Friday, July 31, 2009

My dog has a mammary tumor?

I notice that my dog has a lump on her breast and I found out that it was a mammary tumor. The problem is that I dont have the $600+ dollars to pay for her surgery, is there a place where they offer low cost for surgery in the (Los Angeles area)? I really can't afford it and I dont want to my dog to suffer, any suggestions?
Did the vet say it was benign or malignant? Is she spayed?
If it is benign, dont worry and have it removed at a later date of you really want to. It will be cosmetic.
If it is malignant, ask if you can pay it off, or ask at an animal shelter, rspca for a more reasonable price.
If she is in real pain and her quality of life isnt very good. Do the humane and kind thing and put her to sleep. Sorry to have to suggest it, but it may be the only right thing to do
I'm so sorry about your little girl. My dog has one, too. The vet told me that surgery may only extend her life a few months and may cause even worse pain. So let her enjoy her life now. Give her love and attention. Love her while you have her, because her life is a gift. You will have memories of her forever. Put her on pain medication if she starts suffering more. Dogs have a large area in the brain devoted to feelings, which explains why they are so loyal. Be loyal to her and pray that all dogs really do go to heaven. My tears are preventing me from writing more.
My girl was lucky and the tumor was benign - that was 9 years ago, she's still cooking along at 15 years old. the faster you get to it the more likely it'll be a good result (as well as cheaper) Many vets take credit cards, but if you need to go the cheapest possible route try calling your way through the phone book.

my dog has a luxated patella. how do they get this?

does anybody else have dogs with this and how does it happen
The patella is one of the bones that make up the knee. Because it is not well protected by muscle it can be moved dramatically from its initial position and it doesn't "snap back" like a rubber band. This can happen to any dog, sometimes the smaller breeds are genetically prone. It can happen when they are playing, but it can also happen if they just twist the knee the wrong way getting up from a nap.

It can be painful and take a long time to heal, so trust your vets judgement on treatment.
It is usually an inherited fault, where the kneecap either becomes dislocated or slips.

There are operations that may fix it though
Most luxating patella's are genetic. the parents weren't properly screened before they were bred and they passed the genes on to your baby. In many cases no treatment is required. However, in the cases where treatment is necessary it is usually a very successful surgery.

my dog has a gurgling sound from his stomache area?

my dog is about 5 years old. hes in good health but he has some serious knee problems. so he is on a Steroid. it give him incredibly horrible gas. but now he has this very loug gurgling noise in his tummy, when I put my hand on his tummuy to feel it it feels like there is water rushing. my husband things it correlates with his breathing, but he doesnt seem to be in any pain or any discomfort so I am not worried about a twisted stomach, could it just be gas moving around in there, or does anyone know about any side affects from steroids like a perforated stomach or anything like that?
It's likely just digestion, and the gas you talked about, If he's not in pain or discomfort he's probably okay. I have never heard of steroids causing a perforated bowel or stomach in humans (I'm a nurse) so I doubt that's the concern. IF he does have pain or seems uncomfortable have the vet check him.
Are his bowels moving regularly and are they formed? If he's constipated or has diarhea have him checked.
U GAVE IT STEROIDS? LIKE PEOPLE MEDICINE STERIODS?? why would u do that, ask ure vet cause i don't think u should do that cause its not even good for people!
Why ask on the net? Take the dog immediately to its vet, I think it is,hopefully, just digesting food. Get to the vet now for the dog's sake and yours
I don't know much sorry..
but is it possible that he's hungry?

Either that, or I would figure it was gas like you do..
but you can probably get better answers then mine..

Also you can try to research it online, I knew a couple of websites where you can find info on that stuff, but I forgot it..
If I remember them, I'll stop back.

Hope you find out.
I was looking at this site>
for gastric side effects, and didn't see any mentioned..However, there evidently are many other possible side effects..

One of my dogs has a very noisey tummy, and has had for many years..she is in great health..I think it is just digestive juices and gasses..

this is a great supplement for bone/joint health..It may give your dog as much relief as steroids..You might print this out and see what the doc thinks about giving this one a try..My friends have had great results with this>

Be sure to read testimonials..I was sceptical about recommending this for my friend's dogs, so contacted the company..they actually gave the people who wrote the testimonials my phone number so they could call me and discuss the results of giving these supplements..
I assume your vet put him on steroids. Yes they're tough on the stomach, and create a lot of gas that will move around with breathing. Check his stool for blood, that will tell you if hes' got internal bleeding. To settle the poor things stomach, try regular Kaopectate, that's what our vet used to prescribe for our dog. If that does not help by Monday morning call your Vet. Hope doggy feels better soon.
The dog is ill take him to the vet.
It is probably like when our stomach growls. Maybe he hasn't eaten and he is hungry.

My dog has a gooppey discharge on one of his eye.. can I do anything for him other than keep wiping it off?

By all means, take the dog to the vet. If you don't really know what the cause of the discharge is you don't know what to treat it with. I expect your vet will give you an answer in a hurry and only then can you cure the problem. Good luck to you.
infection,needs to go to the vet
My dog had that for a while. I'd get it checked out because it ended up being tumors on his eyelids. It wasn't a big deal but they said they wanted to remove them just in case.
some dogs are prone to things like this like cocker spaniels (droopey eyes). if its a new thing go to your vets and they will give you some drops if its always been this way and your vet didnt pick up a problem with it at your last check up just get some cotton wool and clean regualy. if your worried go to your vets for a check up good luck
theres medication but itll go away in a week or two
My dog has the same thing. All I did was keep it clean and occasionally put a drop of eye lubricant in the effected eye (not every day tho). Just regular sterile lubricant eye drops. I cleaned his effected eye several times a day using a clean napkin or tissue and not reusing it for the other eye. The sterile eye drops (just plain ole walgreens brand) was to flush out any contaminents. I'm in the medical field, so knew how to treat this and what to look for. If the "gunk" in his eye is yellow or green, best bet is take him to the vet and get prescription/antibiotic drops for him. Best wishes.
The vet will have something for it. My dog has the same problem.
My cat had that and It was a upper respritory infection. Go to the vet and they will give you a triple antibiotic. I got it for my cat about 2 weeks ago and its just now clearing up. It could get fatal of you dont treat it. It was only like 10 bucks. Also for now just put a warm cloth on it.
My husband and I have a Rottweiler which over a year ago developed puss coming from his eyes which is caused from some type of unknown allergy. We have taken him to the vet. The vet told us allergy testing on a dog is extremely lengthy, costly and usually not that successful in the end. So he placed our dog on an antibiotic and then keeps him regularly on a small dose of Prednisone everyday. This seems to be helping quite a bit.

Your best bet is to take your dog to the vet. He/She has probably developed some type of eye allergy but it could be something different. But definitely get the dog check out if the eyes do not clear up soon.
Take him to the vet before the other eye becomes infected.

He needs care.
This might sound stupid but it worked 4 me. My dog had a sore eye like that and i just used a cold tea bag on it and kept doin it until it got better.
try tea bags. wet with warm water. clean eye with that. make sure clean inside(close to nose) out word. don't want to push the infection in!! this works on cat! never tried it on a dog yet!! hope it helps!!

My dog has a foul odor coming from her rectum. Is that normal.?

The ordor is a fishy smell.
A dogs anal glands usually empty when they defacate.Loose stools can cause the problem,due to the fact that when loose they dont exert enough preasure on the gland to make them empty on their own.some dogs may also have a physical abnormality that prevents them from draining.While you can do it yourself,do not attempt it unless you know what you are doing.It is posssible to rupture the anal glands,which will lead to a whole lot more problems.Let a vet or groomer show you the correct way to do it,before you try it yourself..
tell me what it smells like
u smell ur dogs rectum?
That's strange as usually dogs have a pine forest scent in that area that I can't get enough of. I'm not sure what you're doing with your dog..but stop it! I think any animal's rectum will have a fishy smell, but I'd rather not know. Have you been feeding it the Filet-o-Fish instead of the Big Mac?
Does your dog drag his butt on the ground? Your dog has to have his "sack" cleaned. My dog has the same problem and I took her to the vet. He squeezed the rectum area and all this liquid came out with a VERY foul odor. I think this happens when the dog has difficulty doing his business. The vet told me to feed my dog mushed pumpkin to help her poop better.
Its to do with the bone meal your giving him as its made from fish.
that's the anal glands, also called the anal sacs or scent glands. if they don't empty normally, they have to be emptied manually, best left to your vet unless you can wear some SCUBA tanks to avoid the smell!
Needs to have his anal gland emptied by pressing them. It is pretty gross I would have the vet do it.
A dog has anal glands on both sides of the rectum. That's how they identify each other (smell each other's behinds). Most of the time they drain on their own but small dogs and inside dogs can have trouble with this. The vet can teach you how to drain them or a professional dog groomer. They can also be removed with surgery with no problems for the dog.
A cheaper alternative to having your dogs anal glands expressed is to take him to a groomer that will do it. They will usually wash, express the glands, dry, trim and brush them through.

I doubt it would cost more then 30$ plus your pooch will come home smelling and looking great!
Try expressing her anal glands. I bet that's the problem. But make sure to wear gloves and do it somewhere cleanable..because it's going to smell REALLY BAD. But afterwards, the smell should go away and she'll be a lot more comfy!
The problem is probably the Anal Glands. Small dogs usually have more problems than larger breeds. All mammals have anal glands (that is usually what makes farts and poop smell). You can take your puppy to your groomer and usually, if the puppy doesn't need an actual grooming, you can get just the anal glands done. beware though, if the anal glands are expressed and there is no bath given to the dog, then the "juices" from the anal glands could stay on the dogs rear end and will then smell very bad. The odor is strong and will usually last a long time. I don't suggest cleaning the anal glands without a bath..

