My 5 year old Doberman Nitro attacked a 3 year old child ..This child ran up with out warning and started pulling on My son(Nitro) tail and Nitro defended him self and bit the kid causing 25 stitches and my dog was put in quarantine for 10 days and was then released to i am being harassed to put my dog down I WILL NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN Even if the authorities forced me to i would put him in hiding.. thank god that isn't the case..because my dog only bit one time .Dogs are allowed three strikes.. but most stupid dog owners who had a dog that bit usually volunteer to put their dog down right after the 10 day quarantine HOW DISGUSTING
How can i get these stupid people to stop harassing me
.My dog wants to attack them .Help
I respect your decicion. I have grown a great bond with my dog too. I will never let anything happen to him or his younger brother( their not related, but they are considers as part o f the family). I would jump in front of a bus before I would let any one take them from me. No matter what they did.
Tell them that you will keep your dog away, as long as they keep their kid away. It was the kids own dumb fault anyways, he had it comin.
As much as you love your dog. The risk of your dog attacking another child (even if the child is provoking the dog) is too great. I think you should do the dog a favour and re house it away from where children are, or I'm afraid that you should put the dog down
You need to Move ! I can't Blame them for being upset! As much as I love my dogs MY CHILDREN (HUMAN) always come first. You are asking for a law suit if you do not train you son to behave better around people! If you do not do this Nitro should be put down he is a danger to people. You said yourself he will bite again!
unfortunately a lot of ignorant bast*rds think dogs are less important than man %26 they put them down left right %26 centre! but what about all these phaodephiles? why cant we put these sickos down? dogs are just acting naturally when provoked THEY ARE ANIMALS %26 yet humans who understand their own actions get let off with horrendous crimes!
Just tell them that you don't believe it was your dog's fault, and to stop bothering you about it.
If they're truly harassing you, getting the police involved is an option.
But if these "stupid people" are people that are friends, or friends of friends, then it may be a good idea to take your dog to obedience training, just to get them to leave you alone about it. Or you could just tell them that you took him to obedience training, and not spend the money. Let them think of him as the good dog that you know him as.
Another option may be just keeping the dog away from children, such as putting him in the backyard, or the basement, or upstairs. This is better than being put down, and I'm sure that he can last a couple of hours.
First of all , no it's not the dogs fault !
It's YOUR fault .
You have a dog with a behavior problem , and you are the only one to correct it , by looking for professional help for the dog .
It's the only way , and you better be fast about it before anyone gets hurt , and you end up with a law suit .
I have a Bullmastiff and I would have him muzzled if I was in that situation.I feel sorry for the child but kids parents should teach them how to respect animals but 25 stitches is quite a lot on a 3yr old.Keep your dog muzzled at all times from now on.
1 u need beware of dog signs. 2. sorry to say it no matter how much you love ur doberman.they arent very intelligent dogs. 3. dont let kids around him. 4. put a pink dress on him to make him appear less viscious
I have had dobermans for years but when i was 3 i put my finger up my dobermans but and he turned round and ripped half my ear of. Luckily you can't tell but that was my fault. My 8 month Doberman now is a right pain constantly biting and nibbling me and my 2 year old neice is aways pulling, niping him, so far he has been ok but i dread the day if he snaps. I hope everything will turn out ok. They always say it's not the dogs you have to worry about it's what the children are doing to the dogs.
I think you should get your dog to a training class, if he can prove he is a good dog then people might let up a bit. But I also think you need to alter your aggressive attitude its no wonder the dog is like that, he's picking it up from yourself.
haha. Kirby %26 Tiffany? that's uncalled for..dammit
You have a domerman. It should be obvious that you have a breed that was bread to protect. That in mind, any small children should not be anywhere near your dog. The only way for you to make sure that it doesn't happen again is to get a professional behaviourist to re-train your dog. You can't expect an elephant not to act like an elephant. Likewise, you shouldn't expect your dog to be a friendly lab, that's not what he was designed for.
Would you really be so forgiving if the child that got 15 stiches was your own. Maybe you should take a look at yourself and put yourself down sicko. Dangerous dogs ( A doberman is officially classed as this ) should only be allowed out in public with a muzzle, then the dog cant "bite a child that touched its tail". This is how you prevent attacks by your dog happenning in future. Im amazed by your attitude and you should be locked up and denied the right to own a dog in future. You clearly dont understand the responsibilities involved.
Nitro was frightened by the stupid child what were its parents thinking of letting a 3 year old pull a lovely dogs tail anyway?What you could do for your dogs protection is when he is out let him where a muzzle .Then i would %26lt;if it was me> write a piece for your local paper about your dog just letting the ignorant people in your community know what a nice dog Nitro is.
Unfortunately, some parents do not teach their children appropriate behavior around dogs.
If they are provoking the dog, report them!
Any dog bite is can be serious and create serious neighborhood issues. If the child had pulled his own dog's tail, he very well could've been bitten also.
Your dog will most likely bite again. If you want to keep your dog i suggest you keep the dog in at all times and only let him out to use the bathroom and make sure he is supervised by you and then immediately let back in. I have a 100 pound lab and my kids and other kid play around with him all the time and ride on him, some pull on his tail and he has never bit them and let me tell you something i love this dog but if he ever bit my children or anyone else he would be gone. You will probably get sued by the parents of this child and they will probably get alot of money out of this deal and i know this because i'm in insurance and i see these types of claims all the time. I suggest you keep your dog away from everyone.
