Saturday, May 22, 2010

my dog hasn't been eating or drinking like usual for 2-3 days now. she is scooting a little.?

But her energy and attitude is great, like nothing is wrong. I don't see worms..anything I should check for? Any ideas why she's not eating?

BTW she has always been a scooter. Vet told us that she is just emptying her glands or has an itchy butt :) but I've noticed it more than usual.
Take the dog to another vet., dragging their butt is a sign of worms, you may not be able to see them.
Any time an animal, especially a dog, doesn't eat for days, there is a problem. Take her to the vet. Do not wait any longer.
take her to another vet.i would think she is malnourished by now if she hasnt been eating for 1-2 days.if the doc cant fix her, u will have to force feed sry for ur doggy too :(.
She may have some anal secretions impacted in the internal end ogf the gland. She may not be eating because of some discomfort. Call the vet to ask him.
Take her to the vet, only the vet is going to be able to diagnose her problem. Her glands may be full and need to be "expressed" again.

She's probably uncomfortable so I think I'd take her.

Good luck.
Your dog's Anal Glands are impacted. Your vet is correct. Just take her to the vet and have them drained. Sometimes the dog needs a little help with that.
Three days is too long especially not eating. Take her to the vet.
I might take her to a vet or try to find somthing she likes.remember that dogs likes dog food!!
TAKE HER TO THE VET, girl! It could be just worms, but if she doesent drink or eat this could be very serious!!Dogs can dehydrate in just a short time and die.
Definitely sounds like impacted anal glands. Here is a link to info on them.

They may be infected or abcessed. Take him to the vet and have them expressed. He will be much happier.
Take your puppy dog to a groomer and have them empty her glands. My dogs glands get infected if not emptied on time. When I get him fixed I will probably have them remove the glands (that's what my vet suggested) When my dogs glands get infected he gets where he doesn't feel good. Take your dog to the groomer and see if that doesn't fix it.
she could have worms or could be an infection good luck

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