My dog has a fish hook in its bottom lip?

My dog has a fish hook in its bottom lip, and all the vets are closed what should i do?
I got one caught in my leg onetime and i had on long pants. The thing to do is to push the hook all the way through until the hook comes out on the other side, and cut it off with a pair of dikes. They are small pointed snips. It will probably take some help, but don,t stop just keep pushing until the hook comes out where you can cut in in half. It will be the same thing the vet would do, but this is a lot cheaper. Everything will be ok.
Tells me there is something fishy!
Clip the barb off the fish hook with a pair of pliers, then remove the hook. Clean the area, and keep an eye on it for infection, but chances are he will be fine.
Is there a pet emergency phone number in the phone book? The vet you use might have an emergency number. Check it out.
Try the wire cutters.

I personally would take him to the vet hospital, but my dh says get the wire cutters out. If you're able to snip it off, be sure to call the vet ASAP to see how to take care of the wound.
Take your dog to the vet as soon as they open. In the meantime, DON'T mess around with the hook or try to remove it.
make shure it's not bleeding..keep the dog as calm as possible..wait until a vet is open..
Ouchie! I'm assuming the fish hook has gone all the way through correct? If so don't pull it out as the barbs can tear and cause more damage.If it doesn't seem to bother the dog.I would bandage it, with gauze and tape so that it cannot get hooked onto something and rip.And wait until I could get to the vets.If it's not bothering the dog and the dog isn't digging at it or anything that should work.It's a toughy since dogs are so fidgety.If the barbs haven't gone through the other side it may be easier to pull out, although I still don't recommend it
poor thing, unfortunaly, u have to pull it out yourself- carefully, and clean it with some alchohol so it doesnt get infected. clean it every couple hours to make sure.good luck
You should keep fishing gear locked away from any pets or children. You need wire cutters, cut the hook and remove it carefully so you won't injure the dog more. Don't try to pull the hook out or you will tear up the dog's lip.
how is the hook stuck in? is it like an earring or just half way in with only one side of the hook sticking out? if it is poking through both sides, get a pair of small wire cutters and cut off the head of the hook. pull each piece out slowly.
cut the end of with pliers then you will be able to pull it out, then put iodine on it and should stop bleeding eventually
Get wire cutters, cut the barb off the hook, and pull it out. Then judge whether he needs further treatment. If you can't do this, maybe you can find an emergency 24-hour vet.


What would you do if it were in your lip?? DUH take the dog to the emergency clinic.
Try to sedate him/her with some acetaminophen, or some kind of pain killer, for the night. Call a vet asap.
One of the vets should be on call. Call him/her now! Fish hooks have barbs on them so do not try to pull it out or you will cause more damage! The fish hook needs to be cut to take it out and the dog will probably need antibiotics. Is your pet up-to-date on his shots? CALL A VET-please do not wait-it will get infected!
all i would say is never try to remove it urself u might tear the dogs lip but just call the vets in ur surronding area since a few vets might let u bring ur dog in as a emercany if u dont want to do that then wait till morning then take the dog in.
Do not attempt to remove the fish hook on your own - you can do more damage. Take the dog to the vet. They will give him a mild sedative; push the hook through his lip, cut the barbed end of the hook BEFORE drawing the whole hook out of the dogs lip. The cost to you will not be prohibitive: just the cost of the sedative plus a normal vet visit plus any antibiotics they might prescribe.
Please take your dog to the vet NOW.
use needle nose plyers with a snip in lower part. cut the hook in half and pull it backwards so as you pull thru the opposite way from the barb in the hook. do not pull forwards as the bark will rip flesh.
Wait until there open its probably not that bad so dont try to pull it out just wait then go in when u can
Everyone is right about cutting the barb off (but preferable waiting for a vet to open if that's an option). HOWEVER, one person said to give the dog acetaminophen. DO NOT DO THAT. Adult aspirin can KILL a dog. Some dogs can have baby aspirin as it is much more mild, but I still don't recommend that without talking to a vet as the dosage your dog would need would vary depending on weight etc. Good luck and I hope your dogs ok!
Most vets have an emergency number you can call.

Don't try to take it out on your own since you can do more harm than good.
look in the phone book for the nearest Vet Emergency Clinic.
Look in the phone book to find an animal hospital or vet er in your area that has late hours or emergency calls. Your local animal control people may also be able to advise you on a late night vet.

try to keep the dog a clam as possible. If the point and barb or the hook has run all the thru the lip; and you can get another person to assist you. You may be able to remove the hook, by having the one person hold the dog in a manner that controls the head and keeps it from moving (usually straddling the dog and grasping the back of the head/lower jaw works well for our dogs); then the other person cuts off the point and barb and runs the rest of the hook back thru the lip. I would only do this if I knew for sure the dog would not freak and bite some one.

Be careful if you try to remove it your self. Good luck.
Cutting the barb off is the correct thing, just make sure you've got a good hold on it. You don't want it flying off in some unfortunate direction, like your eye. Good Luck.
take it to an animal hospital or pull it out and treat it with antiseptic
Push the hook through until you can see the barb and then Cut it off with a snips or needle nose, then you can just gently pull the hook out backwards, ( I've done this to Two Friends while Fishing.) make sure you push the hook Forward with the barb, NOT against it!
is your dog in pain? have you tried to remove it with pliers? some pliers have wire cutters. you would first cut the part with the barb and remove that then the other part. attempt this only with supervision and only if the hook's barb is visable. then put some hydrogen peroxide on it. or some neosporin. if this is not possible and your dog is in evident distress there are vets who take emergency call. look in your phone book..k? good luck.
my dog got a fish hook in her mouth but my dad got it out by him self so just wait until the vet opens everything will be ok

My dog has a fang that has turned pink?

There is no pain - or inflamation to the surrounding area, it is not loose but it is a shade of pink/peach near the gum. It is his left fang. The vet is stumped. Can anyone offer advice? I have started brushing his teeth and he never eats bad things like sweets. He is an 18 month old Giant Schnauzer Dog.
If your DVM is 'stumped'..please find another one. This is not rocket science to diagnose the problem.

Your dog needs to be on a full course of appropriate antibiotics to save that tooth. If it becomes actually abscessed, he will have to have a root canal ($$$$$$), or have it extracted. Extracting other teeth is not that big of a deal..but you want to avoid extraction of a canine tooth if at all possible, since they are important for maintaining proper jaw alignment.

You don't need x-rays to diagnose this problem. The pulp of his tooth is inflammed. It occasionally resolves on its own, but usually leads to an abscessed or 'dead' tooth if not properly treated early enough. If you WAIT until he shows pain or develops an abscess, it will be too late to save the tooth without an expensive root canal surgery. The problem is already there and needs to be addressed. This is not a 'wait and see' situation.
Dont panic
its just an extra tooth, i paniced when my terrier got one
Maybe it鈥檚 of homosexual orientation. pink lol
I think if you're vet isn't worried then neither should you be. If this isn't causing your dog any pain I would just keep an eye on it. My dog has a black mark on her tongue and its never bothered her but I panicked like mad when I first noticed it - vet told me though its nothing to worry about and his dog had the same thing! Dogs are strange creatures, get used to it!
My dog actually had this problem. It is called a 'pulpal bleed' and it happens when the tooth gets knocked or banged hard. A blood vessel in the tooth has broken and the pulp is now full of blood. This causes the inside of the tooth to die, and eventually infection will get in and cause real problems unless it is sorted.

Unfortunately the options are not too great - you either need to get the tooth removed, which is quite a big job - or to get it filled - which is even worse! Either way, you can't leave this untreated as it will inevitably cause problems in the future if it is left as it is. These problems could include abscesses and blood poisoning - so find yourself another vet and start treatment right away!
You need a new vet. For a vet not to be able to figure out the tooth is injured..well, I would have no, -0-, confidence in the vet.
Don't wait till you see pain, it will be too late to save the tooth.
Change your vet now and consider making a complaint about this one. Its not something to be done lightly but this is ridiculous.

my dog has a chest cold, what kinds of medicine can i give her?

Dogs don't get "chest colds"

They get bacterial or viral bronchial infections.


No home remedies on this one.

If the dog is coughing, hacking and maybe has a nasal drainage, it could be bordatella - comonly called kennel cough. There are also several other illnesses of that type.

Not treatable at home.

Off the the vet.
Any kind that the VET tells you
It all depends call a docter. It all veries on the type of dog.
Do not self diagnose your animal.

Take her to the vet. It can be anything, only with testing and a physical will you know for sure.

