she is doing. i breed golden retrievers and my female does the same thing. the only time you would need to call the vet is if she is having trouble delivering. i go through this very same thing when my female is prego. so don't worry about her just let her do it by herself. congrats on your new additions. it will be fun to have them around. my dog is due with next litter on nov 8th, and so far she has 7 pups and she might be carrying more than that i guess we will see. good luck
my dog is having a white discharge from her genital?
i saw her tummy and she has like red spots with white on them, but then i noticed she was liking her genital alot, i notice she has like a white discharge i am worried.
ewww, herpes
shes pregant.
I can only assume that unless she has been neutered she is up the duff !
I am not sure what is wrong with your dog but she should be seen by a vet. Any time you think your dog is ill you should take her to the vet they have the answers. Asking these kind of questions here is not getting her well.
Time to see the Vet ASAP.
My dog has the same thing from time to time, usually after a dream,. puberty?
Probably an infection. You will need to take her to the vet and have them do a culture.
ewww, herpes
shes pregant.
I can only assume that unless she has been neutered she is up the duff !
I am not sure what is wrong with your dog but she should be seen by a vet. Any time you think your dog is ill you should take her to the vet they have the answers. Asking these kind of questions here is not getting her well.
Time to see the Vet ASAP.
My dog has the same thing from time to time, usually after a dream,. puberty?
Probably an infection. You will need to take her to the vet and have them do a culture.
My Dog is getting out alot and if he dosent stop he is going to be killed. Help?!?
Out of house? or yard?
If it is the house, install a screen door, that opens the opposite side of the door frame..They are enexpensive..
In yard? Intall an electric fence..You can get the kit at all garden supplies..
Get a better fence, leash, or leash holder whatever u use.
there is a undergroud electric fence you could try that.
Train your dog with praise and reward. Making sure that your dog loves his home will make him return on his own until you figure out how to build a fence or buy a leash.
Try and keep him in the house in a crate.
Take him to doggie day care while you are out.
ask a family, friend or neighbor to care for him while you are out for day.
Good Luck!
Try being more of a companion to the dog by playing 'fetch' and giving the dog treats. He'll come to you more often and look to you for some excitement.
Also, give him treats whenever he appears to be anxious about anything, In time, and as dogs get older, they appreciate their master.
Is he neutered? What is he attraction to the great outdoors?!?
This may sound strange but it has worked for us but we have a small-medium size dog that stays inside. Get a cinder block %26 tie a leash to it then put the dog on the leash of course get a long the dog can move around %26 we put a pillow or dog mat down for ours. She was always escaping. By the way this is not cruel I have ask. It is if you do not let them off to get food %26 water though, Our dog also had a habit of doing business in the house in places she thought we didn't look, I should mention we were living in an apt. now a house %26 she is put outside during the day when it is pretty. She loves it
I had this problem too, but I put my dog in a fence, that was in a fence two fences. But in your case
*get him neutered, stop his attracktion to females thats the basic problem with male dogs.
*get rid of a doggy door
*get a cage for your dog
*tie him up on a long/strong rope or cord outside to get exercise, (it will make him less jumpy and ready to run away.)
*Tire him out so he won't want to run away.
*train him to stay in the yard.
talk to you later cuttie.
p.s. I'm a single, popular, white girl :)
love u
Training, training, training. Sounds like you need to persue positive training with your dog. If your dog is getting out of the yard, you either need to set up a proper fence (of fix the possible escape holes) or at least use a doggie tie out. If he's getting out of the home, you can work on training him to "wait" at the door. It takes time, persistence and paitience to train for this and a treat reward (soft treats are the best choice, cuz they simply like them better) to teach him not to dart the minute the door is opened. Put him on a leash, at the door, instruct wait and open. When he attempts to run, reposition him to the proper spot. When he finally does wait as you instruct, then praise and reward him for doing the right thing. Eventually you will add "okay" as the release word to let him know when it's okay to go. Do this enough times and eventually, he'll get it. Always reward for doing the right thing and never physically discipline for not getting it right. It only makes them scared and less likely to do as you ask.
Give him more personal activity when you get home or before you leave for the day. take him for a walk 30 to 40 minutes let him do his business.. and you get exercise too. dogs get bored waiting for their (pack leader) to give them the daily activity they need. The trick is to be consistent with his activities.
first of all i have three mini dach they are inside dogs.I do let them out 3 to 6 times a day to do their buisness you know #1 and # 3 i have to keep them in check but that is way i do it.
My dog is German Shepard cross Labrador. Wants to know how to find out whether its a pure breed?
My dog is 8 weeks old %26 it does not have a nose which is completely black. I want to know whether it is a disqualification?
If one of the parents was chocolate or yellow Lab, the pup might very well have a lighter colored nose, like that parent.
No, being a Lab x Shepherd, your dog is NOT a pure bred. However, it is a cross between two very good breeds and likely will be a wonderful pet for your family. Both breeds are eager to please the humans in their family, both are very intelligent. Shepherds are occasionally too aggressive with strangers, Labs too friendly. Mixing the breeds results in just about the perfect mix!
I am not at all sure what 'disqualification' you are refering to. The only time I think of disqualification in dogs is in the AKC show ring, and as your pup is in no way going to be entering that arena, I am at a loss to what you are talking about.
If your dog is a German Shepard CROSS with a Lab then no its not a purebred its a mixed or crossed breed..the only way to be PURE BRED is to only be of one bred, as in BOTH parents are the same breed %26 it has to be a registered breed to be classified as a pure bred..and a disqualification for what?? Only pure breds can be shown %26 like I said if it is a cross then there are no set standards for mixes
your dog is a mongrel not a purebred
Just by being a cross, it is eliminated as a pure bred. The term " pure bred" refers to dogs of pure lineage to one breed
Lab/shephard mixes are the best combination there is though
ask him,,, simply
You have already answered your question, you say your dog is a German Shepard cross Labrador, therefore it can not be a pure breed. Pure breeds are when the dog is not crossed with another breed. Also I dont think you can show cross breeds in professional shows, they need to be pure breed and hold their pedigree papers. Another point too, I also think if you did have a pure breed, the discoloration of the nose would be a disqualification. I had a show chasmere lop rabbit who obtained a spot on his nose and he was no longer allow to be shown. Not sure if dog showing applies to this matter though.
