Saturday, May 22, 2010

My dog is 10 weeks old and has "Cherry Eye"?

My pure bred yellow lab has a condition the dr. called cherry eye. It's like when the inside of the dog's eyelids turn inside out, and it looks painful and like he cannot see very well. Our vet gave us eyedrops and put the eyelids back in the right place, but they popped right back out, and the drops are not working. Anyone had experience with this?? Please answer if you have. Thanks!
Surgical correction works every time!

I have had several dog and puppies come into our shelter with Cherry Eye. Surgery happened everytime and they all recovered fine!

Even I learned something from this site.

Good luck to you and your dog.
you may need a patch
I had 2 sisters I rescued have this. A lab at ten weeks can have the surgery. My girls were only 8 weeks and I had them altered at the same time so they didn't have to go under anesthesia twice. They looked great. You want to get things done when they are still young. If your vet won't do it find one that will.

Once they got bigger you couldn't tell anything not even that they were spayed. When they are little surgery requires little incisions that don't leave as big a scar.
I know this can happen to just about any dog, but it usually only happens to buldgy eyed dogs (pugs, pekes, some bulldogs, boxers). Hopefully this isn't just the beginning of many other underlying problems (especially this young).
WHYon earth did you GET such an OBVIOUSLY *DEFECTIVE* animal?

The condition requires SURGERY!.
I have had a pup with this, but he was older(4 1/2 mo) and he had the operation to fix it. He didn't have any more trouble with it.
Cherry eye is a very painful condition for the dog, and it will need surgery to correct it. If you bought this dog from a reputable breeder, contact them with the vet's diagnosis; they might help with vet bills.

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