Dogs don't get "chest colds" like people do. Your dog needs to see the vet to be properly diagnosed.
If this pet is coughing with nasal discharge,you should see a vet if it isn't up to date on all vaccinations,but if that isn't possible,you could put it in a small room in a kennel cab maybe overnight for a few days and get a medicated steaming solution,put it in the steamer container with water and let her breath the medicated steam,this would help.If you don't have access to a steamer,you can make one out of a baby bottle warmer,the kind you put water in,or a poperiei pot with candle underneath.This will help even if your pet is put on antibiotics from a vet.I've tried it and it works wonders.A good site to go to is for home medications for pets.You can also give your pet the robitussin,about 1/4 teaspoon per 5 lbs.This will help break up any conjestion.Hope your pet gets better.
By chest cold do you mean he/she has dry hacking cough sounds like they are trying to get up phlem, but can't. Is it up to date on all other shots, Rabies, distemper, parvo? If yes then even higher chances it is kennel cough. you can take it to the vet, but they will give you some meds and tell you to goive it the dog for oh two weeks. Guess what kennel cough goes away on it's in about two weeks. When my shepherd got kennel cough I gave him robitussin cough in a syringe (no needle) and squirted it down his throat. Use about 1/4 teaspoon ber 10# of body weight. (they don't like the taste and will try to spit alot up so do it on tile.) Then if you go to a health food store (you won't find it at walmart or walgreens, it needs to be health/herbal store.) and get Byronia in a tablet form, they say it has to disolve by mouth so I put it under his cheeks, by the top of the gum line and held his mouth shut for 30 secs. I used four tablets for him, but he is a large dog. His cough started to get better with in four days of starting htis and was completely gone by eight. Good luck and I suggest kicking them to the living room to sleep or you won't.

my dog has a caterak and i tihnk it burst well it has a lazy eye what the matter im 12 i dont want her to die?

pleasei dont want ym dog to die what the matter
Tell your parents to take her to the vet ASAP. There are emergency vets in most towns that are open 24 hours or that have a doctor on call.
I don't think she would die from that. However they can cause them to go blind. only a vet could tell you what it is. Dogs are very adaptable even when they go blind they manage to do ok. Good luck
Yes, please make your parents take her to the vet at once, honey. She needs some attention. If your parents don't want to, show here these answers here on Yahoo. Your dog does need a vet's attention at once. Okay? Please do that. She almost certainly won't die, though, but she might be in a bit of pain, so get her to the vet.
Sweetie, there are many different kinds of cataracts-- juvenile, old age, lateral, etc. Most regular vets don't know that much about cataracts. You may have to go to a doggie ophthalmologist to get an answer for your dog's specific problem. However, I have three dogs with cataracts right now and they all see fairly well. One sees through a tube, one sees at a distance and the other just sees everything fuzzy. the good news is the vet says they will all live nice, long lives.

A friend of mine thought her dog might have cataracts and he just had dry eyes and has to take eyes drops for it everyday.

My dog has a cataract, is this why she barks more?

My dog has a cataract on one of her eyes. She never used to bark alot, but now she does. She barks alot when someone enters the house, even at people who live here that she is used to. Is this because she can't see who she is barking at very well or what? What should i do?
She is not seeing as well any more and is probably just trying to defend her territory by barking at people, even the ones she lives with until she realizes who they actually are or she figures they are of no threat. They can do cat surgery but is expensive. Tell everyone she comes in contact with to talk to her and say her name upon meeting dog and the owner should give praise and say that everythng is ok when she quiets down.
Maybe if she was a beaten pet something jumpstarted her mind to remember how she was beat and she will get nervous and bark.
Exactly. She's being defensive "just in case". You can get her into surgery to remove the cataract. Depending on her age, weigh the pros and cons.
I think that you answered your own question she can't see but does hear someone /something around her %26 like A person with thsame problem is asking whos there?
I'd have avet ckeck her their maybe treatments like people get that can be used on her

My dog has a bare patch on his forehead that bleeds and pusses what can i do to make it go away?

It is like there is no hair and once a month it fills with blood and puss and i have to sit the and wipe it off. i am worried because he is a pure bred boxer and is being prepped as breeding stud.
It is likely a cyst that needs to be removed. I had a dog with a similar sounding cyst, and the vet said it needed removed as soon as possible, because it can become cancerous..
take him to a vet!!
This sounds like something you should really take the dog to the vet for.
If I were you I would take him to the vet IMMEDIATELY! I would be worried that it was cancerous or something!
Well, a vet would be able to help you. Since this is an ongoing thing, he should be seen by a vet ASAP, not tonight but tomorrow or Friday. What are you waiting for??
OMG, this has happened often enough that you can detect a MONTHLY PATTERN an you still haven't gone to the vet!? If you can justify the cost of owning a purebred breeding dog, you sure as heck should be good for the cost of a freaking vet visit!
Uhh..Take him to the vet!! What are you waiting for? If your dog is seriously ill and you do nothing about it, you can also get arrested for animal creulty. At least in FL, you can. I just saw it on the news!
Take your Boxer to the vet ! NOW It could be serious. They are prone to cancer and he should be checked NOW. Don't even consider breeding him til you find out what is wrong with him.
I would say the vet is a very good idea. my dog had a similar problem on his back and it ended up being a hot spot. i went to walmart and there was some medicine that is yellow, i cant think of the name but its like $4.00 and on the dog aisle and it is for skin problems. and it says hot spots in red on it. you may could try that first but i am not a vet so its up to you. if you need to know the full name, send me a message and i will find it. It is for things other than hot spots too, and it was the only clear bottle with yellow fluid in it.
try taking him to the vets office they would now the best thing to do.hope he feels better.boxers are CUTE!!
You cannot ethically, breed a dog with known health problems. Did you have a full vet check before studding him out? I would run the other way with my female boxer if I saw the stud with blood %26 puss on it. Go to your vet, that sounds serious.
I can't believe you're going to breed a dog with a serious health problem without knowing what it is.Take it to the vet.No one will want to breed their dog to yours when it is sick.You need to learn something about dog care before you decide to breed them.

My dog has a bandage?

my dog has a bandage that the vets put on her leg and its time to take it off but its like stuck to her leg on her hairs. Is there something that could make the bandage unsticky???
Stand your dog in some water in the bath tub.. while he is there may as well give him a bath.. and the tape will come off of the hair on his leg and it will slide off easily..
soaking it in water is about the only thing that will get it to come off. do the same as you do for yourself when you have tape stuck on a hairy spot.. don't jerk it he may bite you..
good luck with bath time..
olive oil. Don't use baby or mineral oil.use an edible oil. But really, it shouldn't hurt her - their skin is not as sensitive as ours.
Submerge that area in water or you could try baby oil.
um like corn oil.that works to loosen the grip on the hair.
baby oil
If your dog is not afraid of hair dryers. use the hair dryer to heat up the adhesive on the bandage a gently pull it away. My dog is a long haired spaniel and I have had that problem on a couple of occasions. This method has worked for me a couple of times. After I just cut the hairs that are sticky with the glue. They grow back.

My dog has a "waxy ear" can any1 give advice wat 2 do?

Your dog could have any number of problems, from mild to very serious. The best thing to do is consult a vet! Your dog could have ear mites, he could have a wound (the 'wax' could be dried blood) he could have a fungal infection (esp. if her is super-furry, like a poodle) or he could have a bacterial infection! Does he shake his head? Scratch at his ear? Does the ear smell bad? A vet will want to know all of these things and will show you how to care for your dog so that this condition (whatever it is) can be cured and hopefully prevented in future. Good luck!
cut that ear
Go to the vets for ear drops
Use either rubbing alcohol or vaseline with a q tip.
Go to the pet store and buy ear cleaner. Use a cotton ball. Do not stick q-tips in the ear canal.

It make take a few times for him to get use to this but he will
Wash the ear with wet tea bags as if you were using cotton swabs.
Go to the vet, he will give you drops and ensure there is no infection, don't stick anything in your dogs ear other than its elbow!
You can go to a pet store or walmart and get ear wash solution for pets. If he is shaking his head or digging at it thought could be mites or an infection.
If you care for your dog at all, do not listen to any advice from here unless the advice is "SEEK ADVICE FOR A VETERINARIAN". You do not want to clean or put anything into your dog's ear without being absolutely certain it will not harm them. So, ask a doctor, and be sure.
the person who says go and see your vet is the person who has any sense always seek your vets help.
get it to a vet to check firstly that it doesn't have cancker or an ear infection. If it is something like earmites, the vet can give you drops to kill them which will sort out the wax too. Never put anything into the ear, never try to poke anything down it.
Clean the ear (if you know how) if not, just take it to the vet and they should be able to do it.
i removed my dogs ear wax with a couple of drops of olive oil with a worked but if it doesn't go to the vet it could be a growth or ear mites

My dog happniess!?

Every time that i want to show my love to my dog, i rub her belly, like most dogs enjoy! but my dog doesnt seam to like me rubbing her belly?
how can i tell if she does, and what other things can i do to make her happy!!
I've read other answers you have received. You got quite a few good ones, but I would like to add one more thing - especially with big dogs, don't forget hugs.

Also, dogs are social animals, so especially if you only have one doge, make sure you spend plenty of time with him.
If she snapps or bites or tries to roll back over she doesnt like it. BUt other places would be a good scratch behind the ears, back,chest,head. That kind.
just sitting quietly with her is nice. maybe gently massage her neck, feet, back. tell her you love her, play with her, give her biscuits. lots of things you can do. buy her a new toy! take her to get a small vanilla ice cream.
Some dogs don't like being put on their backs (mine don't). They love their ears to be scratched and underneath their necks where their paws can't reach. Rub and scratch the top of her head just behind the ears. Good luck!
just find someplace else your dog likes to be petted..some dogs are not that fond of being just play with her..make up games that you both like.use your imagination.
good luck
Scratch her butt right above her tail.Under her chin and her little arm{leg}pits as her chest.
Just get all the areas she has trouble reaching.
Some dogs just do not like to lie on their back. Just pet her, play with her, spend time with her. Just love her and she will be happy.

