Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My dog barks at every one please help she even barks at little kids under the age of 3?

carry a spray bottle with water in it, when she starts barking squirt her with water
ok. we have a rescue german sheperd who used to bark. we got a her a bark coller which sent her a little shock everytime she barked. it didnt harm her. very humane. just let her know that barking at everything wasnt needed. only put it on when they are outside. not inside. hope it helps.
How does she know the age of the kids?
My dog does that to, maybe try obedience school.
You can purchase "no bark" collars at the pet store. It gives them a warning then if they bark again it gives them a minor shock.
Worked for my dog.
Try carring a bottle with stones in every time she barks shake it at her!!
Worked for both my EX yappy dogs
Well Unless you want to torture your dog by putting a shock collar on which I wouldn't recommend, Its perfectly normal for a dog to bark its their way of communication!
You need to watch the dog whisperer on the national geographic channel. You need to take control and teach them. Watch that show and you will see how easy it is to get them to change their behavior if you change yours.
What kind of dog is it, sometimes it just because they are nervous!
I'm guessing that the dog is older than 2 yrs.
I suggest that you train her / him.

**Note: I will refer to the dog as him or he**

First, give your dog a lot of opportunities to meet people. Everytime he barks, give him a light spanking. When he starts to develop a good understanding to be nice to people, give him a treat.

**Warning: You don't want to do this too much as it may confuse your dog into thinking that barking for whatever reason is a bad thing**
Dog obedience class.teach your dog the No Bark Command
the best way would be to spray some water at it and it really doesnt hurt. Most dogs hate water so I think it will stop barking and I disagree with the fifth person who answered. How can you put a shock collar on a poor creature? And no offense or anything but why does it matter if a dog barks, i mean theyre just talking to you.
I think that obedience classes are the best option. I tried the anti barking collar, but it didn't work with my dog, unfortunately.
SCOLD HER! It is very hard to scold dogs, but you are the leader of the pack and you must show that to your dog by having them obey you.
Everyone barks at little kids under the age of three and over the age of three. Take the animal to dog training classes. Its probably bored and needs stimulation.
There are collars that you can get that helps to stop a dog barking.
your dog barks to let you know someone is there start to call them in and reward him/her for this. Do this all the time at first then cut down treats but do not stop altogether
i think those collars that give a shock should be used on the owners you can get a much more desirable collars that just gives off a citrus smell ..sorry thats my opinion.a spray water bottle is a good idea but why not just distract your dog do not shout or the dog will just bark louder just say no..and distract .

1 comment:

  1. Your dog is not familiar with kids so you need to bring him/her out to a park and areas where there are kids. If he barks while there, tug on his collar and redirect his attention. Keep doing it until eventually he will stop. Then go again and again and again. This will make your dog used to the situation of people and kids and will train your dog.
    It also sounds like your dog may be bored and you need to tire him/her out more often.
