Monday, May 24, 2010

My dog is almost 3 is it still possible to house-break her?

Yes, a dog is never too old to learn. Invest time in your dog and when she goes where you want her to go praise her and spend more time with her. If she goes in an area that you do not approve of simply clean it up and place it where you would like her to go. It will take time and effort for a while but the reward for your effort will last a long time. Not to mention less stress for you and your K-9 companion. Dogs are like children, the more time you invest in them the greater their development and your reward will be.

By the way, you don't have to hit your dog with a newspaper or anything else to get it to do what you want. I do not hit my dogs and they are very well trained. You accomplish a couple of things when you hit a dog. You teach it fear, aggression at it's own whim, and to cower when it hears similar noises. Try this with a large dog and you may find yourself in the newspaper labeled as the individual with the dog that attacked the neighbors kid. After teaching it fear, you no longer have a dependable watch dog (other than perhaps barking at something that is out of range of the dog).

Another thought is to socialize your dog with other dogs (outside of the home). Dogs learn by the actions of other dogs. When you have one dog trained it's easier to social-train a second dog because the second dog want to fit in with the rest of the pack (especially puppies).

Best of Luck
Bird Dog
same proceedure
Throw the fecal material out where you want the animal to visit when it has to go and when there is a small problem remind them with a newspaper and back out to the out house he goes.two weeks tops and you got a winner. BUT give him/her time outside to go!
Yes. Consistency is the key.
t Why not ? When you see her doing or getting ready to do her "job", quick grab her, take her to the door and say " make a peep ". To succeed, you have to be consistant. Do it each time, say the same words, over and over. She'll soon connect to action and the words with what you expect of her.
Caution: Don't scold or hit her after the act. She won't connect the scolding with the "poop". You must do it immediately as she's doing her "job".

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