My dog had.?

I have posted other questions on here in the last 2 days about my dog who was pregnant. I was asked by a few nice people on here to post when she had her babies. Well it is october 12th and she started haveing them about 2:10 this morning and finished at 7 am she had 11 beautiful babies. Thanks to all of you for the answers to my questions that i posted.
Congrats! I hope mom and babies are doing well!
congratulations on your new puppy litter.
that is so sweet, thank you for letting us know. Best of luck with the puppies.
Oh how SWEET!! 11 wiggly sweet little puppies!! I know you are head over heels in love with them already!
I hope all are healthy, including mom.
awwww so cute i love puppies. my dog had 10 in march. accidently one time she laid on top of all of them. but they are fine and running around now
congratulations on becoming a mommy
wow 12 puppies, keep a close eye on them you may have to end up feeding a few of them as she does not have enough nipples for all of them. Congratulations on being a grandma you will have your hands full.
Congrats on your new babies, puppies are the greatest.

My dog had surgery today.?

We had our dog fixed today and he is acting like he is so much pain. We have had all our animals fixed and I know they can all be different. Is there anything besides this rimadyl we can give him for the pain. The vet has not returned our calls yet and the yelping is getting very old.
Take a peek at the stitches. are they intact? if your dog has torn his stitches he could be in trouble. Do not give anything else with the pain meds. You don't know what it will do if it mixes in his system. All I can say is if the stitches are OK, keep his face away from his wound and sit with him to comfort him. Some dogs are just easily intimidated by "scary" experiences. Call the vet in the morning.
I've never had a do that needed to be fixed before, so I'm afraid I don't have an answer before. Have you tried googling it? Not sure how much of a help that is, but yeah.

Good luck with the dog. Hope he's up and running again soon.
ouch.. ive only had a female cat and several female dogs fixed, but none acted as tho they were in pain.. maybe try calling another vet and getting their opinion.
Have you given it attention? It's sad. they just got their sex organs taken out. wouldn't you be crying?
Usually a neuter is not as painful as a spay, but that is not to say that it is painless. If you have already given your dog rimadyl then you will have to wait for the vet to see of there is anything else you can give him. You won't know what kind of drug interactions other meds may cause. In the meantime, try to keep your dog warm and comfortable (cuddling wouldn't hurt).
Is it a smaller dog? We have had many dogs fixed over the years and the smaller ones always seem to suffer more. Poor things. Your pup will be fine, he should be alot better tomorrow
It's possible he's just being a baby and trying to get more attention. If it's something you're concerned about and your vet's office is closed, call the office and listen to their message. They may provide a phone # for an emergency clinic. If not, check the phone book. They should be able to help you. DON'T give your dog anything that has not been presribed or recommended by a veterinarian.
He's humiliated. You took away his manhood and he his hollering loudly about it. Possibility that he is in some pain, but a lot of it could just be he feels humiliated.
some dogs react to the anesthia differently. the crying is from the anesthia. his body is still processing the chemicals and they will do alot of crying. if you have a large kennel put him in and put a towel over it to make it dark. if not try puttin him in the bathroom with towels or a rug or his dog bed in there for him to lye on and turn off the lights and close the door. this will make him feel more comfortable and quiet him down alot. if you have given the rimadyl already give nothing more, unless your vet says to give something else. dog neuters aren't as painful and spays, but some dogs dont' process the pain as well as others and the anesthisia. hope this helps and good luck.

my dog had puppys but one is real weak what could I do?

my do doesnt seem to like it he cant even suck milk his cold
the puppy is cold? That's not good. Wrap it in warm towels, and just keep making sure that the puppy is warm. Keep him quiet and still, but I don't think he's going to make it. The mother rejected the dog probably because he's so weak anyway. Did the puppy at least get the mom's first milk (colostrum)? Because that one contains the important antibodies that a puppy needs to survive in its first days.
If the puppy is not a new-born, you could get a milk replacer formula, and take the puppy on as your own. Talk to your veterinarian as soon as you can.
take him to the vet and/or be a surrogate mother for the puupy but its lots of hard work
Go to the vet.
He's probably the runt. you may have to bottle feed it. call the vet, they'll give you advice.
Sadly some pups are weak and many that are born weak do not make it. How long has it been since the pups were born? You could put it on a heating pad if you haven't already done so and try to feed it with a dropper since it sound too weak to nurse. Be prepared tho to lose the baby.
feed pup yrself
doggy bottle
or try not sure if its a good choice
take the pup and put its mouth on the mothers breast and let him drink
ask a vet how many times should you feed it
and make sure the pupy doesnt sufficate under the other dogs
that happened to one of the dogs my cousin had poor pup was under the other pupies and eighther it suficated or it got flattened to death the pup was verry week

good luck on yr pup
call a vet instead of asking untrained persons on yahoo.
Have you taken them to the vet?
bottle feed, give him lots of love, basically treat him like a human child. what really helps them is if you let them rest on your heart while they sleep, lets them know a living breathing creature cares for them and it gives them strength.
Yeah i had the same problem you make the mother lay down and place that pup on a tit and try to get it to suck sometimes the mothers don't like the runt pups (weak or deformed pups) and wont let them nurse but you must hold them on the tit
If that doesn't work start out with an eye dropper and canned simalac baby formula ( warm) add a little water and try that.for a
day or two or until the pup is able to nurse.( always try mom first,) then the formula if necessary her milk helps the pup fight off illnesses OH yeah if this is her first set of pups keep an eye on her and the runt pup sometimes they will kill the runts but if she sees that you are paying special attention to that pup she may not harm the pup even if you must hold her down to let it nurse do that and when you're done pet her and the pup let her sniff the pup in your hands then give her baby back to her then pet mom more then let her alone. if the pup was not too weak from the start things should turn out O K GOOD LUCK

signed THE CAT
Never under any conditions, feed milk to a chilled puppy. Chilled puppies should never be fed since the entire intestinal tract literally shuts down. Think about it - even in humans when the body temperature falls below normal, all body functions begin to slow or shut down. Food that was previously fed, just sits there. Consequently, by feeding a chilled puppy you are adding additional formula to an already full stomach. Feeding a chilled puppy is the quickest way to kill it! Pups should be warmed to normal temperature before feeding. Sometimes a puppy won鈥檛 appear chilled because the body feels warm from external heat sources (such as heat lamp or heating pad). The best and surest way to check whether a puppy is chilled or not is to feel the tongue. If the pup鈥檚 tongue has a chilled/cold feeling, do not feed milk.

The first thing to do is warm the chilled puppy very slowly

Warming a Chilled Puppy:
The best way to warm a chilled puppy is to place him/her next to your skin underneath a sweater or jacket and let your own warmth seep into the puppy. If the puppy's rectal temperature is below 94 degrees, warming will take 2 to 3 hours.

Chilled puppies usually have low blood sugar levels and are dehydrated. You can correct mild to moderate dehydration by giving a warmed glucose-electrolyte solution such as Pedialyte. Give 1 cc per ounce of body weight every hour by eye dropper or baby nurser. Warm the puppy slowly until the puppy is wiggling about. Severe dehydration needs to be treated by your vet
he is obviously sickly, or else the mother would not have rejected him, doesnt sound good, but i have nursed several puppies and older dogs, and sick puppies/dogs.
get puppy milk at the store, a dropper, if you dont have one buy baby tylenol and wash the dropper well, he must be feed at least every two hours nite and day, keep him warm, wrap him in a flannel towel or blanket that has been cut into a small enough piece. this is a lot of work and doesnt always have the results you want, be sure and check with the vet.
Have the puppy checked for pravo. It's better to do this really soon, If this one test positive then the others may catch it and you don't want to spread it.

My dog had puppies this morning?

How long do we have to wait to touch them? When can we play with them? Right now, they she is across from them, sonce we cant touch them how can we bring them closer? Yep she had them outside. they can get sick :( right? What are we going to do?
First of all get them inside. Put them in a utilty or laundry room with some old blankets for her to make bedding out of. Moving the pups can sometimes be rather difficult thing. Dogs can be very protective of their offspring. First you must make certain of that she trusts you to be around her pups. Do this by sitting down beside her and her litter and pet her gently and speak in a soft voice. Letting her know that you mean her or her pups no harm. Sit there and do this for as long as you think you need to. You will know pretty quick if she wants you there just by her mood. As you are giving her pets incorrperate touching the pups at the same time with the same hand.Go back and forth petting her and then the pups. Every time you touch her pups she will inspect them. This is natural. This will put your scent on the pups and will help her make the connection in a positive way between you and her babies. This will reasure her that you have no intention in harming her or her pups. Repeat this over and over untill you are sure she is relaxed enough and is not bothered by your presents. When you have accomplished this she will not be so nervous when you try to move her and the pups. When you decide to move them make sure you move all the pups at the same time (Very Important)!!. This will help keep her some what relaxed because all her litter are still together. Put a blanket in a laundry basket or a box. As you move them from one place to another hold the box low to the ground where she can still see and smell them and she will follow where ever her pups go. Another reason you want to move the whole litter at the same time is so that she will not be as stressed and so she will not try to move the other pups back to her original place onece you have moved a couple(Guaranty). Keep in mind she may even try to do this even after you have moved her and her litter. But after a couple of days she will get used to her new area. I would not advise you to play or hold the young pups while they are still really new born like they are because the mother will constantly be cleaning up after them as well as contantly cleaning her pups. Keeping them almost germ free. By holding them or picking them up to much you can make them sick as well as cause the nursing mother stress. So give them a few weeks and keep socializing yourself with her and her pups( As described above). And after they are walking around and their eyes open. And they will be plenty playfull. Trust me. Good luck.

