Friday, July 31, 2009

My dog has a "waxy ear" can any1 give advice wat 2 do?

Your dog could have any number of problems, from mild to very serious. The best thing to do is consult a vet! Your dog could have ear mites, he could have a wound (the 'wax' could be dried blood) he could have a fungal infection (esp. if her is super-furry, like a poodle) or he could have a bacterial infection! Does he shake his head? Scratch at his ear? Does the ear smell bad? A vet will want to know all of these things and will show you how to care for your dog so that this condition (whatever it is) can be cured and hopefully prevented in future. Good luck!
cut that ear
Go to the vets for ear drops
Use either rubbing alcohol or vaseline with a q tip.
Go to the pet store and buy ear cleaner. Use a cotton ball. Do not stick q-tips in the ear canal.

It make take a few times for him to get use to this but he will
Wash the ear with wet tea bags as if you were using cotton swabs.
Go to the vet, he will give you drops and ensure there is no infection, don't stick anything in your dogs ear other than its elbow!
You can go to a pet store or walmart and get ear wash solution for pets. If he is shaking his head or digging at it thought could be mites or an infection.
If you care for your dog at all, do not listen to any advice from here unless the advice is "SEEK ADVICE FOR A VETERINARIAN". You do not want to clean or put anything into your dog's ear without being absolutely certain it will not harm them. So, ask a doctor, and be sure.
the person who says go and see your vet is the person who has any sense always seek your vets help.
get it to a vet to check firstly that it doesn't have cancker or an ear infection. If it is something like earmites, the vet can give you drops to kill them which will sort out the wax too. Never put anything into the ear, never try to poke anything down it.
Clean the ear (if you know how) if not, just take it to the vet and they should be able to do it.
i removed my dogs ear wax with a couple of drops of olive oil with a worked but if it doesn't go to the vet it could be a growth or ear mites

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