You have just answered you own question. If any dog is a cross then it it is not a purebred.
this one is simple, cross breeds arent pure breeds - your dog is not pure.
the nose is often light until the dog is more mature, at about 12 weeks..It means nothing about purebred or not..
congratulations on your new puppy!
look at these pictures! He is going to be very handsome>
Well your doggy is a thorougher bread mongrel but i bet he's lovely.
You have the 2 best breeds mixed there and they both lovely loyal intelligent dog's so you cant go wrong can you.
Enjoy your new pet and may you have many long happy year's together :O)
If its mixed it's a mut which means it's not a pure bread dog.
It's a MUTT/MONGREL!! There are NO "disqualifications" for MUTT/MONGRELS cuz there's NO BREED STANDARD!! Cuz.they're **NOT** any "breed"!
There's NO SUCH THING as "pure breed"..there ARE "pure bred" animals..You don't have one.
If the dog is part GSD and part Lab it is NOT A PUREBRED - it is a mixed breed, a mongrel, a mutt.
Great pet but NOT a purebred anything. Period,
You can not show it. You can not register it or any puppies it ever produces (at least no with any legitimate keenel club anywhere.)
Being only "part" of a breed does not make it a purebreed member of the breed
GO here to read about the recognized breeds (these are what is calld purebeeds) and the standards for each breed.
And here to read about registration
It's not a pure breed if it's mixed with something
If one of the parents was chocolate or yellow Lab, the pup might very well have a lighter colored nose, like that parent.
No, being a Lab x Shepherd, your dog is NOT a pure bred. However, it is a cross between two very good breeds and likely will be a wonderful pet for your family. Both breeds are eager to please the humans in their family, both are very intelligent. Shepherds are occasionally too aggressive with strangers, Labs too friendly. Mixing the breeds results in just about the perfect mix!
I am not at all sure what 'disqualification' you are refering to. The only time I think of disqualification in dogs is in the AKC show ring, and as your pup is in no way going to be entering that arena, I am at a loss to what you are talking about.
If your dog is a German Shepard CROSS with a Lab then no its not a purebred its a mixed or crossed breed..the only way to be PURE BRED is to only be of one bred, as in BOTH parents are the same breed %26 it has to be a registered breed to be classified as a pure bred..and a disqualification for what?? Only pure breds can be shown %26 like I said if it is a cross then there are no set standards for mixes
your dog is a mongrel not a purebred
Just by being a cross, it is eliminated as a pure bred. The term " pure bred" refers to dogs of pure lineage to one breed
Lab/shephard mixes are the best combination there is though
ask him,,, simply
You have already answered your question, you say your dog is a German Shepard cross Labrador, therefore it can not be a pure breed. Pure breeds are when the dog is not crossed with another breed. Also I dont think you can show cross breeds in professional shows, they need to be pure breed and hold their pedigree papers. Another point too, I also think if you did have a pure breed, the discoloration of the nose would be a disqualification. I had a show chasmere lop rabbit who obtained a spot on his nose and he was no longer allow to be shown. Not sure if dog showing applies to this matter though.
You have just answered you own question. If any dog is a cross then it it is not a purebred.
this one is simple, cross breeds arent pure breeds - your dog is not pure.
the nose is often light until the dog is more mature, at about 12 weeks..It means nothing about purebred or not..
congratulations on your new puppy!
look at these pictures! He is going to be very handsome>
Well your doggy is a thorougher bread mongrel but i bet he's lovely.
You have the 2 best breeds mixed there and they both lovely loyal intelligent dog's so you cant go wrong can you.
Enjoy your new pet and may you have many long happy year's together :O)
If its mixed it's a mut which means it's not a pure bread dog.
It's a MUTT/MONGREL!! There are NO "disqualifications" for MUTT/MONGRELS cuz there's NO BREED STANDARD!! Cuz.they're **NOT** any "breed"!
There's NO SUCH THING as "pure breed"..there ARE "pure bred" animals..You don't have one.
If the dog is part GSD and part Lab it is NOT A PUREBRED - it is a mixed breed, a mongrel, a mutt.
Great pet but NOT a purebred anything. Period,
You can not show it. You can not register it or any puppies it ever produces (at least no with any legitimate keenel club anywhere.)
Being only "part" of a breed does not make it a purebreed member of the breed
GO here to read about the recognized breeds (these are what is calld purebeeds) and the standards for each breed.
And here to read about registration
It's not a pure breed if it's mixed with something
My dog is eating his own hair.not off of him, but off the floor??
He sheds quite a bit (as usual), and if i dont' vacuum every other day it collects in the corners (hardwood floors, so the hair all gathers in corners %26 under things). Out of nowhere today he ran around my bedroom and was eating all these clumps of hair!! I made him stop %26 then when I wasn't looking he did it again!. WTF?!?!?!?!
Now It is not off the wall for the dog to eat hair let him out so he can eat some grass he has an upset tummy I have a small dog who does the ame if I change her for or certian kinds of people food and that can cause tummy upsets so next to grass if they can't get it hair is the next best thing to a dog. It's there upset tummy causing them to do too.
it might be left over food i doubt he will eat hair
I don't know, but I've seen a dog eat grass. My grandmother said it was because of an upset stomach.
Your doggy has found a new eating game. Watch him closely and give him a firm "NO.BAD DOG" each time. A better way to speed up the training is to get a large clump of hair and put it about two feet(maybe closer) in front of him. When he goes for it, give the no command.
do not let him accomplish his mission. Each time he make an attempt repeat the command. After a 10 or 15 minute session give him a treat. After a few sessions he should be cured of this habit.
Grooming your dog (brush his coat) daily will help you to collect the hairs better.
Good Luck.
I dont think hes that dumb to eat his own hair.
usually dogs are smart.