P.S VERY IMPORTANT) Get Mom and Babies to the vet for check up!
ask your vet and you can most likely touch them but dont hold them close but your dog'll be over protected of them the first 2 weeks.
You have to move them indoors. Just be very careful and gentle and make sure the mum can see her pups when you are moving them. They can't stay outside this is a necessity. Move them inside, get her basket and blankets ready indoors and place the puppies gently into it and let her in beside them. If she shows any strange behaviour towards them phone your vet immediately.
Make a cozy spot with plenty of warm blankets and newspaper undeneath in a closet or quiet area of the house; You'll have to move them inside, but I'd wrap them each in a warmed washcloth and have it times so it's done really fast! Make sure the mother comes as well..
i'm stumped on this one maybe try to kinda herd them into the house? but your right they can get sick outside now try to do it quickly
You can actually touch the puppies but you have to be very gentle and should be wearing gloves so that they don't get infections if ever your hands are not clean. The puppies at this time are very fragile and cannot see yet so you cannot play with them. It will take about 3-4 weeks before they start crawling. It would be best for you to bring the mother and the puppies inside in a carton with the top and 1 side removed, lined with towels/newspapers so that they don't get messy and you can change the liners every day. Don't forget to give the mother lots of liquid! :)
You touch puppies right away because you get a weight (you get a weight DAILY for the first 2 weeks) and so you can check for birth defects like a cleft palate.
You do not "play" with them until they can play.
People who have no idea should SPAY their dogs. If the puppies get sick, it is your fault because you didn't provide adequate care. Puppies should not be born outside.

There is something wrong if your bit ch will not accept you touching the puppies. If she doesn't, clearly she does not trust you. I have NEVER had a bit ch that was even worried about me touching the puppies.but then my dogs get good care and I am THERE when the puppies are born and touch them RIGHT AFTER they are licked clean!
And you do not need to wear gloves! Just wash your hands first!
Now go outside and pick them up and carry them in!

Living puppies are not a science experiment! Just because you "don't know", or it is the "first time".that is NO EXCUSE! Do you think it is fair for puppies to die because someone didn't spay their dog, or look on the internet about breeding and whelping first?? That was YOUR choice not to spay the dog. Do not make the dog and puppies suffer because you "don't know". I am sure you know what a VET is..maybe see one or call for some advice!

And if you wait a month or 4 months to touch will end up with FERAL and unadoptable puppies that NO ONE wants!
Ever heard of SOCIALIZATION?? Maybe that is why the mother doesn't want you touching them!! Maybe she has not had much socialization either.
keep straw hay or ceder chips in with her.if you dont she could lay on them to keep them warm.i touch my pups as soon as they r born.i check sex and color and send out for the papers so i have them ready for the people buying them.
You have to wait about 4 months to touch them. You can play with them once they have mastered walking and when their eyes are open and once they aren't dependent of their mother. That means that you have to wait until they stop drinking their mother's milk. Don't try to bring them close, either. Right now, the pups need their mother, not a bunch of human persons.And stop thinking that puppies are human babies. For millions of years dogs have had their puppies outside, at the earth.If it's too cold out, try to put the mother on a basket or another place big enough for her and the puppies. Then, with the help of carton or a blanket, take out each pup out from where they were to the basket where the mother is. Repeat the operation until ALL the puppies are safe in the basket and inside. If the mother or the puppies seem hurt or sick, don't wait. Call your vet IMMEDIATELY. Even if everything is OK, take the pups and the mother to the vet regularly for the checkups and to see if they don't have fleas or anything harmful. Who's the lucky father?!
Congratulations, mother!Congrats, Someday!And welcome to the world, puppies!
first of all they need to be brought indoors. next when you bring them inside leave her be with them for at least 1 day, after that you should be able to touch them in about 3-4 days after they are born. just make sure that she will let you touch and hold them without her being bothered by you touching them. i breed golden retrievers and i touch and hold the pups about 3 days after they are born because mom is used to it. just be careful when you do hold them that you wash your hands after and before you holding them. you can pass on any sickness to them and with them being really young they can catch colds, so be careful. use the hand sanitizer before and after holding and you should be ok. good luck
You dont have to wait to touch them. If the puppies are going to be in harms way then you do need to get them and the mother inside. Lure her inside and into another room, close the door, them grab a box and put a soft towel in, then just go get the babies, place them wherever in the house and let the momma out of the room, she will find them! But be fore warmed she may try repeatedly to move them so be sure you put them in a place that the mother will feel secure. say a quiet closet with the door open. Its her job to protect them from harm and if you put them in the middle of a big room with tons of noise and no privacy she will definitely move them to keep them safe.

You are not going to hurt them by touching them. its not like a bird the mother will not reject them just because they have your scent, she will just lick them clean.

Good luck!
Hey there. I know you are pointing out TORBAY. He may be a fake. If he is not, he should not be doing what he says he's doing. He probably gave himself a thumbs up. Pay no attention to his nastiness. You came here for help.
Most of the answers are correct. You've probably done a little research by now also and possibly contacted a professional. I understand that some people will judge without knowing all of the facts. You go ahead and take care of those babies and good luck to you!!

My dog had puppies about a week ago, one of her nips looks weird?

It is not out all of the way and has black stuff around it? What should I do or how do I clean it!
You need to get her to the vet and be ready for bottle feeding of the pups. Sounds like she could have mastitis which is an infection in the teats. If this is the case, she will need meds which will prevent her from nursing. Continuing to nurse will be harmful to her and cause her to get very, very sick. She needs to see the vet asap.
You need to take her to the vet. It may be infected.
Take her to the vet and make an appointment to get her spayed as soon as the puppies are weaned.
Only professional breeders should be breeding.
"Mastitis" can be due to lesions, lack of hygiene, puppies that have sores on their mouth or paws and contaminated dedicate breasts of their mother.

You should have her checked out for that. It's common amongst nursing dogs.

my dog had puppies 2 weeks ago, when is okay to bathe her??

If your house is warm, and you can get her really dry within 3 hours, when she needs to get back to the puppies, you can bathe her now..No flea bath, though.
I do it as soon as I know they are finished. Do you have kids. Its messy didn't you feel better taking care of your new baby when you were clean and fresh. I have one that had babies last night and may have had more today but when I get home she will get another change of bedding and a fresh warm bath.

Frontline needs to be used if its a flea problem.
you can take a wet cloth to wipe her down, but it is usually not a good idea for a full bath. you may want to check with your vet if you think have a good reason for wanting to bath her
I doubt you'd be able to keep her from the pups long enough for a bath, without causing her a good deal of anxiety. I would forego the full bath for another week or two, and instead, give her a "sponge bath" with warm washcloths, making sure that she doesn't catch a chill. I know that dogs can stink after a while, but, this is just one of those times where a full bath is not called for. Try to make sure that wherever she is resting/laying/nursing is as clean as possible to cut down on her body odor. Absolutely do not use any flea treatment of any kind, on her, the pups, or her bedding; it's too soon and would be harmful to the pups. If fleas appear on the pups, just pick them off with a tweezer and drown them (the fleas!) in a nearby cup of water. Ditto for mommy dog. If you have any problems, call any vet for a quick question/advice. Good luck with your brood! Don't forget to take pictures!
too early ; the mom should be cleaning the pups and any shampoo could have a reaction with contact with the pups; her nipples, drying them out etc; too early to intervene; she should be cleaning herself and the pups ; too early to get involved unless some severe problem ? I would clean the area where they are to avoid problems with smell; not sure what you are using for bedding? Once the pups are eating on their own and getting messy then I would bath them and Mom - until then it should just be keeping their area clean and should be okay
Why not call your breeder mentor? She should know the answer as she's experienced in breeding animals. You *do* have one, right?
Anytime, just rinse her well.

my dog had fleas and now there back again what can i do?

i cant even sleep there in my bed ive tryed everything washed everything but im still getting bit and im up all night scratching them please help before i go nuts
The best and easiest flea treatment by far is ADVANTAGE.Simply apply it to the dogs skin.This will effectively kill the fleas on the dog and anywhere that it lies.Next go to the supermarket and buy yourself some flea bombs.RAID or MORTEIN.Flea bomb every room in your house and you will have no more flea problems.You can forget the powdersas they are messy and don't last long.And washing your dog in remedies also only lasts for a short time.Advantage only needs to be applied once a month but in most cases you'll find the fleas don't come back once you have your enviroment under control and it takes 2 seconds to apply.
not only should you treat your dog for fles but you must also treat the ares the dog frequents, blankets, etc. you should also invest in a flea collar which wil keep fles from going on the head area causing further complications with the ears.
place a bit of vinegar in the drinking water.
You have to bomb the house. Get the dog treated again and then get buggy bombs.
i have a yellow lab %26 he used to have a lot of fleas on his body. go to a vet. clinic %26 ask for anti flea drops. the bottle is similar to the plastic bottle of EYE-MO. bath your dog first %26 then wait for 3 days before you apply the medicine at the back of his neck. dont bath your dog after 5 days or else the effect of the medicine will not be effective as it should be.
You know that flea powder stuff? Take you dog out side.. powder the heck out of her/him rub it in good!! Then all over your bedroom.. carpet ect.. Leave your dog outside for a a hour or better. Get a good VACUUM.. Vacuum the piss out of your bedroom. You know.. all bedding washed..ect. Guess what.. Fleas B GONE!!
Get the good flea powder.. Your dog will love you for this..
get some revolution from your vet, they will be all dead in a day! But you must do this monthly in order to keep the fleas away for good.
You have to buy Frontline. Its the best.
You can get it at Kind of expensive but works. You can buy the spray bottle, its a little cheaper.
Then go to your local pet store and buy flea carpet cleaner and use that.

