So I did hear my dog scramble in the hallway last night and when I found her she was laying on her belly and seemed unable to move her back legs. She was trembling, but breathing and heartbeat was strong and steady. I pushed her onto her bed and she just laid there for a few mins, then she got up and is now acting like nothing ever happend. She did not loose conciousness or seem to show any other typical seizure signs and was back to normal within minutes. She did not limp or anything afterwards. Whole thing lasted just a few minutes. She's a 70lb lab mix without any health history. I have an appointment with my vet, but am curious what this could have been.
a good whack to the spine could have caused temporary paralysis ( in this case a twisting effect from the slide could have the same traumatic effect )
also the dog could have elected to not move out of fear or shock after an unexpected event like slipping and falling - just as you would want to pause after falling so if the vet clears her i wouldn't worry
she's dead
Sounds like a siezure to me, maybe call the vet and see if you should bring the dog in or not.
She can have an injured disk in her spine, she could have had a stroke, she could have thrown a clot, it could have been a type of seizure, she could have slipped and hurt your best bet is to see what your vet says..
She may have had a sharp pain in her back legs. Dont worry though i'll be praying please tell me if shes better my email is
hope the best!
sounds like a very mild seizure. That happened to my sister's dog but alot worse (she pooped and peed while it was happening. Go get her checked from the vet
Sounds like a stroke. Had a dalamation who suffered a stroke. He was not able to use his back legs at all. Due to his age (18) we had him put to sleep. Good luck
It might be a vitamin deficiency. This is rarely seen in today's dogs because of the advancements in dog foods, but it is still possible.
Check out this website regarding vitamin deficiencies and the symptoms. There are quite a few that could cause seizures and loss of movement control (thiamine is one).
Some dogs have "mini seizures" and don't show many signs. The shaking is the part that makes me think it might have been a seizure. And of course, the fact she couldn't use her legs.
Usually, the dog looks like it's staring into space for a few minutes, that's about the only sign.
My dog does that. The vet said, no medication was necessary as she did not have Grand Mal seizures.
My dog was 4 years old when it started.
See what the vet says..
good luck on that.
Maybe she just pinched something in her spine when she was freaking out. I am glad you are taking the dog to the vet.. They will probably palpate the spine and see if anything seems painful. If not that the neurologic or lyme but the vet is good at ruling that out. Usually these things happen because of horsing around and it may be the last time you see it happen. Again you are doing the right thing by bringing the dog down for a professional opinion. Whats do I know? I was only a vet assistant for 2 years and thats not knowing much about anything when it comes to advice or diagnosis. Whatsever it is PLEASE don't panic I am sure if your dog is fine now (which is great) then it was some freak thing.
The same thing happened with my dog [German Shepard / Golden Retriever mix] years and years ago. He was walking, and his back legs gave out for a couple of minutes, so he was scooting around. Then he got up and walked like normal. A couple weeks later he had a hard time walking around on his own. Then within 2 months of the first episode, he couldnt walk at all. We took him to the vet and the vet couldnt find anything wrong with him other than the fact that he was getting old. He tried his hardest to walk but just couldnt do it. We eventually had to put him to sleep [about 4 months after he first collapsed] because he couldnt eat or go to the bathroom by himself anymore. In my case, it was just a matter of old age [he was 14]. Hope this isnt the case with your dog, hopefully your vet can diagnose and treat the problem ASAP. Good luck.
Please call the vet, there's nothing worse than just thinking every things OK, forgetting about it, and something seriously being wrong.
Sounds a little like hip displaysia to me. The hip gives out and the dog collapses. The trembling and breathing problems are because it scared her. Unfortunately displaysia is very common and hard to treat. Usually happens in larger dogs like yours. Make sure the dog has a COMPLETE checkup. Including an x-ray of her hips. This condition can develop into an incredibly painful one for the dog.
it could have been a heart mer mer its were there is not enough oxgyen to the brain and causes you to loose feeling in parts of your body and its like a pinched nerve like when your foot or hand falls asleep its because you pinched a nerver and not enough blood and oxgyen is not getting to the brain so it cuts off the signal to you r brain and it becomes numb and you lose feeling and it somes back after a few minutes it comes back to normal
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