I don't know why some people are doubting that your dog has started eating his own hair.some dogs will eat just about anything. My lab/boxer mix eats wood chips, for crying out loud. And it's not a dumb thing..some people.
My brother's beagle eats his own hair..and sometimes my male cat tries to eat the clumps I brush out of him.
Anyways, I agree with the poster who said it's a food game. This can sometimes stem from boredom. I'm not saying it's your fault, obviously we can't entertain them all the time, but they do get bored and find the strangest things to entertain themselves with.
Try the training mentioned above. It's pretty similar to the "off" command I'm teaching my dog to curb his chasing instinct.
Good luck!
make sure you do vacum every day and make sure you brush him outside then hopefully he wont have any hairs to eat !
Now It is not off the wall for the dog to eat hair let him out so he can eat some grass he has an upset tummy I have a small dog who does the ame if I change her for or certian kinds of people food and that can cause tummy upsets so next to grass if they can't get it hair is the next best thing to a dog. It's there upset tummy causing them to do too.
it might be left over food i doubt he will eat hair
I don't know, but I've seen a dog eat grass. My grandmother said it was because of an upset stomach.
Your doggy has found a new eating game. Watch him closely and give him a firm "NO.BAD DOG" each time. A better way to speed up the training is to get a large clump of hair and put it about two feet(maybe closer) in front of him. When he goes for it, give the no command.
do not let him accomplish his mission. Each time he make an attempt repeat the command. After a 10 or 15 minute session give him a treat. After a few sessions he should be cured of this habit.
Grooming your dog (brush his coat) daily will help you to collect the hairs better.
Good Luck.
I dont think hes that dumb to eat his own hair.
usually dogs are smart.
I don't know why some people are doubting that your dog has started eating his own hair.some dogs will eat just about anything. My lab/boxer mix eats wood chips, for crying out loud. And it's not a dumb thing..some people.
My brother's beagle eats his own hair..and sometimes my male cat tries to eat the clumps I brush out of him.
Anyways, I agree with the poster who said it's a food game. This can sometimes stem from boredom. I'm not saying it's your fault, obviously we can't entertain them all the time, but they do get bored and find the strangest things to entertain themselves with.
Try the training mentioned above. It's pretty similar to the "off" command I'm teaching my dog to curb his chasing instinct.
Good luck!
make sure you do vacum every day and make sure you brush him outside then hopefully he wont have any hairs to eat !
My dog is dying.?
My 15 yr old dog is dying but refuses to die. My mom's against putting her to sleep and we just stress ourselves out watching over her. Any other alternatives?
I am so sorry and I know what you are going through. I had a Doberman Pinscher dying of cancer.He lived quite awhile on pain meds,but eventually he got worse. I didn't want to see him suffer so I told myself I'd take him to the vet the next morning to have him euthanized.On the way to the vet he passed away.The following year my daughter's dog had cancer,we had his leg amputated but the cancer must have spread and was suffering something terrible. My daughter couldn't make herself help stop his missery so as bad as it hurt me I still took him to the vet and stayed at his side until he took his last breath. I felt a tremendous pain in my heart but I know I did what was right,the dog had no more pain. Maybe if your mother can't bring herself to take the dog to the vet,another family member could be her rock. Once again, my heart goes out to you and your family.You may want to type in rainbow bridge on your computer, this is a poem and it may help comfort your mother for the loss of her beloved pet.
I'm sorry your dog is dying, if he/she isn't in any pain I would just make life as comfortable as possible and try to enjoy your last days.
Dog will die when his time will be over. Give him as comfort as possible.
what do you mean she is trying to die? What are her symptoms? How is she behaving?
I would try to just make her as comfortable as possible. She doesn't deserve to suffer Please consult the vet to find out exactly how to do that.
Can your dog still eat? If so, maybe feed him/her the best meal ever and make them really comfy so that they feel contented enough to let go? Its a tough one.
sorry about that.its life.
but try to show your dog as much love as possible before it goes. :)
i'm sorry to hear that. if the dog is suffering, though, i would put her to sleep.
It will only get worse. You need to put him down. My uncle had to put his 22 year old cat down himself with milk mixed with the powder from tylenol capsules. The cat kept falling and losing control of his bowls. It was awful. You don't want to see that. Please put him out of his misery.
When my last dog was dying we thought it was best to hold on and let him go peacefully. Then, he got to the point where he would hardly eat. We took him to the vet and found out that he was probably in a lot of pain, but couldn't express it. His organs were literally turning to mush. We said our goodbyes and left him there. Putting animals to sleep is painless for them and the humane thing to do when they are suffering.
The humane thing to do is to put the dog to sleep. Let your mother know how hard it is for you to watch this long time friend suffer. The vet may be helpful. Good luck with your journey.
I am sorry for your loss.and wish you the best.
what makes you think the dog is dieing? has the dogs health been checked by a vet? if so what did the vet recommend? if the dog is not in pain then let it do what nature intended , if it is in pain seek a vet. one never knows how long we have been given by the grace of GOD. It could be minuets or months. death isnt something you can hurry unless ya go to a vet. mouse died this summer at the ripe age of 5. it took 6 months from time he was diagnosed as dieing to actually die . love you dog .and he will love back even on his death bed
I am so sorry to hear your dog is trying to die. Animals will try to live as long as they can because they do not want to disappoint their human families. Show your dog all the love you can ,but if she is hurting please consider euthanizing her.. I am so sorry for your pending loss. Nancy
Ask the vet if she's in any pain. If she is, you OWE it to her to have her put down. Do you really think that dog wants to lie there in pain or feeling like a lump of crap?
I am so sorry and I know what you are going through. I had a Doberman Pinscher dying of cancer.He lived quite awhile on pain meds,but eventually he got worse. I didn't want to see him suffer so I told myself I'd take him to the vet the next morning to have him euthanized.On the way to the vet he passed away.The following year my daughter's dog had cancer,we had his leg amputated but the cancer must have spread and was suffering something terrible. My daughter couldn't make herself help stop his missery so as bad as it hurt me I still took him to the vet and stayed at his side until he took his last breath. I felt a tremendous pain in my heart but I know I did what was right,the dog had no more pain. Maybe if your mother can't bring herself to take the dog to the vet,another family member could be her rock. Once again, my heart goes out to you and your family.You may want to type in rainbow bridge on your computer, this is a poem and it may help comfort your mother for the loss of her beloved pet.
