Friday, July 31, 2009

my dog got hit by a car yesterdayand was killed. me nor my mom can get over it! what should i do?

on oct 30 my dog got hit by a car and is now dead but me nor my mom can get over it. now every time i go outside or do anything i always expect him to be beside me like he always did. What should i do? we have been crying so much that our eyes are swollen. please e-mail me with some good answers please at [ ]
Aww, poor dog, it never made it throgh it's happy life. Since you remember it, then, I guess thatyou are a wonderful and caring owner. I feel really sorry for you, here are some ways to get over it more quickly. (I know what it's like to lose a friend, like a pet dog, but, time heals everything) Not all of these will work out for you, so, that's why I gave you many choices. Your mom may think that the 3rd one works but you may like the 1st one.

(1) buy a new dog and make it look just about the same as your previous dog that died. You shouldn't name it after your old dog or else you'll still feel sad.

(2) if you have still have any of the dog's toys or other stuff, then keep them in a locked up tresure chest and if you or your mom start to feel sad again, then get the key and open the chest. Then you and your mom can look at the stuff in the box and it'll bring back many good memories of your dog. When you look at them, you shouldn't start to cry even more, you should just feel happier.

(3) dream about it being by your side looking into your eyes or licking your hands. Dreaming about it will make you feel more happy because then you will know that doesn't matter what, it'll always be by your side if it's gone or if it's somewhere else.

(4) think of a happy place or your favorite food and all the pressure will go away.
The same thing happened with my puppy, you just have to cry it out, and when you're ready, get a new dog.

Get a shelter dog that would otherwise be euthanized, you'll feel good that you're responsible for saving a dog's life!
hey i feel so sorry for you when my dog died i felt like i would never get over it but you should get another dog or try to put it behind you because even though you think you cant dont hold on to the past.
That is so sad!! My dog got hit by a car when he was one. His lil sister was sad too! That night I slept w/ her. I'm sure you dont have the dog's bub or sis but afterwards I slept w/ a stuffed animal that looked like im. that helped and so did talking about it!
It is normal to mourn over a pet. The mourning process takes time. It's different for every one. Think of the positive, happy moments you had with your dog. Try keeping busy. In time, it will get better. Another idea I've heard is to get another dog right away. Helps you to move on and enjoy a dog again.
talk about it cry and rember the good times not the badones .
you poor souls.
i dont think you should expect to come to terms with this right away, it might take a little time to get over.
you are probably a little shocked and youve still got a hundred other emotions to deal with, i cant imagine how you must feel but i know you wont feel like that forever.
i wouldnt rush into another dog at the moment, id wait till you have rcovered from this first.
im so sorry for you guys
I'm so sorry about your Doggie
My doggie died 15 oct age 14 %26 i'm hurting so much everywhere i go in my house there are sad memories
but the pain is getting less %26 in time you will get to a place where you wont be so upset
it proves you are a lovely person to care about your dog
remember it had a good life while it was with you
I AM SO SORRY! i have been their, know how you are feeling, time will heal.
awww that's sad. but it only happened yesterday so maybe you're still in shock. and for the swollen eyes you can put ice on them. hope you feel better and sorry about your doggie. :(
there is a web site called it will help u cope with ur loss. there are support groups etc. i am so sorry for ur loss. good luck!
Honey , just get over it . I felt the same when my dog died of cancer . I know it's hard !

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