I have rescued a dog from a puppy mill about 6 weeks ago. She was never house broken and it took me about a month to do it. Now she has changed her mind. She will not use the bathroom outside at all. I can stand out there for an hour and she still won't. But as soon as we get inside she uses on my carpet in my living room. I have tried using her crate it won't work. Any suggestions??
I just posted another post about my neighbors having nasty dogs. My 4 yr old dog was housebroken until these new dogs moved in. Now when we are outside, he is looking around for them, terrified. He started peeing in the kitchen on the floor. After months of this I realized he was too scared and had to come up with something so I bought him a dogwiz pan and papers. they have a scent that attracts them to pee on them. He goes on the papers and I throw them away. I can get him to go out to poop, but for whatever reason the peeing was an issue. It worked for us. Obviously, outside is better, but if there is some psychological issue that may take time, this is a better solution than having a wet rug.
You need to clean all the urine smell out of the carpet. As soon as she assumes the position you need to take her outside to do her business and praise her when she does. Good luck
take her for a walk or play in the yard with her and get her moving. When a dog is moving likewalking or running it makes them have to go to the washroom, as soon as she does give her a treat or praise her or both. This will help her associate going to the bathroom outside as good and she will do it if it means attention and love from you! Good luck.
Dogs will potty on any carpet,as they think it feels like grass to their feet.Would suggest if you have a doorway entering you carpet area to put a barrier of doggy gait in the doorway,try also scheduling a regular timing to take her out each day and bring her directly back in.Sounds like she has gotten mixed up on where to potty and doesn't understand.
Clean the area completely. Re housebreak your dog. Dont let her have as much water as you have been giving to her (dont let her thirst to death). Also, dont let her back inside right away. Let her roam around the yard. Some dogs like to pee in several areas. Stay outside with her. Dogs are social, they enjoy the company and you can be sure she is done.
how old is the dog??
this is typical of puppy mill dogs.. (I hope you didnt pay for her - thereby supporting the puppy mill)
she may be needs to be checked by a vet for urinary tract infection or stones.
continue with the crate
go out with her EVERYTIME and have soft treat reward and offer it INSTANTLY so she knows the reward is for peeing outside - the problem a lot of people have is they dont go out with the dog so it isnt able to understand what is right and wrong - you have to INSTANTLY reward the dog
Is it getting colder outside? Is it muddy? Has the environment changed at all? This could be the culprit. My dog won't go outside in cold/rainy weather unless shes wearing a coat and boots. She may be uncomfortable and not want to go to the bathroom there.
If the weather hasn't changed, try spraying down your backyard with the hose. Theres a possibility that a wild animal or stray dog has been marking back there, and your dog may be smelling that and not want to tresspass on what she may not think is her "territory". Spraying down the yard won't take all of the smell out (if there is any), but it will help.
If she really did just change her mind, you'll have to continue the training process. She can only hold it for so long, try walking her around in the backyard.
Clean the carpet with an enzymatic cleaner, this is the only thing that takes the smell out. Even if we can't smell it, dogs sense of smell is amazing. The enzymatic cleaners are sold at your local pet store. (I recommend "Natures Miracle", its always worked for me.)
Good luck, I hope this helps!
And don't forget to reward her for going outside, happy "puppy voice", lots of praise, and lots of treats!
I completely agree with CF. I hope you didn't think you were helping by buying the dog from a puppy mill, that only supports them!! Good luck and I would say consistency is they key!
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