Friday, July 31, 2009

my dog had puppys but one is real weak what could I do?

my do doesnt seem to like it he cant even suck milk his cold
the puppy is cold? That's not good. Wrap it in warm towels, and just keep making sure that the puppy is warm. Keep him quiet and still, but I don't think he's going to make it. The mother rejected the dog probably because he's so weak anyway. Did the puppy at least get the mom's first milk (colostrum)? Because that one contains the important antibodies that a puppy needs to survive in its first days.
If the puppy is not a new-born, you could get a milk replacer formula, and take the puppy on as your own. Talk to your veterinarian as soon as you can.
take him to the vet and/or be a surrogate mother for the puupy but its lots of hard work
Go to the vet.
He's probably the runt. you may have to bottle feed it. call the vet, they'll give you advice.
Sadly some pups are weak and many that are born weak do not make it. How long has it been since the pups were born? You could put it on a heating pad if you haven't already done so and try to feed it with a dropper since it sound too weak to nurse. Be prepared tho to lose the baby.
feed pup yrself
doggy bottle
or try not sure if its a good choice
take the pup and put its mouth on the mothers breast and let him drink
ask a vet how many times should you feed it
and make sure the pupy doesnt sufficate under the other dogs
that happened to one of the dogs my cousin had poor pup was under the other pupies and eighther it suficated or it got flattened to death the pup was verry week

good luck on yr pup
call a vet instead of asking untrained persons on yahoo.
Have you taken them to the vet?
bottle feed, give him lots of love, basically treat him like a human child. what really helps them is if you let them rest on your heart while they sleep, lets them know a living breathing creature cares for them and it gives them strength.
Yeah i had the same problem you make the mother lay down and place that pup on a tit and try to get it to suck sometimes the mothers don't like the runt pups (weak or deformed pups) and wont let them nurse but you must hold them on the tit
If that doesn't work start out with an eye dropper and canned simalac baby formula ( warm) add a little water and try that.for a
day or two or until the pup is able to nurse.( always try mom first,) then the formula if necessary her milk helps the pup fight off illnesses OH yeah if this is her first set of pups keep an eye on her and the runt pup sometimes they will kill the runts but if she sees that you are paying special attention to that pup she may not harm the pup even if you must hold her down to let it nurse do that and when you're done pet her and the pup let her sniff the pup in your hands then give her baby back to her then pet mom more then let her alone. if the pup was not too weak from the start things should turn out O K GOOD LUCK

signed THE CAT
Never under any conditions, feed milk to a chilled puppy. Chilled puppies should never be fed since the entire intestinal tract literally shuts down. Think about it - even in humans when the body temperature falls below normal, all body functions begin to slow or shut down. Food that was previously fed, just sits there. Consequently, by feeding a chilled puppy you are adding additional formula to an already full stomach. Feeding a chilled puppy is the quickest way to kill it! Pups should be warmed to normal temperature before feeding. Sometimes a puppy won鈥檛 appear chilled because the body feels warm from external heat sources (such as heat lamp or heating pad). The best and surest way to check whether a puppy is chilled or not is to feel the tongue. If the pup鈥檚 tongue has a chilled/cold feeling, do not feed milk.

The first thing to do is warm the chilled puppy very slowly

Warming a Chilled Puppy:
The best way to warm a chilled puppy is to place him/her next to your skin underneath a sweater or jacket and let your own warmth seep into the puppy. If the puppy's rectal temperature is below 94 degrees, warming will take 2 to 3 hours.

Chilled puppies usually have low blood sugar levels and are dehydrated. You can correct mild to moderate dehydration by giving a warmed glucose-electrolyte solution such as Pedialyte. Give 1 cc per ounce of body weight every hour by eye dropper or baby nurser. Warm the puppy slowly until the puppy is wiggling about. Severe dehydration needs to be treated by your vet
he is obviously sickly, or else the mother would not have rejected him, doesnt sound good, but i have nursed several puppies and older dogs, and sick puppies/dogs.
get puppy milk at the store, a dropper, if you dont have one buy baby tylenol and wash the dropper well, he must be feed at least every two hours nite and day, keep him warm, wrap him in a flannel towel or blanket that has been cut into a small enough piece. this is a lot of work and doesnt always have the results you want, be sure and check with the vet.
Have the puppy checked for pravo. It's better to do this really soon, If this one test positive then the others may catch it and you don't want to spread it.

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