Friday, July 31, 2009

my dog had a seizure last night with heart racing, what is wrong with him?

take him to the vet asap. it might not be somethign serious but if it is you wanna get it checked out asap. there is this medicine called phenabarbatal(i dont think i spelt that right) it is used to help prevent them. my dog just started having seizures a couple of months ago. she is fine but we give her the meds daily to prevent ehr from having more. good luck and i hope he is ok
Test his glocose (sugar)level. They sell the urine test strips in the drug store but your best bet is to take him to a vet a.s.a.p. The dog may be diabetic or have a tumor.We have had a few dogs with diabetes.They can live a long normal life with proper care.I really think that your dog has low sugar.It may just be an occational thing.Try giving him something to eat in the morning such as a biscuit.Please have your vet do a cbc (complete blood count) to diagnos the problem.Feel free to e-mail me.
ummm whats wrong with him is that he had a seizure you need to take him to the vet
I once had a collie that had Canine Epilepsy
The condition known as epilepsy does indeed occur in dogs. In fact, the problem is broken down into two different types of Epilepsy.
1. Idiopathic Epilepsy- Idiopathic epilepsy is when there is no known cause for the condition and it is assumed it may be an inherited condition.
2. Secondary Epilepsy 鈥?This diagnosis is used when a specific cause for the seizures can be found. A veterinarian will normally run a variety of tests to rule out possible physiological or toxic causes before diagnosing the dog as having the idiopathic version.
I had to get him put down because it got to be to much for him and to expensive to treat.. You dog needs to go to the vet asap..
I used to own a yellow lab that had seizures. He died from them before we were able to diagnose and medicate him. We now have a lab/pointer mix that has been having seizures. PORK! is one major cause. Make sure the food contains no pork and don't feed your dog any pork foods (hot dogs, pork chops, bacon, etc.). Some dog treats contain it also. Our dog is now regularly on medication for this. His most severe was one seizure an hour for several hours! He was blind at one point but did regain sight. Make notes of duration and intensity and take your dog to your vet.
Unless he's been diagnosed by a professional, you really don't have any idea what's going on. He needs to be taken to a vet immediately (maybe you have a 24/7 emergency place by you). They will do bloodwork and may want to do an ultrasound of his heart, provided they find it necessary. Don't wait around though, it could be serious.
is your dog on meds for the seizures?? I have a 4 yr. old male 75 pounds that has been on phenobarbatal since he was 1 and a half. now he only has them every 5 to 6 months or so. i take him to the vet every 6 months for a blood cell test. its a scary thing especially in big dogs.. my vet also does a pheno level count too.please dont let your dog keep having seizures,,,he needs to see a vet.
take your dog to a vet. May be nothing, but you need a professional to check her out.

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