Saturday, May 22, 2010

my dog has tape worms is it contagious?

he was diagnosed by the vet and has been given medication
No tapeworms isn't contagious to other dogs or humans. They get tapeworms from digesting fleas. Even if you are using a flea preventative they can still get it. All it takes is one flea to be digested. It takes up to twelve hours to kill the fleas that come in contact with your dog. So don't think your flea prevention isn't working just because he has tapeworms if you are using any. The medicine will take effect immediatly but you will still see he passing a few segments for about a week or two because he has to get it all out of his system but the worm will be dead. You have nothing to worry about.
Yes! To other dogs.

You have nothing to worry about personally.
Oh, just wash your hands after you touch him and stay away from the feces. Tapeworms aren't a disease, they're a parasite.and you can pick them up very easily.
It can be contagious. A LOT of people have tape worms but just dont know it. make sure ur dog doesnt bite or lick ur lips, and i think youll be good!
If u wanna know if u do have worms, u could go to the doctor and see
some of the symptoms not feeling full after u just ate; u will know if u have worms when they want to come out. (out of the south end) EEWWW.
GOod luck
Yes both users are right you can get tap worms. I seen a show the other day about it.
Yes it could be contagious if you dont wash your hands after youve touched him, let him lick your lips, kissed him etc. you know those kind of things. I think you will be fine if you just do the following things i listed. Good Luck
The medication should work right away, and the worms should come out dead. Tape worms are contangious to both humans and other dogs, but they have to be eaten!
No he is not contagious. He will pass them and while they may wiggle around on the floor, they will not crawl up a leg or foot and jump into the body of another host. You are safe. Protect your dog from fleas and he won't get any more tapeworms.
As long as no other animal (including humans) are in contact with his feces you should be safe. I recommend wearing rubber gloves when cleaning up after him.
not unless someone eats the dog you swee tape worms feed of off the food youer dog eats it is best noty to feed him for ca couple of days and then put food in t=front of him that has a strong smeel restrain him and the worm will come right out
No, tapeworms aren't contageious to other dogs or to people. They are caused by ingesting an infected flea or by eating rodents.

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