Saturday, May 22, 2010

My dog has horrid gas. She's about 7, a Boston Terrier and in good health. Any suggestions?

She is slightly overweight, maybe 3 or 4 pounds. I give her premium dry dog food and have tried several different brands. She's somewhat active for her age, but this gas problem which comes mainly at night is about to get her banded from the bed. She gets very little people foods.
Corn, soy and beet pulp all cause major gas in this breed.. check your label..If the food doesn't contain any of the above, then it can be helped with a spoon of yogurt on his food, and a lot of outdoor exercise helps, too..
Yep, I used to have a wonderful Bostie.when company came, they would all say, " Oh, How cute!" and a few minutes later, they were gagging! lol. I would just say..'cute, but deadly'..
but the different kibble helped..
You can also safely give Beeno..Chlorophyl helps too..You can get it in healthfood sections of drug stores..
change her diet
LOL. sorry i thought the question was kinda funny..uhh yeah change the diet.. :D
nose plugs? lol

all kidding aside, i agree, try a different dog food.

I feed my dogs California Natural and they never have gas.
try mixing her food with some canned. stay away from beef try chicken or lamb. Canned food will help her digest faster. More water. You may be feeding her too much of the dry.
Feed her early enough for her food to digest before bed time. You may be feeding her too late.
Change her diet completely. Change the dry dog food to a better quality or a just a different brand. Same goes with the wet food. Try her on maybe senior or weight loss food. that might help a bit.

This could be more than just a diet problem so call your vet and ask them for tips.

Additional: If you are giving her human food, make it food like yogurt and chicken necks etc.
Hi it will be what you are feeding her.charcoal biscuits might help but thats only if she will eat them.some dogs are just gassy.try a lower protien food aroud 18 to 20% protien might help both her weight %26 the gas.Regards Jake
You can try adding yogurt to the dogs food - it may help with digestion %26 lessen the severity of the problem. Also, you can try elevating the food dish so the dog isn't swallowing so much air. You can also call the vets office %26 briefly explain the problem %26 ask for a food recommendation. Good luck.
I notice that I have to watch the number of dog treats that my dogs have. The more they have the worse the gas. One thing I have heard is that there are treats that are to help w/ breath that supposibly help w/ gas as well.
Most of the time it's because of there diet if you give people food that is #1 reason for gas so might not want to give any people food or change to a different food that wouldn't give gas.As we know us humanes gas can be painful it 's the same for dogs to.
Try going to the site below,there you will find several home meds you can give your pet,so she won't get kicked out.

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