Friday, July 31, 2009

my dog has a gurgling sound from his stomache area?

my dog is about 5 years old. hes in good health but he has some serious knee problems. so he is on a Steroid. it give him incredibly horrible gas. but now he has this very loug gurgling noise in his tummy, when I put my hand on his tummuy to feel it it feels like there is water rushing. my husband things it correlates with his breathing, but he doesnt seem to be in any pain or any discomfort so I am not worried about a twisted stomach, could it just be gas moving around in there, or does anyone know about any side affects from steroids like a perforated stomach or anything like that?
It's likely just digestion, and the gas you talked about, If he's not in pain or discomfort he's probably okay. I have never heard of steroids causing a perforated bowel or stomach in humans (I'm a nurse) so I doubt that's the concern. IF he does have pain or seems uncomfortable have the vet check him.
Are his bowels moving regularly and are they formed? If he's constipated or has diarhea have him checked.
U GAVE IT STEROIDS? LIKE PEOPLE MEDICINE STERIODS?? why would u do that, ask ure vet cause i don't think u should do that cause its not even good for people!
Why ask on the net? Take the dog immediately to its vet, I think it is,hopefully, just digesting food. Get to the vet now for the dog's sake and yours
I don't know much sorry..
but is it possible that he's hungry?

Either that, or I would figure it was gas like you do..
but you can probably get better answers then mine..

Also you can try to research it online, I knew a couple of websites where you can find info on that stuff, but I forgot it..
If I remember them, I'll stop back.

Hope you find out.
I was looking at this site>
for gastric side effects, and didn't see any mentioned..However, there evidently are many other possible side effects..

One of my dogs has a very noisey tummy, and has had for many years..she is in great health..I think it is just digestive juices and gasses..

this is a great supplement for bone/joint health..It may give your dog as much relief as steroids..You might print this out and see what the doc thinks about giving this one a try..My friends have had great results with this>

Be sure to read testimonials..I was sceptical about recommending this for my friend's dogs, so contacted the company..they actually gave the people who wrote the testimonials my phone number so they could call me and discuss the results of giving these supplements..
I assume your vet put him on steroids. Yes they're tough on the stomach, and create a lot of gas that will move around with breathing. Check his stool for blood, that will tell you if hes' got internal bleeding. To settle the poor things stomach, try regular Kaopectate, that's what our vet used to prescribe for our dog. If that does not help by Monday morning call your Vet. Hope doggy feels better soon.
The dog is ill take him to the vet.
It is probably like when our stomach growls. Maybe he hasn't eaten and he is hungry.

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