P.s. I work with military dogs, and thats what the government uses on these dogs, and they only use the best.
When flea larvae hatch they can't penetrate the skin to eat so they eat the blood that the "mama" flea left for them. Regular bathing (at least once a week, but no more than 3X/week b/c it will dry the dog's skin out too much) will help loads. A good swim in a lake that gets them completely wet can be a daily thing plus it gives them some exercise and won't dry the skin out.

Garlic and brewer's yeast (available at any good pet store or nutrition store) added to their food will also help keep fleas from hanging around. Plus, it's REALLY cheap but highly effective (better than a lot of the stuff that is toxic to your dog that your vet will sell you).

One last thing that you can do is get some stuff called "Precor" add it to a **new** bugspray canister and spray it around the house. It completely stops the development of bug larvae so that they can't become viable adults. It's also completely non-toxic to anything that ISN'T a bug larva. It will NOT kill the adults. That's what the regular bathing and swimming is for.

my dog had babies and now she' loosing her hair!?

how can i put her hair back :D
Most females loose their coats after whelping.It's called "BLOWING" their coat.Try giving your pet some WHEAT GERM OIL,for pets,or give her about 1/3 teaspoon daily per 5 lbs. of the Pure Corn oil vegetable shortening(Liguid),her coat will come back within a week or so and be beautiful.This works wonders.
It is something that happens with the change of the hormones. The hair will grow back on its own.
dont worry its stress. it ll grow back in time. i work in a rehoming centre and have worked with dogs with a litter on many occasions. seen it happen before. when the pups are old enough to be rehomed your dog will calm down and her hair will grow back. its all to do with bein hormonal.
Make sure she's not pulling it out one her own. Is there stress, like people handling the pups too much, or too much commotion?
Mkae sure she is getting the proper nutrition. When a dog is nursing a lot of calories %26 nutrients are put into milk production. If she does not get the proper nutrition then it can damage her health %26 the health of her puppies.
Bitches whelp PUPS,not "dog have babies"!!

ALL bitches blow coat after whelping!
It grows back all by itself.

I don't know but I have two Ideas, use one or both;

You could go to the vet and ask him questions. OR yoiu can go to the pet store and ask a clerk about wher you can buy like hair growing supplements or something.
This is normal hormonal loss after having pups. It is called blowing their coat. One of my females really had some serious hair loss and the vet gave me some meds for her. They will grow their coat back in without the meds, but the meds helps it come in faster. The vet gave me the meds for her just to ease my mind.

My dog had a tick?

My boyfriend bought me a golden retriver as a surprise. I've always loved dogs but have a bad phobia with ticks. My mother died from the complications of lyme disease when I was a child. I have flea and tick control gel I put on him once a month (as directed) but today I seen a tick on my dog's ear. I was so scared, I had to call my boyfriend over to get it out with tweezers. He only got half of it out. Does this mean that it's dead? I really don't know that much about ticks. I will take him to the vet soon just to make sure he's ok. Is there anything I should do in the meantime?
The tick is dead, but it may make a large pimple-like sore where the head of the tick is..much as a splinter would.Your vet will get the rest out for you..Tweezers are good, but need to be applied right next to the skin, so the tick doesn't break off like that..
You don't need to do anything until you get to the vet.
Take the dog to the vet OR try to get the rest of the tick out of his ear, it's dead though.

Lyme disease has different effects on folks but for the most part it's treatable and can be detected early, don't worry, all will be OK.
no but you should take to vet next time put finger nail polish on the tick and watch it with a pice of cloth in your hand the tick breath tru is side so paint there really good and it will die then pick up
Get rid of the dog. your bf sounds like a dirtbag for getting you a flea and tick magnet as a surprise.
If only half of it came out, it is still alive, and may grow outward again. My vet says to get a paper towel, put it over your fingers and put your fingers as close to the dog as you can get them, then pull the tick out. Then put an antiseptic on the dog.
They have tick tweezers which are easier to use for ticks than human tweezers. I too do not like ticks and I live in Florida! I don't know what you are using, but I have found Frontline Plus to be the best. In 2005 I had a puppy given to me for my birthday and the people had the parents, 10 pups and other dogs. The puppy had a couple of ticks, I put the frontline on her and she has been tick free since. Good luck!
o my god..and you didnt call 911..
. Using a pair of pointed precision tweezers, grasp the tick by the head or mouth parts where it enters the skin. DO NOT grasp the tick by the body.

Etched or rasped fine-point tweezers may not be effective in removing deer ticks. Choose unrasped fine-point tweezers whose tips align tightly when pressed firmly together.

2. With a slow, smooth motion, pull firmly and steadily outward. DO NOT twist the tick. DO NOT apply petroleum jelly, a hot match, alcohol or any other irritant to the tick. This can cause the tick to burrow more deeply, and expel more bacteria into the blood.

3. Place the tick in a jar of alcohol to kill it.

4. Clean the wound with disinfectant. Monitor the bite for a rash for three to 30 days. Be alert for other symptoms of Lyme disease. If a rash or other early symptoms develop, see a vet immediately.

For the tick to be dead you have to make sure you get the head of the tick out that is the most important that is why you have to grab the head of the tick and get it off not the body .

Since you have the flea and control on him once a month you should not have any problems. Check your dog again and make sure you got the head of the tick off the dog and just call your vet explain what happened. If they are good Vet they will give you advice over the phone mine always does so she can try to save you some money when its not necessary to bring the dog in .
You should always get the tick to release itself before removing. Don't be scared, be cautious! Use gloves next time your dog has one. The flea and tick stuff isn't that great, if your dog stays in your yard, just treat your yard for fleas and ticks.

my dog had a tick before and it fell off, I found it in my bed. Do they normally do that?

She has one again and I am hoping that the same thing will happen, if not obviously i will go to the vet. I found it on her tonight. I am afraid that it will fall off and attach itself to me during the night. Help!
A tick will fall of when it's full. Why don't you just remove the tick? Then you wont have to worry about it. Try using a good flea and tick treatment like Advantage or Frontline and then you wont have any problems in the future
you need to tick her regularly. Remove them at once.
ticks are easy to control with frontline..see dr foster website for cheaper product. just locate the tick and pull firmly and flush it, don't leave it on the dog. it will fall off sometimes as it's moving and may attach to you. ps. ticks look for the most vascular regions on the dog..which is the head..just feel around and check for ticks everyday and that will help your prob.
As someone else said, the tick will fall off when it has had its fill, it will then crawl away to lay eggs, so it will not re attach its self to you, but it may try to lay eggs.

Get rid of it (kill it), use tweezers to remove the one on your dog, then get some tick control (frontline) from your vet to prevent them biting your dog.

You should always remove them from your dog, as some are very deadly, known as paralisys ticks and can kill your dog, the deadly ones are usually grey in colour.
Frontline Plus. Go get some from your vet.

my dog had a seizure last night with heart racing, what is wrong with him?

take him to the vet asap. it might not be somethign serious but if it is you wanna get it checked out asap. there is this medicine called phenabarbatal(i dont think i spelt that right) it is used to help prevent them. my dog just started having seizures a couple of months ago. she is fine but we give her the meds daily to prevent ehr from having more. good luck and i hope he is ok
Test his glocose (sugar)level. They sell the urine test strips in the drug store but your best bet is to take him to a vet a.s.a.p. The dog may be diabetic or have a tumor.We have had a few dogs with diabetes.They can live a long normal life with proper care.I really think that your dog has low sugar.It may just be an occational thing.Try giving him something to eat in the morning such as a biscuit.Please have your vet do a cbc (complete blood count) to diagnos the problem.Feel free to e-mail me.
ummm whats wrong with him is that he had a seizure you need to take him to the vet
I once had a collie that had Canine Epilepsy
The condition known as epilepsy does indeed occur in dogs. In fact, the problem is broken down into two different types of Epilepsy.
1. Idiopathic Epilepsy- Idiopathic epilepsy is when there is no known cause for the condition and it is assumed it may be an inherited condition.
2. Secondary Epilepsy 鈥?This diagnosis is used when a specific cause for the seizures can be found. A veterinarian will normally run a variety of tests to rule out possible physiological or toxic causes before diagnosing the dog as having the idiopathic version.
I had to get him put down because it got to be to much for him and to expensive to treat.. You dog needs to go to the vet asap..
I used to own a yellow lab that had seizures. He died from them before we were able to diagnose and medicate him. We now have a lab/pointer mix that has been having seizures. PORK! is one major cause. Make sure the food contains no pork and don't feed your dog any pork foods (hot dogs, pork chops, bacon, etc.). Some dog treats contain it also. Our dog is now regularly on medication for this. His most severe was one seizure an hour for several hours! He was blind at one point but did regain sight. Make notes of duration and intensity and take your dog to your vet.
Unless he's been diagnosed by a professional, you really don't have any idea what's going on. He needs to be taken to a vet immediately (maybe you have a 24/7 emergency place by you). They will do bloodwork and may want to do an ultrasound of his heart, provided they find it necessary. Don't wait around though, it could be serious.
is your dog on meds for the seizures?? I have a 4 yr. old male 75 pounds that has been on phenobarbatal since he was 1 and a half. now he only has them every 5 to 6 months or so. i take him to the vet every 6 months for a blood cell test. its a scary thing especially in big dogs.. my vet also does a pheno level count too.please dont let your dog keep having seizures,,,he needs to see a vet.
take your dog to a vet. May be nothing, but you need a professional to check her out.

