Friday, July 31, 2009

My dog got a swollen leg suddenly. Do anyone know why this happened.?

as in the question he got it suddenly.He was jumping in the morning and afterwards in the evenin , he was not able to even stand! Can anyone help me?
was he outside at all?
maybe he got bite by something?

when he was jumping did he come down wrong on his leg?
did he fall?

let him be for a little while and let him rest his leg..but if it is still swollen, take him to the vets is just like a child was injured, you let him rest it, and if it is still swollen, take the child to the doctors..same thing with your dog..
if he lets you, see if you can feel the leg that is swollen ( be careful, animals act totally different when hurt to even their masters) and be gentle ans see if you can feel anything broken ..

god luck
good luck
Your vet can help you.
I would suggest going to a vet.nobody can honestly answer what happened to your dogs leg without seeing it!!
It might be broken, it might be some kind of a bite, it could be a gland problem. Bottom line, you need an emergency visit to the vet!
Do you think anyone on here knows what happen to your dog?
Why don't you take him to a vet and ask him?
It could be anything from a snake bite, to a tick bite, to a something as simple as an injury. The only thing you can do is to take him to the vet. They are the only ones who can tell you what is wrong.
I would take him to the vet. He could have injured himself, been bitten or stung by something, or any number of things. Only your vet can diagnose and treat him. But I wouldn't wait - it could get worse.
Well the swelling depends on whether it is hard swollen or soft. Abcesses greae an edemic swelling and there is usually a wound on the site. Hard swelling indicates injury to the leg and also an insect or snake bite. Is he walking on the leg?
you raped to hard. when the dog barks 3 times really quike that means he is had enough you pervert
You obviously need a refresher course in sex ed!
Call the vet immediately!

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