Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My do has thrown up twice this week, he doesn't seem to be sick. Does anyone know why a dog would throw up?

The frist time he threw up it was the soft food so we thought we would give him the hard food but he has thrown that up too. So far he has thrown up at random times.
He might be eating to fast. Give him smaller portions. I have a golden that did the same thing.
it is a boy or a girl. if it is a girl it might be pregnant. and if it is a boy it might be sick but still in its early stage symptoms.
Have you noticed if, when he/she goes outside, if they are eating grass? Often times, when a dog's stomach is upset, that's what they eat and it causes them to throw up the irritant. He could have a food allergy. You don't want to be changing his food consistently, though, as that, too, will cause a dog problems. Call the vet and see what they say.
Take a day and follow fido and make note of what exactly he feels he is free to eat! I would be speaking to the oval alter too!
Maybe he thinks he's fat.

Stop giving him so much dog chow.
The days he threw up was he eating his food way too fast? If so give him smaller portions,but feed him 3 times a day instead of the 2 if that what you had been doing. Good luck and I hope your dog is feeling better real soon.
Changing their diet can cause stomach discomfort. Does he eat grass outside(they eat it to make themselves barf)? That means an upset tummy. Has he been getting into something inside eating paper, plastic,. (eating out of the trash can {or cat litter box. Don't laugh, mine all did it and it can make them really sick, they can't seem to resist} ) even eating chew toys can cause stomach upset. Restrict their access to no-no items and you can try Pepto-Bismol. I use the chewable tablets at the children's dose (my vet told me it was OK **can also be used for EXPLOSIVE DIARRHEA) Anxiety or allergies can also cause it too. For that use Benadryl at a children's dose (Also OK according to the vet. Works well for car sickness)
Sometimes it is the food he is eating. Sometimes they just eat too much. Sometimes they may eat too fast. Sometimes they just have a tummy ache. As long as he is eating, not losing weight, seems okay, is playing, just keep an eye on him and take him to the vet if it gets worse.
Two thoughts: 1) Allergies. Dogs can have very sensitive food allergies just like people. Things like beef and wheat can really screw with a dog's digestion. Try Nutro brand food for sensitive stomachs and see if there is any improvement. 2)There is an outside chance that your dog has problems with his anal glands. One of our dogs has this problem on a recurring basis, and what happens is these glands by her anus get infected, become swollen (causing constipation) which eventually backs up her whole digestive system. We can usually tell that this is the problem because she won't eat for a few days, and when she does she gets sick. We usually have to bring her to the vet every so often to have her glands "expressed", then after that she is back to normal, appetite and all. It's a quick and cheap procedure which can be done by a vet tech, so no doctor is required, but you should probably talk to one before you start doing this regularly. They will even teach you how to do it, but it's pretty gross, so I just let them handle it.
kennel cough and parvo

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