I'm sorry your dog is dying, if he/she isn't in any pain I would just make life as comfortable as possible and try to enjoy your last days.
Dog will die when his time will be over. Give him as comfort as possible.
what do you mean she is trying to die? What are her symptoms? How is she behaving?
I would try to just make her as comfortable as possible. She doesn't deserve to suffer Please consult the vet to find out exactly how to do that.
Can your dog still eat? If so, maybe feed him/her the best meal ever and make them really comfy so that they feel contented enough to let go? Its a tough one.
sorry about that.its life.
but try to show your dog as much love as possible before it goes. :)
i'm sorry to hear that. if the dog is suffering, though, i would put her to sleep.
It will only get worse. You need to put him down. My uncle had to put his 22 year old cat down himself with milk mixed with the powder from tylenol capsules. The cat kept falling and losing control of his bowls. It was awful. You don't want to see that. Please put him out of his misery.
When my last dog was dying we thought it was best to hold on and let him go peacefully. Then, he got to the point where he would hardly eat. We took him to the vet and found out that he was probably in a lot of pain, but couldn't express it. His organs were literally turning to mush. We said our goodbyes and left him there. Putting animals to sleep is painless for them and the humane thing to do when they are suffering.
The humane thing to do is to put the dog to sleep. Let your mother know how hard it is for you to watch this long time friend suffer. The vet may be helpful. Good luck with your journey.
I am sorry for your loss.and wish you the best.
what makes you think the dog is dieing? has the dogs health been checked by a vet? if so what did the vet recommend? if the dog is not in pain then let it do what nature intended , if it is in pain seek a vet. one never knows how long we have been given by the grace of GOD. It could be minuets or months. death isnt something you can hurry unless ya go to a vet. mouse died this summer at the ripe age of 5. it took 6 months from time he was diagnosed as dieing to actually die . love you dog .and he will love back even on his death bed
I am so sorry to hear your dog is trying to die. Animals will try to live as long as they can because they do not want to disappoint their human families. Show your dog all the love you can ,but if she is hurting please consider euthanizing her.. I am so sorry for your pending loss. Nancy
Ask the vet if she's in any pain. If she is, you OWE it to her to have her put down. Do you really think that dog wants to lie there in pain or feeling like a lump of crap?
my dog is dead and i cant syop dreaming bout her!?
Those dreams are a gift, whether of a pet or a person you loved who is now gone. I love it when my late father visits me in my dreams.
that only means you love her a lot.
Dont worrie it just means that you love her and miss her so much! this is normal!
mmm hard one ,i don't want you to stop thinking about your dog. dog are mans best friend and it seems you had one good dog,I'm a dog lover, when they go ill be sad,
but when they go and they will go, I'm happy,because they gave me so much love ,
may i suggest you try and think of all the good thing about your dog and write it in a book with pictures,so that when your feeling low you can re fare to the book,and still have happy thoughts
you still havent moved on but thats okay just move on when you think its right. if you still have dreams bout her(if theyre good dreams)that will help you remember her.
I think she is just saying goodbye, so say a prayer for her before you sleep, yes, you can pray for your pet too.
In time the dreams will lessen and fade but for now your subconscious lets you dream to make the death less painful for you.Its also OK to cry for it too lessens the grief. I've had several pets of mine die and move on. Yes, I do believe that animals have souls- they feel,remember,reason and so on and then too why would God make them if He did not enjoy them too and why Animals are so much made of love. There are those who had near death experiences and there waiting and making it less scared was their pet or pets-happy. I picture my dog who died sev.years ago running in a meadow with the breeze rustling the grasses with all the other dogs HAPPY.
your dog is in the haven the happy place,nothing wrong dreaming about your dog, it shows how much you loved her. maybe u should try to adopt another puppy.. just the suggestion..
That's perfectly normal and you may dream about her for a bit yet. Additionally, it could also mean that she's coming to you in your dreams to try and assure you that she's ok. Go to this website:
After 30 years I had a dream about my grandfather - my mom loved the story.
people and animals are never dead if they are thought about by the ones who loved them
my dog is constipated and she needs help from home because i dont have vet money and she is very drowsy like?
she needs help quick
you need to get her to a vet now.ask them if you can make paymenst.
obviously something is very wrong.
I do think you need to take her to a vet. You might try giving her (orally) mineral oil.
My bf's dog was constipated one time. The vet said to give her a childs enema! You can get them at Rite Aid or a place like that. They are fairly inexpensive.
take the dog to the vet or animal hospital now! constipation is usually a sign of something more serious. dogs can get what is called an Intussusception. That is where the bowels turn in on itself like the pieces of a telescope. It's usually caused by a blockage. unless it's taken care of, the mortality rate is 100%.
whatever the cause is, don't let your dog suffer cause you can't afford medical care. You're dog doesn't understand "i'm sorry, I just don't have the money".
Call a vet and explain your monetary circumstances, they may be willing to take payments. but don't just do nothing and don't try to treat the dog yourself without the advice of a vet, you could seriously hurt your dog and make things worse.
people who don't have money for vet bills should NOT have pets. Would you have a child if you couldn't afford food, diapers and hospital bills? Of course not (at least I hope not). Im sure you love your dog, but if you were honest with yourself, you would have allowed it to have a home that can care for it properly. Sorry to sound cold, but I rescue animals and I spend over a $1500 a month on other people's pet's vet bills. (which of course don't get returned to them) Being a responsible owner means admitting you cant properly provide for them, and not buy one.
Chances are your dogs not constipated, but has an obstruction. she needs checked by a vet. If you cant afford that, then you should give her away, or turn her into a human shelter where she can get help.. please dont let her suffer because you are broke.
i know with cats you can use milk and it might make a dog go but it will also give a chance of them having the sh*ts
mi puppies wur constipated try putting warm water on its bottom that worked 4 me!i hope it works!
try giving them a little bit of either mineral oil or a laxitive but only in little amounts and make sure they are out side.If it doesnt get better in 24 hr. the vet would be the best thing as they might have something blocking their digestive tract.
