Monday, May 24, 2010

My dog is in heat, and she keep getting blood every where. Is there anything I can put on her?

Yes. There are sanitary belts with pads made for female dogs. you can find them at many pet stores like PetSmart, Petco etc., or online. A couple of sites are and You can order free catalogs from them too.
Of course, the best way to prevent this is to have her spayed after she is done with her cycle!
Take her to thevet to make her feel better.
spay her now. take her 2 a vet. u rn't an experienced enough person, obviously, to breed a dog, and y else would u not spay her. it's not 2 expensive, and u won't have 2 replace bloody things. b sides, it's better 4 her.
go to the pet store. They do sell doggie pads.
get her fixed
Get her spayed now. Then you won't have the mess ever again.
A lot of pet stores have doggie diapers just for that reason. Ask your vet, too. Maybe they carry them.
My daughter bought a little device that looks like panties that hold a mini pad and her dog wears it all during her period. She found the device at the pet store. If you can't get to the pet store then try to tie a rag around the dogs bottom until you can find something better.
go to the pet store and get doggie diapers
Get her fixed
a diaper, but she will probably pull it off. My dog does the same thing. she is also sensitive to things now too. Love her, she cant help it. And get her fixed, like I have to do. Its less expensive when she is out of heat.
you can buy dogie diapers at any pet store or get some baby diapers. just depends how big or little the dog is when you determine the size of the diapers.
The best thing would be getting her spayed. If that isn't an option for you then pet stores sell dog pads.
another dog ?
Any pet store should have diapers you can put on her.
Depending on the size of your pup you can also use the pull up pants for little kids. They're cheaper than dog diapers, they work better because the waist is one piece not something with the little velcro pieces that fall off. You have to cut a hole for the tail though, but I can get a generic brand at walmart and they stay on better - when they are messy you toss them out and get a new one.
Buy some diapers that you think will fit her and keep them on her until she goes out of heat.

1 comment:

  1. Take her to get sprayed it will be healthier for you (you won't have blood everywhere) and for the dog!