My dog had 6 puppies and she died last night, what should I do with the puppies?

I need help because I'm not sure what I should do with them. Should I bottle feed them?
I'm so sorry! How awful!
Yeah, you gotta start them on a bottle pretty soon or take them to a shelter or vet. Don't just drop them off, see if they are going to take care of them or just euthanize them. Unless you aren't conserned with that, it is entirely up to you if you want to try to save the babies or let nature take it's course. Don't let the idiots on this site make you feel guilty, sometimes things happen and we can't do anything about it.
Get puppy replacement milk and look for one with colostrum. Colostrum has chemicals and stuff puppies need to be healthy. There are also ones with beneficial bacteria, consider getting one of those as well.
You are gonna need a few bottles. Then, I recomend you go to a vet or shelter to get puppy feeding lessons. It's not as easy or straightforward as it might seem.
Remember you gotta rub their tummies and exits to make them go poop and pee. Like their mama would have. They will die if you don't.
Good Luck
yes thats the best thing i can think of. you better call your vet
Of course aww im so sorry.Keep them in a blanket warm and yes bottle feed them go to your local vet and get answers.
call ur vet.
im so sorry about ur dog.
the puppies probably need a special formula that ur vet can help u find.
r u lactating?
can contact your local vet or animal shelter and they can offer your helps

you can try using bottle feedings with the over the counter milk but referring to the vet first will help with the immediate care they may need

am sorry to hear of your loss
bottle feed them(you can buy a bottle out of a pet store) and place a stuffed animal in with them they will think it is their mother and it will help keep them warm. Don't forget after feeding they will use the bathroom so have a tissue handy.
keep at least 1 puppie so u wont have to buy another one, and sell the rest.
Break out the bottels and feed them with dog milk. You can't give the pups regular milk, it makes them sick. Get somewhat like a dog formula if you can. The first day I found my abandoned cat who turned agressive he had to be bottle fed with a bottle.
Get them to a vet 1st off to make sure they are ok. Your vet should be able to tell you your next course of action. If you decide to hand rear them, be prepared. You wil be feeding every couple hours for a long time. You might be lucky if your vet or friends and family might know a mom that could surrogate. In an instance where mom has lost her own pups, she might still be produing milk and accept the pups as her own.

Sorry to hear mom passed away. Good luck!
I know this sounds gross but you can check with your vet, After you feed them you have to wipe their little butts with a wet rag to make them peepee because the mom uses her tongue to do that.
Oh My goodness!
you must be very upset about losing your dog!
well at least you have new little ones!
Yes you should bottle feed them
you should keep one and give the rest to the local spca. i will pray for your dog so she will go to doggies heaven
You should be feeding them every couple hours with a bottle (or better, tube feeding, but you would need to be shown how to do this without hurting them) and puppy formula.

You will also need to be stimulating them so they will potty.

I am sure there must be some good websites about raising orphaned pups, do a search.
OMG. I'm so very sorry. Yes,you are going to have to do a lot for the pups such as bottle feeding and helping hm eliminate. There's too much to mention, so I'll give you a web site to check.

Good luck, and I'm so very sorry.
My sincere condolences and god luck with the pups.
Aww, that's the most saddest thing. When a mother dies and the babies have no mom. First thing:
1) CALL THE VET! Because, now the babies cannot get milk and they won't have anyone to go to.
2) Ask people you know with pets. It's always better to hear a friend telling you what to do if they went through something like it.
3) Treat the babies like your their mom. They don't want to feel left out so feed them, teach them, and care for them.
4) Pray to God .

.I'm so sorry about the mother :(.
call ur vet and they will tell u how to get them to the vets saftly and then they will show u how to bottle feed. im sorry about ur dog. * luck!
I am so very sorry about your loss. Do you know what your dog died of? (Calcium deficiency is a biggy with a dog feeding a large litter, especially a small dog.) If your dog was sick or poisoned, the pups may be in danger. My advise is to get them to a vet or an animal shelter. Bottle feeding six newborn pups is a full time task. It would be extremely difficult for one person to accomplish. You should get them checked out and get some help. If the puppies live and turn out healthy, perhaps you could keep one to replace the one you lost. However, I would suggest neutering your pet as soon as possible. I will be praying for you. My greyhound died of brain cancer on July 5th of this year. I know it is hard to lose a pet. May God bless you. I will be praying for you.
well you can keep about two or three puppies and give the rest away. And I'm sorry about your loss of your dog.鈾モ櫏鈾モ櫏鈾?
Hello damn,Sorry to hear about your loss,its very heart breaking but concentrate on your babies now.
So try to bottle feed them but if they are to small then RUSH to the VET (A.S.A.P.)because they dehydrate very fast and will die,
So have the vet if necessary fit a stomach Tube and feed them that way.
If they do take the bottle then there is puppy milk,Pet stores have quality puppy milk or ask your vet.And you will have to feed them every 2-3 hours for the next few days.I hope i helped
You are going to have to bottle feed them so go to the pet store and buy a couple of the small baby bottles.. like for dolls and warm milk and or get a formula for them and feed them that way..
They should take a bottle every 2 hours to start..
keep them very warm.. put a heating pad under there blanket on warm. so that they don't get chilled.. it is going to be alot of work for a couple of weeks but you can do it..
The warmth and plenty of milk when needed at first will be the main thing. and remember they don't know how to potty on there own yet so you will have to get a bowl of nice warm water and with a soft rag or cotton ball rub it on there little bottom and make them potty should also do this about every feeding or after feeding..The warmth of the water will make them pee and poo. Keep them clean and well fed and warm and you should have a bunch of really happy pups there.
when they open there eyes and start to wander around start giving them some soft canned food. will make it easier for you if you can get them to eat on there own. keep the milk going for up to 8 weeks and they will be happy.. also start giving them some crunchy food soaked in milk or water to get them started on regular food in about 4 to 5 weeks.
They will grow fast once you have them eatting on there own..
They do sleep alot also so just take care of them when awake..
they need plenty of sleep to grow..
good luck with your babys
know any good asian restaurants?
Talk to your vet. Definetly bottle feed them. Call a humane society and see if they will take how ever may of the puppies you are willing to give away or sell. Don't just dump them though. That's cruel.
Yes and make sure you keep them warm or they will die.This happened to my dog as a pup.So what I did was put him in a pet taxi and put a light about a foot a way from him to keep him warm.

They can't survive more than a few hours.

Get a heating pad and put it under a towel in their box. Put the heating pad set on low under just half of their box area.

You may get by with bottle feeding them - every hour for the frist week or so. You need Puppy-Lac - a milk replacement formula. You also need very tiny, tiny bottles and nipples.

You have to clean their and rub their rear ends to encourage defecation.

If they won't take the bottle, you have to intubate them and feed them through the tub. SEE THE VET

I'm sorry you lost your dog but if you don't know what to do with orphaned puppies, you are not an experienced or prepared breeder. I'm guessing that you didn't spay your female and either she got knocked up because she got loose or you frivilously decided to breed a litter just to do it. That's what happens when you don't spay or have your dog get preganant because it would be "fun" to have puppies.
yeah! I think you should bottle feed them with puppie formula.

My dog growled at me and I don't know why. now I'm a bit scared of him. I need to understand dogs more.

what kind of dog is it? you need to show the dog that you are not afraid of it. but you should really try to figure out why it growled at you.
get a dog trainer to train your dog
What were you doing when he growled at you? He may be displaying possessiveness over something. I'm not sure. But if you are scared or nervous at all, the dog WILL pick up on it, putting you in an even worse situation. I'd sign up for doggy obedience classes, or just a one-time refresher course. Until then, just be calm and firm with him.
watch the dog whispror. hes the best!
That's not good. Dogs have a pack mentality and you have to be the pack leader. Watch the show the Dog Whisperer and check out Cesar Milans web site. He is really great with dogs and explains things well. Good luck.
Watch a few episodes of "The Dog Whisperer" on Discovery Channel.

Chances are, the dog thinks that he/she is the lead dog. At the very least, the dog doesn't think you are the lead dog, and that will make any dog misbehave.

If you don't find a way to make the dog think you're in charge then you'll have lots bigger problems.

Finally, it always helps to make sure the dog is getting tons of exercise. A tired dog is a well-behaved dog.
my dogs are soo sweet. but they growl at me only when their sleeping and want me to stop hugging and bothering them. or if their eating. the growl is another term for "warning sign" like dont touch my food. or dont bug me when i'm sleeping.
my dog did this the other day but instead of growling he opened his mouth at me and he never did that before , i realized he did it when i touched his leg and mid back, after i thought about it i remembered a tree had fell out by his dog house and i assumed he got hit from it, so i gave him some Tylenol pm to help him sleep and the next day he was OK, havent had a problem since -

check to see if its a sore spot - does he have rabies shots? and it could be he had a toy of his, my dog will let you put your hand in his bowl of food but when it comes to his bones he is a little bit possessive, ive had to teach him when i say drop it he needs to drop it and i can tell he doesnt want to but he does it anyway- dont be scared unless he is showing teeth, be cautious, and make sure he doesnt have injuries - good luck
Get a book on what ever breed of dog that you have.
If you came into contact with another dog, your dog might smell the other dog's scent and want to defend it's territory.
were you brushing his hair? my dog used to bite me and bak violently at me and snarl and all that while i tried to brush his hair. i don't think he liked me very much.
Me and my dog have the best bond in the world and she never ever growled at me forany reason except once when she was in alot of pain after a fall so a few feet awayi slowly took a seat and laid down facing her just calmly and still and after a few minutes she etched her way over to me cautiously then when she got next to me i made sure she could see me and I petted her and things were ok. u might wanna try something like that!
If your afraid, that doesn't sound too good. I need to know more to help. If its a pup you can teach him/her that its not a good thing to growl at you by sternly telling him no. Do not hit him.

