Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Dog but off a cchunk of her tongue, will it ever grow back?

I actually have seen a dogs tongue that had a chunk cut out of it while being groomed grow back the missing piece. It may depend on where the chunk is missing from. This cut was v-shaped on the side of the tongue. It took several weeks but it did indeed grow back. If the tip is missing it may not grow back as that would be more of an amputation than just a "missing hunk". Think of it like your finger, if you cut off the tip, its not coming back, but you can take the same amount of flesh from the side of your finger and it heals. Why? I don't know, but it seems to work that way.

my grandpas dog chewed on a aluminum pie pan when he was a pup and it cut the tip of his tongue off
No but it shouldn't cause her any problems either. I've seen dogs who lost chunks of tongues from eating ice in the winter, biting their own tongue, or having it bitten in dogfights. The tongue bleeds a lot right after the injury but once the bleeding stops, it will heal pu pretty quickly. You may want to offer her dry food that is soaked or canned food for a couple of days, if she acts like she's too sore to eat dry food.
No when I was a small child I feel backwards in my highchair and bit just the tip of my tongue off and it unfortunately didn't grow back
You should check with your vet.

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