Your dog does need help use a credit card at the vet many accept them. If you don't have credit ask for a payment plan probably will have to put a deposit of some amount down though. You can try feeding you dog some canned pumpkin to get her bowels moving til you get her to the vet but don't allow this to go on more than a day longer. Good luck! You may also give your dog up to a rescue organization who will find someone to adopt her and pay her expenses *i know this would stink for you but your dog would then be taken care of for this issue.
Good wishes to your dog.
give her a fish oil pill once a day until she goes. then stop giving her them pill. you can get them at any store that sells vitamin. also look in the animal section of any store. actually it looks like there is gel in it. my collie mix uses them and it works good on him.
you need to get her to a vet now.ask them if you can make paymenst.
obviously something is very wrong.
I do think you need to take her to a vet. You might try giving her (orally) mineral oil.
My bf's dog was constipated one time. The vet said to give her a childs enema! You can get them at Rite Aid or a place like that. They are fairly inexpensive.
take the dog to the vet or animal hospital now! constipation is usually a sign of something more serious. dogs can get what is called an Intussusception. That is where the bowels turn in on itself like the pieces of a telescope. It's usually caused by a blockage. unless it's taken care of, the mortality rate is 100%.
whatever the cause is, don't let your dog suffer cause you can't afford medical care. You're dog doesn't understand "i'm sorry, I just don't have the money".
Call a vet and explain your monetary circumstances, they may be willing to take payments. but don't just do nothing and don't try to treat the dog yourself without the advice of a vet, you could seriously hurt your dog and make things worse.
people who don't have money for vet bills should NOT have pets. Would you have a child if you couldn't afford food, diapers and hospital bills? Of course not (at least I hope not). Im sure you love your dog, but if you were honest with yourself, you would have allowed it to have a home that can care for it properly. Sorry to sound cold, but I rescue animals and I spend over a $1500 a month on other people's pet's vet bills. (which of course don't get returned to them) Being a responsible owner means admitting you cant properly provide for them, and not buy one.
Chances are your dogs not constipated, but has an obstruction. she needs checked by a vet. If you cant afford that, then you should give her away, or turn her into a human shelter where she can get help.. please dont let her suffer because you are broke.
i know with cats you can use milk and it might make a dog go but it will also give a chance of them having the sh*ts
mi puppies wur constipated try putting warm water on its bottom that worked 4 me!i hope it works!
try giving them a little bit of either mineral oil or a laxitive but only in little amounts and make sure they are out side.If it doesnt get better in 24 hr. the vet would be the best thing as they might have something blocking their digestive tract.
Your dog does need help use a credit card at the vet many accept them. If you don't have credit ask for a payment plan probably will have to put a deposit of some amount down though. You can try feeding you dog some canned pumpkin to get her bowels moving til you get her to the vet but don't allow this to go on more than a day longer. Good luck! You may also give your dog up to a rescue organization who will find someone to adopt her and pay her expenses *i know this would stink for you but your dog would then be taken care of for this issue.
Good wishes to your dog.
give her a fish oil pill once a day until she goes. then stop giving her them pill. you can get them at any store that sells vitamin. also look in the animal section of any store. actually it looks like there is gel in it. my collie mix uses them and it works good on him.
My Dog is constantly scratching but no fleas?? Help.?
This past summer(beginning of august) i found a flea on my dog so I have her a flea bath and combed her out, only finding two fleas. I waited 3 weeks (end of august) (as the flea shampoo instructed) and gave her another flea bath just to make sure, and found nothing. Ever since then she is constantly scratching, and biting herself. I found little bite marks on her inner legs from her biting herself, to satisfy the itching i assume? I brought her into the groomers to have them take a look at her, and they also said she has no fleas. Does she have some sort of skin problem? If so, are there any type of lotion products to soothe her skin?
allergy. or dry skin. when you bathe her, use a hypo allergenic shampoo and follow up with an oatmeal conditioner. i had the same problem.
In our area, winters are really dry time of year. We bought a humidifier last year for our home, and this has really helped. Our little Doxie has really dry skin and this humidifier we got makes a big difference. He doesn't get that dry skin so much and neither do we.
On another note, this could be an allergy and checking in with the vet on this possibility is also a good idea.
He may have allergies or a skin condition. Best to have the vet diagnose him.
Besides the hypo allergenic shampoo and conditioners, I feed my dog Brewers yest pills. I just put them in with his feed in the morning or feed them as treats. I've been feeding them to him for a year now and he's stopped sraching. Also Bewers yeast helps with appitie.
Our dog has terrible allergies. Our vet said that we can give him up to 2 Benadryl (he's 79 pounds) if he is scratching a lot. My grandma's dog also has allergies, but he's quite a bit smaller (about 12 pounds), so she gives him Children's Benadryl.
As others mentioned, it could be dry skin too, especially if you have been bathing him a lot.
We use Chlorhexiderm shampoo for our dog and it really helps. It was recommended by our vet. Here's a link to where I buy it from:
My mom's dog is allergic to all kinds of things, including certain dog foods. Your best bet is to go to a good vet and have him figure out what is causing it!!
Your dog, most likely has dry skin. Flea baths will usually get rid of the fleas, but will also dry the skin. Don't give her a flea bath unless you absolutely have to. Human shampoos will also dry her skin. Try using dog shompoo and a human conditioner. Another good thing to do is to add between a teaspoon and a tablespoon of cooking oil to her food every time you feed her, this will make her coat shiny eliminating dry skin.
You've got a dog with allergies.
If your dog is already on flea medicine, sounds like the dog is allergic to something it's either eating, or in its environment. Although there are some basic things you can do - oatmeal shampoo; wash his bedding without detergent in hot water; change food; change where he goes potty - you may have a larger issue on your hands.
