Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Dog Has Killer Farts, What can i do to keep him from stinking me out of my home?

Can i give him something i would buy over the counter??

From the local drug store??
You might want to switch all of your dogs over to another type of kibble using a different kind of meat. Some dogs can't tolerate beef very well, but do well with chicken or lamb, which are milder.

Also, here is a tip that might be helpful. I have fostered numerous rescue dogs who came to me very skinny and with terrible gas because their stomachs were accustomed to eating garbage. Putting a probiotic into their food helped them to process their new healthier food better with less gas. Also, I put a small, strong ginger snap into their food dish along with the kibble. It helps a great deal!
Maybe take him to a dog groomer and have his anal glands expelled. IF that is not the issue - maybe you need to change dog foods.
2 words; unprocessed bran; it works for my dog.
First what are you feeding him? Get a good quality kibble, is great food.

Natural remedy is Yogurt, feed him 4oz daily, plain yogurt from your grocery. It balances out enzymes.
There's not much you can do. My mom have a dog whose fart stink so bad that sometime it wake my mom up in middle of the night and force her to sleep on couch.
give him away, and maybe he will come back without "farting" to make u not give him away!!
killer farts.. .lol..

what are you feeding him? take him to the vet
Quit poisoning your dogs with that expensive crap.
Buy the cheapest stuff at Kroger. I think it comes in a maroon bag.
Here in Oregon, Kroger is Fred Meyer. Then go to costco and buy those Bones in the maroon box for treats..
must change his dog food -- also , stop table scraps!!
Don't feed cheap food!
Better quality dog food is what you need. You won't have to spend extra $$$ trying to tone down Fido's gas and fumigating your home.You have to pay more for a better quality food but actually you feed LESS of it to satisfy and maintain the dogs health. So it really evens out with how much it costs to feed your dogs a large bowl of crappy food verses smaller portions of balanced food.
You are obviously feeding something cheap with a lot of fillers in it and maybe table scraps too. The dog's belly is out of wack when he eats junk dog food. I hope this helps you out.
I had this problem with my 5 lbs. poodle just get some pepto bismal and give him 2tblsp of if it will stop the farts in like 30 min.

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