Thursday, July 30, 2009
My dog doesn't like the leash.She sits down when it is put on her.How can I train her to walk when its on her?
My pup didn't like a leash either when I first adopted her. I just put a lightweight leash on her and let her wear it in the house. Let her get used to wearing it first an drag it around because eventually she's going to have to get up. Just make you sure watch her carefully so that she doesn't get tangled in it. It took a couple of days, but it worked for my pup. Good luck.
don't give into her.she probably does it cuz she knows she'll get her way.just start walking and gently encourage her to come with you.don't force her but don't go back inside and give up.maybe carry her for a bit and then put her down away from the house so she knows she can't go back.take dog treats and have her follow them.use something she likes.and when she does it give it to her.keep her interested with something
If your dog likes treats.put some of them in your hand. Try to keep the leash away from her body some don't like it when it is touching them. Wih leash in hand and away from her body walk and treats in your other hand. Let he smell the treats and take a few steps offer the treat if she follows. Make it exciting for her. Each time you use the leash use "go for a walk" then in the future after she gets the hang of it she won't expect treats all the time she will be excoted by the factor that you are going "for a walk". good luck!
Is this a puppy? They will just have to get used to it. My dog didnt like her's either. So I would drag and pull her til she would at least move around. I did it slowly and more and more till she had no choice and got used to it.
Pull her.
decbaby83 had a pretty good answer..
Also, you could try this..and I've used this method on many pups.
put the leash on them.and leave it on.. (supervised of course)
just let them drag it around with them. I had a dog that used to scream and pull when I put it on her.I let her walk around the apartment with it on for a couple of days.she got over it very quickly.especially at feeding time.
Your dog may also be "training" that case.what decbaby83 recomended was excellent!
Try just leaving it on her for a couple hours (in the house, or wherever she spends her down time). it might be that she just doesn't understand what's going on and that she's allowed to move with it on. After she gets tired of sitting in one spot with it on she'll walk around and realize it's an ok thing.
First- will she drag the leash behind without an expectation from you? If she will, reinforce any forward motion positively, with a treat, a fave toy, a really excited response.
Once you have progressed to forward motion, your drag leasing behind her, you can gently pick up the leash and continue the same type of positive reinforcement. Vary the reinforcement, as dogs will become wise to the same ol' same ol'. Keep your training sessions short, always end on a positive note and never remove the leash if she is pulling against it. This will only reinforce her to pull against it the next time or create other problems for the future. DO NOT drag your dog on her leash either.if you can get any forward motion out of her with your reinforcement, lure her to you and give her the cookie, toy etc and remove the leash while she is still interested in you! I hope this helps.
First, don't pull on her, that will just make her resist. Put the leash on and have some treats handy, her favorite will quicken her response. When she sits down hold one of the treats in front of her and give her the command ( such as come, or "let's go for a walk, etc), when she stands for the treat, praise her and give her the treat (small pieces work best). Walk out in front of her a little, but not pulling on leash, and repeat the command with the treat as the reward for any steps. Even if she only gives you 1 or 2 make sure to praise her well. Keep doing this until you can tell her your command and she will go willingly even without the treat. Be sure to praise her. Dogs would rather please their human than eat sometimes.
my dog did not like his leash too. i got him to walk on his leash by putting his leash on him for a couple of hours a day and just let him drag it around. [let him get to know his leash] it worked with my dog.
Make it fun to wear her leash. Good news - it's nice that she's sitting - you're halfway to teaching her to sit so you can put the leash on, which is much easier than trying to leash and excited, jumping dog. So.
What happens when you put it on? What's the situation and what do you do next? She has to associate leash = good things. Get some treats she really likes, and use them only for leash time. Tell her to "sit" and "stay" or "wait." Say "leash on!" (or whatever you phrase you want to use). Clip on the leash, give her a treat, and praise her, a lot.
Now go out to the end of the leash. Sit on the floor, if you want, or in a chair, or just stand there. Hold out a treat, call her (you may have to gently reel her in). When she comes, treat her, praise her, pet her. Tell her to sit, say "leash off" (or whatever phrase you want to use), unclip her leash, praise and pet.
Repeat. After a couple of repetitions, while she's still leashed, take her out for a walk. Check a couple of things - is her collar comfortable (no choke chains, for example)? Does anything stressful happen on the walk (so that she'd associate "leash" with "stress")? If not, let her sniff around a bit, go back inside, repeat the process a couple of times.
It may take a few sessions a day for a little while, but she'll learn to associate "leash on" with treats.
Good luck!
I agree with the others. Let her wear the leash around the house.
This may sound cruel, but it is really the best and quickest way. Get the dog on a soft surface, such as grass or carpet and pull the dog along. Eventually he or she will walk on his or her own.
I had to do this with all the dogs I raise. Since my dogs mature to over 100 pounds it is important to do this as young as possible.
I breed Great Pyrenees. Hope this helps.
Make walking on a leash FUN for her. Thow her favorite toy so she runs to get it. Offer her treats as she walks along with you or at least COMES to you when you have it on. Another thing to try is get a REALLY short leash and just let her drag it around the house so she gets used to the feel of it. Not so long that she can sit and chew it though. And make sure you supervise at all times so she doesn't get it caught on anything. Just have FUN and she will come around eventually. Good luck!
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