She squealed while she was sitting on the couch with me, then she tried to hide in the corner of the bathroom. I heard that animals try to to hide while they are dying.
But anyways, do you think I have anything t be worried about?
Its a bit confusing because the bottle says its harmlss to pets, people, etc. Yet it tells you its not to be taken internally, and not to spray on pets (I didn't spray it on my dog)
call the aspa poison hotline 24/7 888-426-4435.they can tell you whether to worry, good luck
go to the vet. if u cant take a cap full of hydrogen peroxide and pore down the dogs mouth. it will make him throw up and the poison cant be digested.
It might just cause discomfort. hopefully!
well first of all your dog is an idiot but i think you should take her to the vet
my dog always hid when he was sick, and my dog would always go in the bathroom too. so i imagine that your dog is feeling sick too. i would get your pet to the emergency room/emergency veterinarian IMMEDIATELY. if you don't, and your dog ends up dying, you will be kicking yourself for not taking him to the emergency room and it will make your loss a lot harder to deal with! trust me, i know.
Call the company, and if you can't get through to them then call the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435.
You are right about one thing, animals do tend to hide if they are dying. I would call my vet immediatley and explain what happened. If you can't get ahold of him/her, take your dog in!! She could be suffering! I took my dog in this summer for what I thought was an absessed tooth. (thats what the vet said), when I took him back 3 months later cuz he had a seizure, I figured he might have a brain tumor, but, that vet also sent me home! 3 days later, my dog had 2 more violent seizures in a row (he was suffering and we didn't know it) and we had to shoot him! How do you like that?!! Take her in, its not worth worrying!
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