Best to get the doggie to a vet! The vet may give you a Benadryl-type med, etc., but it's best to let the vet make the call on dog's meds.
instead of waisting money on shampoos go see the vet it might be an allergy and then you'll need to spend the money on pills. But take care of it asap so your dog doesnt have to suffer :(
Some breeds ( like my Scotty) have skin problems - too thick, or too dry. Also, some are allergic to something, just like humans. Fleas are not the only things. A veterinarian would have itch-relieving shampoos, or even Cortisone sprays for trouble spots. If your dog is getting hotspots ( loss of hair where he is scratching), get him to a vet!
Sometimes using Silvadene after a bath on any problem areas will help.
She may just have allergies!! Talk to your vet, they may be able to prescribe some allergy food for your dog or some shampoo you can use to help so her skin isn't as dry!! Your vet should be able to give you a lot of ideas!!
I have a Maltese and he has this same problem, come to find out he is allergic to fleas and it is a reaction they get when only 1 flea bites them, they will also do this because of dry skin, I have used numerous things but I have found through experience the best thing to use is creme rinse like the kind you would use on yourself. And I wash him with Oil of Olay body wash for extremely dry skin. This has worked for us wonderfully.
Could be dry skin, could be your dog is allergic to the shampoo, or the fleas thems (i know she don't have them now) My dog was allergic to fleas. I use advantac.great stuff
allergy. or dry skin. when you bathe her, use a hypo allergenic shampoo and follow up with an oatmeal conditioner. i had the same problem.
In our area, winters are really dry time of year. We bought a humidifier last year for our home, and this has really helped. Our little Doxie has really dry skin and this humidifier we got makes a big difference. He doesn't get that dry skin so much and neither do we.
On another note, this could be an allergy and checking in with the vet on this possibility is also a good idea.
He may have allergies or a skin condition. Best to have the vet diagnose him.
Besides the hypo allergenic shampoo and conditioners, I feed my dog Brewers yest pills. I just put them in with his feed in the morning or feed them as treats. I've been feeding them to him for a year now and he's stopped sraching. Also Bewers yeast helps with appitie.
Our dog has terrible allergies. Our vet said that we can give him up to 2 Benadryl (he's 79 pounds) if he is scratching a lot. My grandma's dog also has allergies, but he's quite a bit smaller (about 12 pounds), so she gives him Children's Benadryl.
As others mentioned, it could be dry skin too, especially if you have been bathing him a lot.
We use Chlorhexiderm shampoo for our dog and it really helps. It was recommended by our vet. Here's a link to where I buy it from:
My mom's dog is allergic to all kinds of things, including certain dog foods. Your best bet is to go to a good vet and have him figure out what is causing it!!
Your dog, most likely has dry skin. Flea baths will usually get rid of the fleas, but will also dry the skin. Don't give her a flea bath unless you absolutely have to. Human shampoos will also dry her skin. Try using dog shompoo and a human conditioner. Another good thing to do is to add between a teaspoon and a tablespoon of cooking oil to her food every time you feed her, this will make her coat shiny eliminating dry skin.
You've got a dog with allergies.
If your dog is already on flea medicine, sounds like the dog is allergic to something it's either eating, or in its environment. Although there are some basic things you can do - oatmeal shampoo; wash his bedding without detergent in hot water; change food; change where he goes potty - you may have a larger issue on your hands.
Best to get the doggie to a vet! The vet may give you a Benadryl-type med, etc., but it's best to let the vet make the call on dog's meds.
instead of waisting money on shampoos go see the vet it might be an allergy and then you'll need to spend the money on pills. But take care of it asap so your dog doesnt have to suffer :(
Some breeds ( like my Scotty) have skin problems - too thick, or too dry. Also, some are allergic to something, just like humans. Fleas are not the only things. A veterinarian would have itch-relieving shampoos, or even Cortisone sprays for trouble spots. If your dog is getting hotspots ( loss of hair where he is scratching), get him to a vet!
Sometimes using Silvadene after a bath on any problem areas will help.
She may just have allergies!! Talk to your vet, they may be able to prescribe some allergy food for your dog or some shampoo you can use to help so her skin isn't as dry!! Your vet should be able to give you a lot of ideas!!
I have a Maltese and he has this same problem, come to find out he is allergic to fleas and it is a reaction they get when only 1 flea bites them, they will also do this because of dry skin, I have used numerous things but I have found through experience the best thing to use is creme rinse like the kind you would use on yourself. And I wash him with Oil of Olay body wash for extremely dry skin. This has worked for us wonderfully.
Could be dry skin, could be your dog is allergic to the shampoo, or the fleas thems (i know she don't have them now) My dog was allergic to fleas. I use advantac.great stuff
My dog is constantly licking her right leg by the joint, nothing visible looks to be wrong. Any idea what's up
I don't see anything physically wrong with her, she just goes crazy licking her leg on the joint. She goes harsh with it, then gentle and back to harsh. Does anyone know what could be wrong with her? No allergies or anything. Could it be that she's over weight and her joints hurt or that the weather is causing it? She's about 15 pounds overweight. She's a pit bull.a family pet.NOT a fight dog! IS there meds that could help her joints? Thanks!
could be joint painassociated with arthritis , nerve pain etc. I would contact your vet for an appointment. Xrays may be needed to rule out a tumor or other problem . yes, there is medication that can be prescribed . But do not give your dog anything over the counter wtihout first consulting your vet
It could be arthritis and if your dogs joint is sore, licking it is a way to attempt to ease the pain. I would check with your vet. Ours suggested asprin (but you need to see your vet to know how much) for the pain from arthritis.
well it could be the weather or cleaning it self there could be a thorn in the skin or something else try rubbing your finger across it see if she reacts if she does not try it a little harder if she reacts you might need to take her to a local vet
Get some Bitter Apple. It's a liquid or spray that goes onto the skin and gives the area a bad taste. But also take her to the vet if she continues.
Well, it's always best to talk to your vet. There are meds to help with joints. My old dog was on glucosamine and chondroiten for his joints. I was even able to buy it at Walgreens, over the counter. But always always always check with your vet before putting your dog on any meds.
Good luck.
