Thursday, July 30, 2009

My dog constantly barks whilst travelling in the car, anyone know how to stop it?

I like to take my Jack Russell for a walk in our nearby woods. This means every evening getting into the car for a journey of about 15 minutes. The only trouble is he barks at absolutely everything and it's a constant bark too! Does anyone know of a way to cure this because I really don't think it's doing him any good (could he be affected in later life). Walks are supposed to be nice and peaceful, but by the time I've got back home I've got a headache! Please help!
Hun i have 3 large dogs that do the same..its because they are excited as they associate the car with a wont do them any harm, just your ears!

one thing you can try is getting a water pistol and shooting him ith water when he barks and then when he is quiet give him a treat and tell him he's a good boy.that kind of works for me..good luck x
Blindfold the darn thing!
Instead of taking the dog, borrow a friend's child and by the time you have been there and back you will be immune to the dog barking - dog is only barking cos it is excited and knows what's coming, and one continuous sound is fine. Try the kid, you'll see what I mean
buy a shocking collar, when the dog barks he will get an electric shock, the dog will lurn then
Give it something to read.
Buy it an oyster card and send it by bus/tube/train.
Kick it in the nuts, he won't be able to bark then.
Obviously your poor canine doesn't want to be exposed to more of your kinky woodland shenanigans. Dogging doesn't mean that the dog actually enjoys it!

Either that or stick a ball gag in his mouth and ensure that more lube is used.
I heard they do it cuz they think the car is their territory so everything you pass is pissing them off.
My dog does exactly the same, but only since we changed to a smaller van.. shouting doesn't work and neither does bribery with food.. so best ploy is to use ear plugs or just walk him everywhere!
Why not work out another walk from home that will give him the similar distance he could cover in the woods? Try and vary the walk a lot of the time - taking him to places where people are so he can mix and get used to them and possibly not bark at them?

Have a word with your vet (if he can hear over the barking!) as it could be an angst thing with your dog and he made need something to calm him down too.

Good luck!
a good muzzle
Simple. Leave the mutt at home.
I think that you have to be a little hard on him, don麓t hit him, but tell him that you don麓t like his barking! And then give him goodys and tell him that his麓s a good boy when ever he麓s quietly passing something he would usually bark at! He think that it麓s his job to protect you, and you have to teach him that you don麓t need his help and that you are the leader! And yes, he will be affected in later life, if you don麓t do anything! he麓ll be on constant duty, and will become aggressive towards other dogs and people!
All in all, you are the leader, he麓s the dog! (but he might don麓t know that.) Good luck!
put the radio on and sing at the top of your voice the dog will look a bit dumfounded for a few seconds and forget to bark ..i done this and it worked but must remember to close the windows when stopping at traffic lights as the poor man looked terrified in the car next to me lol.
Walk the dog to the woods
then you wouldn't need to use the car
Probably get some fat off you tooooooooooooooooo!

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