is there anything i should do? she had one about 45mins. ago, and now she's just pacing back and forth and making werid noises. i gave her some water, but is there anything else i should do?
Make sure each puppy is breathing properly - you might need to clear nose and mouth if the mom's not.
If she's too rough tearing the cords, you might want to cut and tie them to prevent her giving the puppies hernias.
Make sure she's nursing each puppy after it's born and cleaned up.
Count afterbirths to make sure she expels one for each puppy. If not, she'll have to go the vet later for a shot.
Don't let her eat more than one or two afterbirths or she'll get the runs.
Keep calm and just be with her!
1. get off
2. go to a vet
just be there incase she needs help. Also, call your vet and let him know to be ready incase of an emergency.
Keep an eye on her, make sure she is getting them out of the sack, she should have one an average of every 45 min. Maybe rub them to start them breathing better.
No, not really. Instinct tells them what to do. It's too late for your vet to help now. Just let nature take its course.
I hope you have her in a whelping box with lots of warm layers of cloth (easier to clean up) Keep the temp 80 your dog knows what to do, leave her alone unless she needs help. Then call a vet and get off the computer!!
Just sit back and ENJOY! It is Beautiful experince. Totally pamper her from now on, she is about to have her hands full. Congrats!!
Make sure she opens the sac around each puppy, if she doesnt you will have to. Make sure their airways are clear. Of course shes making weird noises, its painful! Just try to keep her comfortable IF YOU ARE UNSURE PLEASE CALL YOUR VET!
Good luck to you.
Be calm and she will be calm. let nature run it's course. If she starts to have trouble or starts bleeding too much or the puppies arent looking good call your local 24 hour vet.
make sure she's veryy warm and in a secluded place because they like to have their pups in seclusion. have the water near her and just make sure she is as comfy as the vet, tell the vet what u have done and than the vet will tell u anything else u need to know
no just watch her n try to make her comfy she is having labor pains but b 4 warned she might take a couple of hours between pups so dont panick as long as she dont go over 3hrs she will b fine
Put her in a quiet room with just you and her in their, make sure she has a warm bed food and water, and just comfort her she will do it on her own, it can take up to 12 o 24 hrs for a dog to have all its putties but after 12 hrs it she hasnt had anymore i would take her to the vet or atleast contact the vet and let them know.
Stay calm, give her towel(s) or blanket(s) so she can lay down when/if she wants. If she lets you near her without stress (for her, not you) fine sit near her. If she gives you any sign she doesn't want you near her then move back and let her be.
Make sure she is removing the sac from each pup after it is birthed. A short time after the pup is born she will deliver the placenta. She will then chew off the umbellical cord and eat the placenta. This is disgusting, but necessary (I can never watch it so I go do something else when this occurs). The new momma needs all the nutritional value she can get from the placenta.
As each puppy arrives momma will get more tired, so she may take longer to clean up the pup and eat the placenta. give her the time to rest as long as the pup is breathing and the sac has been removed let her take care of the rest in her own time!
Good luck and keep us posted!
Make sure she has a soft warm place to have these pups. Ideally a whelping box, but at least some old blankets/towels/whatever you've got. If she is laying down having contractions/straining for more than an hour with no pup, call a vet. If four hours pass between pups (and you think there's more in there) call a vet. If she becomes pale, overly anxious, acts like she is in extreme pain in any way, call a vet. If a pup comes out backwards (tail first) don't worry, they usually come out fine. If a pup seems 'stuck' lube your finger with ky jelly or vaseline and VERY GENTLY slide your finger in to help her and VERY SLOWLY and GENTLY try to help ease the pup out in time with the mama's contractions. If you don't feel comfortable doing this or it doesn't work call a vet. (Luckily this rarely happens).
And if you don't want to go through all this again, be sure to have your dog spayed after the pups are weaned.
no you don't need to do anything, just keep an eye on her to make sure that she is fine. it is normal what she is doing. i breed golden retrievers and my female does the same thing. the only time you would need to call the vet is if she is having trouble delivering. i go through this very same thing when my female is prego. so don't worry about her just let her do it by herself. congrats on your new additions. it will be fun to have them around. my dog is due with next litter on nov 8th, and so far she has 7 pups and she might be carrying more than that i guess we will see. good luck
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