Monday, May 24, 2010

my dog is acting funny, she won't hardly move and is weeping alot and she has no appetite, what could be wrong

go to a vet and spend $150 on a xray?is it possible the pup has eaten anything that it shouldnt? if you think so try boild chicken and rice. bland food will help the dog pass what ever is in its digestive track. also replace water with pedealite. i know it sounds crazy but it WILL work and more affordable than a vet. good luck!
Well you should give more details like how long has she been acting this way? You should call your vet and ask them.
he may be hurt orsick with some thing got to a vet
She may have eaten something that doesn't agree with her. Or, she may be injured.
Just of the top of my head.
It sounds like your dog is sick needs to see the Vet right away he might be hurt pet him and comfort him until you the Vet
Has anything changed in your house? Sounds to me like she is grieving. Animals do grieve. Is she new to you? If nothing has happened to make her grieve then I would take her to the vets. Might be a problem somewhere else. But with what you said sounds like grieving,
If she has did this very long you should call your vet. With pet it is hard to tell unless you see the animal when it comes to pets they need a lots of attention and love.
your dog is sick, take your dog to a vet
lt sounds like your dog is going through a depression. has anything happened recently..if it's not that then he could be ill so take him to a vet when in doubt.
I agree she needs to see a vet but am I the only one that thinks its really ODD that a puppy [six months IS a puppy] is stuck out side.maybe the other pack ganged up on her ?
There's nothing about funny about a dog that has had these symptons for two days and has been allowed to endure such discomfort.

Get the dog to a vet to find out what's going on. We can't diagnose what could be wrong.
She's a puppy and she needs medical attention. Take her to your vet ASAP. Don't let that little puppy suffer.
She may have been injured. Dogs can play too rough. .
She may have ingested something that won't pass thru.
You definitely have to take her to your vet.
My suggestion. When in doubt seek medical advice. Take your dog to a vet and see what's up. Even if everyone else at home doesn't see what you do. You are paying more attention and continue to do the right thing by taking you pet to the vet. She could be suffering.
What's wrong is that you shouldn't have a dog if you have to be told it is ill. You obviously show her little attention or you would be alert to her problems.
Why do you need to be told to take her to the vet?
Maybe you wish she were dead?
you have a sick dog, A trip to the vet is needed.
Is it cold where you live,or does it get very cold in the winter?Boxers are NOT outside dogs .They don't have a thick enough coat to withstand the cold,so you need to make her an inside dog.This would make her happier as well.At six months,she could be coming into heat,which could make her act different,but the lack of appetite and the "weeping"doesn't sound good.You need to stop asking people on here and take her to the vet,now!

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