Maybe she's just bored? I've heard of dogs licking out of boredom.
It could be arthritis. They lick their joints b/c they hurt. There are supplements/vitamins that you can give dogs for joint support.
Your suspecion makes sense, she could have arthritis or some inflamation. But it is defenitly affecting her.
I have a Jack Russel,not overweight. He got into it with a wild cat that pit his leg in same place you described.
Unfortunately after initial topical treatment I let it go and after bout a year a big not developed. Went to vet and it had to be drained. The vet said he may need some antidepression drug due to the developed habit of licking it for so long.
Well, the wound healed alright but he would continue to lick, sometimes bite/scractch with his teeth. If I say don't bite it he will stop and start licking.
If I tell him to stop licking he will after awhile. I threaten to put medicine on it. I have used hot sauce and other stuff from pet store that taste bad, even raped it up. But Tea tree oil spray seemed to work the best. But after awhile he got use to that.
When we are in bed and he is licking and I put my hand over it he will just lick my hand. Then I learned that when I feel (he tries to sneak and do it) he is licking I would scold him and I hear him give a little groan and he stops.
But at different times it seems when he is realyi addicted/bothered I will let him lick my face(sometime with a beard) or my head. He will lick either place for bout 10 min then stop and go to sleep.
So it could be psychosomatic. I don't mind his licking me and it helps him. Sometimes I see him licking the other unaffected leg in the same place. If I don't monitor him he will lick all the hair off and a sore develops.
Good luck. sorry bout the length.
it's called a HOTSPOT, which is a comfort thing it reminds them of nursing. one of my male chihuahuas sucks on his his siter and brothers ears and on his own foot atleast 3times a day. ask your vet for something to make him stop. i have bandage gaurd. most vets will have for after injuries. i also had a german shephard/rott mix who did that excact thing on the top of her paw. they gave me the same thing and called it a hotspot. it usually only will cause a sore or callous but no other harm as they clean it alot. good luck it's hard to break
Depending on your dog's age it could be arthiritis. My older dog had it too. She would knaw her self raw. If the problem is arthiritis i recomend using --Rimadyl--. You can get a prescription from your local vet clinic if your vet recommends it. Rymadyl comes in chewables, injection, and caplets.
Here is the website--
hope this helps.
could be joint painassociated with arthritis , nerve pain etc. I would contact your vet for an appointment. Xrays may be needed to rule out a tumor or other problem . yes, there is medication that can be prescribed . But do not give your dog anything over the counter wtihout first consulting your vet
It could be arthritis and if your dogs joint is sore, licking it is a way to attempt to ease the pain. I would check with your vet. Ours suggested asprin (but you need to see your vet to know how much) for the pain from arthritis.
well it could be the weather or cleaning it self there could be a thorn in the skin or something else try rubbing your finger across it see if she reacts if she does not try it a little harder if she reacts you might need to take her to a local vet
Get some Bitter Apple. It's a liquid or spray that goes onto the skin and gives the area a bad taste. But also take her to the vet if she continues.
Well, it's always best to talk to your vet. There are meds to help with joints. My old dog was on glucosamine and chondroiten for his joints. I was even able to buy it at Walgreens, over the counter. But always always always check with your vet before putting your dog on any meds.
Good luck.
Maybe she's just bored? I've heard of dogs licking out of boredom.
It could be arthritis. They lick their joints b/c they hurt. There are supplements/vitamins that you can give dogs for joint support.
Your suspecion makes sense, she could have arthritis or some inflamation. But it is defenitly affecting her.
I have a Jack Russel,not overweight. He got into it with a wild cat that pit his leg in same place you described.
Unfortunately after initial topical treatment I let it go and after bout a year a big not developed. Went to vet and it had to be drained. The vet said he may need some antidepression drug due to the developed habit of licking it for so long.
Well, the wound healed alright but he would continue to lick, sometimes bite/scractch with his teeth. If I say don't bite it he will stop and start licking.
If I tell him to stop licking he will after awhile. I threaten to put medicine on it. I have used hot sauce and other stuff from pet store that taste bad, even raped it up. But Tea tree oil spray seemed to work the best. But after awhile he got use to that.
When we are in bed and he is licking and I put my hand over it he will just lick my hand. Then I learned that when I feel (he tries to sneak and do it) he is licking I would scold him and I hear him give a little groan and he stops.
But at different times it seems when he is realyi addicted/bothered I will let him lick my face(sometime with a beard) or my head. He will lick either place for bout 10 min then stop and go to sleep.
So it could be psychosomatic. I don't mind his licking me and it helps him. Sometimes I see him licking the other unaffected leg in the same place. If I don't monitor him he will lick all the hair off and a sore develops.
Good luck. sorry bout the length.
it's called a HOTSPOT, which is a comfort thing it reminds them of nursing. one of my male chihuahuas sucks on his his siter and brothers ears and on his own foot atleast 3times a day. ask your vet for something to make him stop. i have bandage gaurd. most vets will have for after injuries. i also had a german shephard/rott mix who did that excact thing on the top of her paw. they gave me the same thing and called it a hotspot. it usually only will cause a sore or callous but no other harm as they clean it alot. good luck it's hard to break
Depending on your dog's age it could be arthiritis. My older dog had it too. She would knaw her self raw. If the problem is arthiritis i recomend using --Rimadyl--. You can get a prescription from your local vet clinic if your vet recommends it. Rymadyl comes in chewables, injection, and caplets.
Here is the website--
hope this helps.
My dog is called Smudgedog. Can you guess his breed?
A little terrier
A poorly bred and ugly rottie with crappy markings?
Is he a wire haired pointer?
springer spaniel
A beagle like Snoopy!
am i right, am i right!!
Jack russell or a Cairn Terrier
jack russell ?
brown dog
english springer spaniel
A chocolate lab?
It's a beagle and you have blurred vision?
a mongrel
My Grandparents had the most beautiful Black Labrador who, when he was a puppy, looked like a coal smudge on the carpet; hence his name Smudge!
My (long-winded) guess is Black Labrador!
