Saturday, May 22, 2010

my dog is a little over five months and he is not potty trained he also recently dug a hole the wall?

Can anyone give me advice he really needs to be potty trained and he keeps picking at the hole in the wall
Yes, "potty training" a dog won't be easy. I would love to buy a video of you trying though. Is he out of diapers yet?
just everytime he goes, tell him no and walk him out to the place where u want him to go and just keep an eye on him.thats all i can say
Not easy to 'Potty Train' a dog
Sounds like he needs to be crate trained with a little more attention. (No rudeness intended)
Try to notice whether he pees at certain times or in certain spots. When you see him starting to pee, grab him, and take him outside. Also, if you notice that he pees at certain times during the day, take him outside to pee at the time. When he finally does pee outside, praise him like crazy, give him treats.

As far as the hole in the wall.does he have toys to play with? If not, he might be bored.

Also, it's always a good idea to call you vet and explain the behaviors/problems. They should be able to give you good advice.
I've read that crate-training solves this problem. A dog will not soil his own sleeping area. Nor will he be able to dig a hole in the wall. He learns to love his crate as his own personal space. Even when the door is left open, he'll return to it when he wants to feel safe. I haven't actually tried this, but that's what I have read.
U need to block up the hole in the wall, move something in front of it that he cant move.

As for toilet training, it can be very frustrating. If you have patience things will work out just fine. U need to designate an area outside for him, put newspapers down so he can get his scent and he knows this is where he has to go. Praise him everytime he goes outside on the paper. Don't scold him if he has an accident inside, puppies dont grasp punishment very well lol, just clean it up and move him outside to his spot. He should eventually learn that he has to go outside to go to the bathroom.

Good luck
kennell train him buy apple bitters and spray on wall it will keep him from messing with it you can find it at a pet store and if you don't kennel train him take him out at the same time be consistent make it so it becomes a habit
Oh my dog did the same thing when she was about 5mos. She is a Mini Pinscher/Chihuahua mix. She dug at the wall a few times and she didn't seam to care what we did, she was determined to dig at that spot. Someone suggested that there was a scent or something that she was trying to get at. I think it was because when we would leave for the store or an errand we would leave her in our bedroom and just shut the door. She must have been scared/bored/heard a noise and just went to town. She also dug at the out for that one! She dug right by the door and I'm sure it's because she heard a noise on the other side and wanted to get out and play. The local pet store sells spays that taste REALLY bitter. Spray that right where your dog dug at the wall (didn't turn out wall any funny colors or anything) and then put his lips/nose on it. He will be forced to lick it and will hate the taste. Hopefully it will only take him once to realize he shouldn't do that anymore (took our dog about 4 times). She hasn't done it since though. As far as potty training, stay consistent and use the pee pads when you're home. Watch for signs or bathroom use (sniffing around, settling in for the squat) and then rush them to the pee-pad if it's close or the outside door if it's closer. Try to use the same door for letting them out to go to the bathroom (usually a backyard if you have a house or the front for an apt.). Take your dog out every 2-3 hours and about 20-30 mins after they eat/drink. Our puppy (who just turned a year) now sits and whines at the door when she needs to go out. If we don't answer her call in a few mins she starts to wander the house looking for a place to go though, you have to be quick and attentive. Once he gets the hang of it, you'll be worry free! Try a crate when you're away for the day. I had a huge problem with the crate idea when we first got our dog. I just thought it was so mean to put a little puppy in a cage. I have learned to accept it and it's great! She doesn't mind, she feels safe in there. Best of all (as long as you don't leave them for a horribly long time) dogs will not go to the bathroom where they sleep. Meaning, he will not pee in his crate. Best of luck and make sure you get some putty to smooth out that patch in the wall. Watch out for your baseboards too, our dog chewed the corner off one.

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