Thursday, July 30, 2009

My dog DOES eat his own poo?? Its REALLY REALLY GROSS!!?

He is not doing anything that he believes is wrong. He was taught this by his mother, when the mom kept the nest clean. When mom became too overwhelmed to keep clean after all the litter, the pups were good little helpers and did it themselves..They didn't have gloves and bags, so just did it the way they could. He is just being fastidious. Please DON'T punish him for it. That will only confuse him. He will not get the point, and you will have a messy and traumatized dog.Consistantly pull him away from it and tell him No.

Dog's ancesters have done this for eons, to keep their area clean and to not let predators know where they live. It is as natural for them as hand washing is for people.

The only solution is to consistantly beat him to it. Hopefully he will learn that you can be trused to clean it up so he doesn't have to.. Meanwhille, there is an additive available at all pet supplies that will make the stuff very bitter.(Forbid) and pineapple on his food will do the same.. This may help some.
Note: the ones that do this are usually the easiest to house train, as they are good house keepers
Feed him dog food instead
Vitamin deficiency. Parasites.
Many dogs do. Some grow out of it. You can buy pills to give them that will make it taste bitter, or just make sure you clean it up right away.
Your pup may lack particular vitamins in his system, you may need to check with the vet just to make sure..
Completely normal, dogs do this. Coming from a Trained Vet. Assistant and soon to be Vet. You'll have to train him to stop. Go out with him and watch him and when he does it correct him. Make sure your constant until he stops and not every once in a while.
call the vet and ask that question.. Its not normal behavior for a pooch.. I believe they are ill if they do this.
In most cases it's completely normal. Try adding canned, pure pumpkin to his diet. The pumpkin gives the feces an especially bad taste.
You should consider your dog's dietary needs. Dry dog food is considered an excelent option and many dog foods are enhanced with vitamins. There are several which are made as an age appropriate science diet. Consider one of these and when switching dog foods, you should gradually mix in the new with the old until you replace it completely as to not upset your dogs stomach. Good luck.
Yes they do. They will also eat cat poop from the litter box.

Yes it is gross.

Yes, its also where the term "Poop eating dog" comes from.
you can get pills called Deter they help in making the waste become bitter, you also need to train him/her not to eat the poop, by watching when he/she goes out, take treats with you, after you dog poops if he/she acts like they are even thinking about it them them "leave it" once your dog looks away give a treat and praise with "good leave it". Repeat everytime he/she thinks about eating anything you don't want them to. also like someone else said clean up afterwards. that command is a real life saver. say you drop some pills on the floor if your dog is used to "leave it" you can tell them leave it and your dog should obey allowing you time to pick the pills up.
try using meat tenderizer, that's what my vet told me to use
Give him a FIG Neuton! he wont eat his poop again after that!! lol I did that with my dog and I guess it made the poop taste really bad..

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