Thursday, July 30, 2009

My dog doesn't eat her food anymore.. but still acts the same. What's up with her?

I feed my dog 1 cup of these diet kebbles each day, and she usually eats it by nighttime, but for the past 2 days, she hasn't touched her food. I started to worry, but the thing is she acts the same. She was still fast when I ran her and is still hyper as usual.. she just seems to be eating less now.

I had to tear up a doggy biscuit and mix it into her regular dog food. she immediately ate her dinner for the treats, but she didn't finish the whole thing, unlike of her since she usually finishes all of her food.

my dog is 9 and 3/4 already.. so she is pretty old. but she still acts like a puppy. should i take her to the vet now or should I keep waiting if this behavior continues?
If she appears to feel well, has no fever or other symptoms, and behaves normally, I'd bet she has found some source of calories other than her diet kibble. It could be something in your food pantry or garbage that she's managed to get at.animals can be very sly. And they can also remember their places on the food web as predators and act accordingly. I have a big fat white cat who lost no weight at all after months of carefully rationed diet kibble. She regularly spends part of the day in a (safe, fenced, locked-gate) yard. I have discovered she is quite good at catching things.birds, mice, shrews, bugs. If your dog can catch rabbits and the like, she may be doing exactly that, and finding her prey tastier than her diet kibble.
hire an investigator and have her followed..jk! i'd take her to the vet..
It's always good to have your dog checked when behavior changes. Better safe than sorry, and early detection of problems can make treatment easier on the dog and cheaper for you!

Dogs often eat less as they get older, though. She also might be getting food from somewhere else?
Any time an animal goes off its feed, a vet should be consulted. At least call.
I don't see why you wouldn't just change what you're feeding her. Seems to me she's not interested in the dish laid before her.
Maybe your dog is tired of the same thing try mixing it up a little but be careful you dont wanna make em sick.
i would consult a vet better to catch something early than late,if something is wrong. she may have teeth problems or something and it hurts her to eat, and if thats the case then she may feel fine now but will not be for long
We all have good weeks and bad weeks, and that includes our pets. Me and my partner own three dogs, three cats, a parrot, three horses and who knows what she will bring home tonight on her way home from work. On some occasions one or the other animal didn't eat for up to a week, whether they swallowed a wrong bug or 'borrowed' something eatable of our neighbours, being unaware I use to freak out and rush them to the Vet. What I found out every time, usually after a 100 bucks or so, is that if the personality/behaviour didn't change it is something trivial and I should come back in three days for another consult fee and the same answer. By no means am I saying that if your dog is showing visible signs of ill health to leave it alone,. All I'm saying is that if he/she acts normal and happy you should be too.
P.s. Couple years back my Akita took on a Brown snake, I'm in Australia, I didn't know till I was cooking chicken and he wouldn't get off the bed to get some, the poor thing was paralysed from the chest down. What I'm trying to say is that if your dog refuses to eat treats or human quality meats than I'll get worried. But at the end of the day who knows your dog better, you or the Vet?
As long as she is eating enough to keep her energy up and playing and acting okay she is probably okay. With her age, it wouldn't hurt to take her to the vet and have a checkup.

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