If the mother was a dog and the father was a dog, I'd say his breed must be dog. No seriously, did you name him for his looks or for the way he acts?
shih tzu + corkel spaniel
it's one of them dogs that looks like it'd been hit by a frying pan!
a pug!
A collie?
Blood Hound.
A border collie maybe,
dun noe..lah..wat kind of question is silly.i tink it's a fat and ugly little poor doggie
some kind of hound
My dog is bloated what do i do?
my dog is almost 16 17 years old in human years shes a female and very bloated. I know everyone will say take her to a vet but its so expensive im just wondering if theres anything i can doo for her without a vet?? btw she is a bit overweight and being bloated she looks like a poor lil dog with a big tight belly and she looks like she is in pain so what do i do?? i know its possible for her to die!! help!!
Here's why you need to take your dog to the vet.,
My grandmother had a dog she thought was just a bit overweight and bloated. The dog died. My grandmother took the dog to the vet to determine why she died.,
The dog had a very very large Tumor. Take your dog, to, the, VET. If your dog does not have anything more than a weight problem - great! A diet can fix that - but no diet on this earth can fix a tumor.
Take her to the vet. Don't risk her discomfort just to save a little money.
There is nothing you can do at home. Take her to a vet now. She may have a serious condition commonly known as "bloat". Bloat can kill dogs if they are not treated immediately. It may also be fluid in her abdomen or a number of other issues - all of which need to be addressed by a veterinarian ASAP.
vet or die. u choose
Try worming her first. If that doesnt help take her to the vet.
You HAVE to take her to the vet. A bloated belly on a dog can be a very serious illness. If she is acting like she is in pain then what the heck are you doing on here? Get that dog to the vet instead of looking for home remedies. She is suffering if she is acting like she is in pain! What kind of pet owner would you be to allow you dog to suffer just because you feel like vets are too expensive? If you think they are too expensive, the when this dog dies, don't get another one because the prices are not going down. Bloating can be caused by a number of things (lots of time liver failure), but none of these things can be treated with home remedies.GET THAT DOG TO THE VET ASAP!
You need to take her to a vet or emergency clinic. She may have a problem that is not fixable, considering her age. If you can see she is in pain, then she probably is. A trained professional will help you. Its not fair to let the dog suffer.
Due to her age and the likelyness that this is a very deadly disease called Bloat, you need a vet. This is an emergency! The only other thing you can do is dig a hole. She'll need a grave before the weekend is out.
I'm very serious! This kills in hours, and anything else it might be are also deadly.
After almost 17 years of life, this would be a horribly painful way to die. please call your vet.
It's her dog food honey.
U hv seen wet dog food?? See how it doubles in size? Thats what's happening inside "fifis" little tummy. Buy the hiqh quality dog food, toss the grocery store stuff out! She needs to let the air out, she needs to pass that food out of her's probably impacted in some type of way, which is resulting in this gaseaous buildup.
All the Best!
Why do you not care enough about her to have someone look at her? I mean, someone who can actually give you an idea what is wrong? At her age, there is every possibility that something is seriously amiss, and she very well could be in pain. Go to the vet, stop being cheap!
And no, I am not being a smart . You mentioned that money was the reason you are not taking her in. So just because she is elderly, she doesn't deserve for you to spend money on her? Hasn't she earned that over the past 16 years, providing companionship and love?
And no, again, there is nothing that you can do at home, except watch her get worse, because clearly you don't know what is going on! GO TO THE VET!
Here's why you need to take your dog to the vet.,
My grandmother had a dog she thought was just a bit overweight and bloated. The dog died. My grandmother took the dog to the vet to determine why she died.,
The dog had a very very large Tumor. Take your dog, to, the, VET. If your dog does not have anything more than a weight problem - great! A diet can fix that - but no diet on this earth can fix a tumor.
Take her to the vet. Don't risk her discomfort just to save a little money.
There is nothing you can do at home. Take her to a vet now. She may have a serious condition commonly known as "bloat". Bloat can kill dogs if they are not treated immediately. It may also be fluid in her abdomen or a number of other issues - all of which need to be addressed by a veterinarian ASAP.
vet or die. u choose
Try worming her first. If that doesnt help take her to the vet.
You HAVE to take her to the vet. A bloated belly on a dog can be a very serious illness. If she is acting like she is in pain then what the heck are you doing on here? Get that dog to the vet instead of looking for home remedies. She is suffering if she is acting like she is in pain! What kind of pet owner would you be to allow you dog to suffer just because you feel like vets are too expensive? If you think they are too expensive, the when this dog dies, don't get another one because the prices are not going down. Bloating can be caused by a number of things (lots of time liver failure), but none of these things can be treated with home remedies.GET THAT DOG TO THE VET ASAP!
You need to take her to a vet or emergency clinic. She may have a problem that is not fixable, considering her age. If you can see she is in pain, then she probably is. A trained professional will help you. Its not fair to let the dog suffer.
Due to her age and the likelyness that this is a very deadly disease called Bloat, you need a vet. This is an emergency! The only other thing you can do is dig a hole. She'll need a grave before the weekend is out.
I'm very serious! This kills in hours, and anything else it might be are also deadly.
After almost 17 years of life, this would be a horribly painful way to die. please call your vet.
It's her dog food honey.
U hv seen wet dog food?? See how it doubles in size? Thats what's happening inside "fifis" little tummy. Buy the hiqh quality dog food, toss the grocery store stuff out! She needs to let the air out, she needs to pass that food out of her's probably impacted in some type of way, which is resulting in this gaseaous buildup.
All the Best!
Why do you not care enough about her to have someone look at her? I mean, someone who can actually give you an idea what is wrong? At her age, there is every possibility that something is seriously amiss, and she very well could be in pain. Go to the vet, stop being cheap!
And no, I am not being a smart . You mentioned that money was the reason you are not taking her in. So just because she is elderly, she doesn't deserve for you to spend money on her? Hasn't she earned that over the past 16 years, providing companionship and love?
And no, again, there is nothing that you can do at home, except watch her get worse, because clearly you don't know what is going on! GO TO THE VET!
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