The dog might need some obedience training which your vet might have some recommendations.

I have a Siberian husky who always growls at me, but it is just his way of wanting my attention and talking to me, it is quite humorous with him!

There are also some very good web sites on the net if you surf for dog training.

I wish you good luck, just wish I knew more about the situation to help.
your dog could have been playing as dogs growl if you play tug of war with them your dog will not bite you unless you grab his ears or pull his fur ,as you are hurting him he will defend himself,how long have you had him, is he a pup or a adult dog.
You should never be afraid of your dog. He is trying to communicate with you, weather it's “leave me alone”, or “play with me”. A bark can be intimidating but try to figure out what is making him bark. Also, try some training classes so you and your dog can bond more. That way you won’t be afraid of him, and you can learn to be the “Alpha” or at least teach him, he ranks below you. Good luck. And next time he barks, don’t run away. Instead stand still like a tree, look down at him and firmly say “No”. Since your afraid I wouldn't get in his face, and surly don't hit him.
This website will help u
I recommend a basic obedience course for you and your dog to help you understand each other.
you might have did something to the dog from before and it rememberd later on so it growled at you but dont worry my dog do that all the time but i pay it no mine because they do that to scare u
You bark at it, he'll be scared, %26 you know barking dogs dose not bite!
I have a great dane that growls at me, it is his way of communicating, when he is happy and has his blue fluffy he comes towards me growling with his tail wagging, just make sure that this isn't a aggressive temperament in your dog, some dogs however are just verbal when they are happy, I also have a min dachshund that growls when I scratch her belly and her rear end and she will growl and give love bites, not hard, when you stop she bugs you to death to do it again. You can usually tell by looking in the dogs eyes if it is being aggressive, if it is showing its teeth and snarling its lip and not wagging its tail, I would say that this is aggressive behavior, what ever you do, don't let the dog know that you are afraid of it. I had a friend that had a Afghan hound that was aggressive and she bit me and I opened her mouth and crammed my fist down her mouth until she couldn't breathe, then I took my hand out and told her no biting! I never had a problem with her from that day forward, and she never nipped her owners again either. I think that was about the cruelest thing I have ever done to a dog but it worked. However on the other hand some dogs will tend to get meaner if you try to discipline them so you have to really understand your dogs temperament and learn to read their eyes and their body language.
Please understand one thing. If you are scared of your dog, he will know it and sense that. You did not mention what kind of dog you have or its age. We have three dogs and have not had that problem. But years ago we did. It was a rottweiler and we had him since he was a pup. He was 2 years old when he growled at me. I was afraid of him when he done that. My husband put him in his place and after that it never happened again. We kept him maybe another six months. Given his breed, I always was leery about him and he knew it. We eventually adopted him out. good luck to you.

my dog got tail caught in door 3 days ago, healing good , now just laying around any advice?

he also seems to be teething could this be why he is tired acting or is it from his tail hurting he is a 6 month old shitzu
poor baby. Has he had all his shots? He could be sick with something like parvo if he hasnt. otherwise he might just be feeling achey and sore, I dont think dogs hurt like people do when they teeth.. they normally just chew the heck out of stuff. Call the vet in the morning and ask them, they may want to X-Ray the tail to make sure its not broken.
I don't think the two things are related but it kind of depends on , are we talking car door or inside the house door? If it's been a week and his little tail doesn't hurt when you touch it than he could be teething. But if he hurts when you touch his tail and he's not eating well then i'd call the vet. he is six months old and i'm guessing you've had him at least a little bit, you know he should be relatively active for short bursts at a time. and then taking a nap, then doing it all over again. teething for a dog consists of a crap load of chewing, if he's not doing that either than i'd call the vet, just in case. Good Luck!!
Yes, take the dog to a vet NOW. Infection and broken bones can make your dog sick or even kill it.
give him/her LOTS of attention
lethargic puppies aren't normal, not when their teething or anything. call your vet asap and get him checked out, it may be nothing, but better to be sure.
When the dog's tail got caught, did it break the skin? Was there any swelling? Is the affected area hot or warm to the touch or is there discoloration, such as pink or red?

By 6 months of age, your dog should be just about done losing his puppy teeth, and replacing them with his adult teeth.

I would think him acting tired would be more associated to the ordeal with the tail possibly becoming infected rather than the teething.

If you notice any of the signs I listed in the first paragraph, please get your dog to a vet immediately. An infection can be cleared up with a simple anitbiotic, but left unattended could become a much more serious problem.
I would take your pup to the vet.

My dog got stolen out of the yard and now i have a emty space in my hart what can i do.?

Get a new dog and a bigger fence?
get a new 1?
Put out posters and flyers with picture of him or her.
Use spell check and call the police.
Spend your extra spare time going to classes to learn to spell and punctuate properly.
if u cant find it, better get another one, maybe a cat this time.
Fill up the emptiness with JESUS. He never gets missing and he will never create a vacuum in your heart.
look all over for him ask people you know and don't know to help you fine him and you can get him a freind
Go to the pound.
have you considered raging? or maybe stealing a better dog?
I'm really sorry that this happened. I would go to the police and report a stolen dog .Put up posters and flyers with a picture and a small reward.Maybe some one will come foward.
Im so sorry.
Maybe you should get a new one.
hey. sorry about your loss.

don't get a dog so soon, the dognapper may be back, and you'll be hit with double whammy.

try looking for him/her, the usual flyers and asking around. it works although it sounds tedious.
Go to your local animal shelter and adopt a new best friend. That way your saving a life and filling a hole in your heart. It is very painful to lose a dog no matter how you lose it. Sorry for your loss time will heal the hurt nut maybe a new dog will help fill the hole in your heart. There are also tons of breed rescue groups out there too so if there is s breed you prefer you can still save one.
learn how to spell love.
find your dog or buy a new one

My dog got sprayed by a skunk right outside my door. How do I get rid of the smell on her and in my house?

My whole house smells! The windows were open and now I can't tell if it is just in my nose or what. Do groomers take dogs who have been sprayed? I can't imagine putting tomato juice in my old clawfoot tub-it will stain it forever.
2 bottles of hydrogen peroxide
1/2 cup baking soda
1 squrit liquid dish soap
mix in bucket
sponge on dog let sit on for 10-15 minutes
rinse well
This works pretty good and far far better than the tomato juice thing.
My dogs get skunked a couple of times a year and this is what I use.
Mythbusters on the Discovery Channel covered this. They found that a combination of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and water worked the best to remove the odor. They used it on themselves and the room they had sprayed with the skunk odor.

Or buy a new dog.
You can try what gem said. Also you can actually bath a dog in tomato juice. Sounds weird but it works.
old wives tale. give him a bath in tomato juice. i never had to do it so i dont know how it will work.
Use baking soda
I've had the same problem, I bathed my dog in tomato juice. You have to let the juice stay on the dog for a few minutes, rinse well and I repeated the process with more tomato juice. To get the smell out of the house, I sprayed everything I possibley could with Febreeze and then put a copule moth balls in every window (out of the dog's reach). The smell went away fairly quickly - but you will have a slight smell of moth balls - which I prefer over skunk. Good luck!

My dog got spayed yesterday. I noticed tonite that her incision had bled a this normal?

A little bit is ok, but if its more than a little, you should call the vet. If it's a constant worry, go ahead and call- better safe than sorry.

When my dog was spayed, the vet said to just be careful with her, make sure she wasn't licking or biting at the stitches too much, and to keep it clean. He also suggested putting a little anti-bacterial ointment on it (such as Neosporin) to keep it from getting infected. (We used clean Q-Tips so we weren't touching it too much, and keeping our germs away from it as well.)

Hope this helps :)
If it is just a spot or 2, there shouldn't be a problem, but if it is still bleeding tomorrow, I would call the vet and tell him. He may want to recheck. Do you think she may be biting at her stitches?
When my dogs were spayed they bled a little bit. I wouldn't worry too much. If she starts to bleed a lot you should take her back to the vet, she have been chewing at her stitches.
My puppy was spayed a month ago, and hers bled a little. As long as the incision is still closed, then thers nothing to worry about. Did the vet use stiches or sturges? Mine used the sturges which is basically glue.
A little bit of bleeding isn't cause for concern, but if you are worried then you should call the vet - better safe than sorry.
Yeah my girl got spayed on haloween (lucky her) she is a licker so she is coned it is so cute she has decisede her puppy pads in the kitchen is the safest place for here where she won't walk into any walls (the cone is see thru so umm yeah). her incision bled a little spot on day one too but she is good if not a little sore watch it and make sure she is ok over the next few days. I live in chicago so she is gonna hate haveing to wear her sweater untill her hair grows back.