Seriously, watch The Cesar Milan show, The dog Whisperer on the National Geographic channel. You have a serious problem that needs to be resolved.before someone else gets hurt. maybe even you! The dog senses that you are letting him get away with whatever he wants to do, not good. If he turns on you are you then going to hit him and say bad dog? You are gambling with your dogs life and the lives of others. Watch the show it may help you understand dog behavior a bit more.
I have a Doberman too, and i love him a whole lot. If you really want to stop being harassed you should move, not a long way away, but maybe a mile or two. or you could muzzle him whenever you take him out. You could also see if you could find a dog trainer to better his behaviour if he bites sometimes. Dobermans are naturally protective, and when spooked or harassed they will bite. They dont know thats its a specific "3 year old child" that they bit. it could be a wild animal for all they know. but dont put ur dog to sleep, because i know that would be tramatizing.
It's always hard putting down an animal but the risks of your dog attacking someone else sounds awfully great and next time, you could be sued for damages. How horrible that it was a 3 year old child!!
Do you have a fenced yard? You REALLY need a privacy fence with having an aggressive dog if you want to keep him. Chainlink isn't good because he has too much lead way to jump it if he gets that upset or kids can put their hands through the links. Privacy fence will keep him out of sight and I'm sure would put your neighbors at a peace of mind that at least he's more "hidden".
Personally I don't blame your neighbors, that would worry me too. My sister has pit bulls and rottweilers and they would never do that and yes they have had kids pull on them and a neighborhood kid even hit one.nothing. I would worry about the aggressiveness! You're lucky you have the 3 strike rule, here it depends on the viciousness of the attack and age of victim.
This is disgusting.
Since you insist on treating your dog like a "human" let's put it into that scenario. Dog years, a five year old would be 35 or there abouts. So, A thirty five year old is "attacked" by a three year old child who is pulling on his leg. Said thirty five year old then turns and gives the child a wound resulting in a need for stitches. What would your reaction be?
No, Dogs are NOT people, that is a very obvious thing and I don't think you would want your dog treated like a person in this scenario. You can get the people who have a sense of reality to stop harassing you by being responsible and stopping the risk your dog has become, not just to children mind you, but to ALL people, including yourself.
If you are prepared to put him in a well fenced pound and check it cannot be jumped over or tunnelled under and you do not take him out for walks or anything like that, then it would be safe to keep him. You must not let him in your house because if you open your front door to a stranger he could get past you and attack them. Please stop and think though. Imagine is that child that was attacked was someone you loved (like your dog) and it was attacked and horribly scarred what would you want to do the who ever attacked them. That child is horribly scarred and probably has nightmare etc and the child and the parents have to cope with that. Unless your dog was being really badly hurt, he should not have attacked so viciously. He really is dangerous and should be kept well secured in dog pound in your garden or the only other alternative is to put him to sleep.
If the child ran into your yard and was bitten, then the blame is on the parents for not supervising their child.
I suggest that you always keep your dog secured behind a fence. Only walk him on leash.
Do not leave him outside unattended! Cruel and ignorant people might abuse him, or worse poison or kill him.
Try to have a civilized conversation with your neighbors, making them aware of your intentions to keep your dog, and others safe, by keeping him confined in a fence, indoors or on leash at all times.
Explain that he is a dog, and that the bite was not "unprovoked" if he really was being tormented by a 3 year old. Tell them you are sorry for the incident, and that your dog is not evil and mean. He was defending himself.
My concern is that you evidentally "saw" this child pulling on your dog, and yet you did nothing to intervene? You should have immediately gained control of your dog when the child approached, and instructed to child not to pet the dog, or to go home.
Sadly, this whole incident could have, and should have, been comepletly avoided. The child and the dog are both victims of irresponsibility of adults, and both will bear the scars, emotional and physical.
Please email me and keep me posted. Maybe I can help you with some more ideas to help you live with your dog in peace, but unfortunately people are ignorant and cruel, and you may have to put up with it, move or get rid of your dog.
Even if you didn't know before that your dog has a tendancy to snap, you know now.
You have the responsibility of making sure this doesn't happen again - EVER.
It doesn't matter in the heel of the hunt who's to blame - the dog is the one who will pay.
You must make sure there is no way someone can get bitten by the dog ever, ever again. This is the only way to protect him.
Put a muzzle on him anytime you're out, never let anyone else walk him, and never let him be unattended in public.
You can't be accountable for what negligent parents think it's ok for their kids to do, but your dog will be held accountable for his reactions, and you along with him.
With regard to the people who are harrassing you to put the dog down - they will always feel that the dog should be put down. You can't blame them for that - even though it's partly their own fault for not supervising the child properly. They're not going to see that - they're only going to be thinking of what YOUR dog did to THEIR child.
That's a serious injury for a small child. If it were my child, I'd be gunning for that dog to be put down too - and I'm a dog lover.
It's up to you whether your dog survives this or not. He can't be blamed for what he did, but you SHOULD be blamed if it happens again.
Itis the difference between battery which is starting the fight (crime) and punching out someone who is attacking you (legally permissible self-defense.)
First, stupid people are stupid and unfortunately they breed and think their little nightmare should-have-been-drowned-at- birth rugrats couldn't possibly do something wrong. They can't possibly attempt to control the little vermin -oh my no. It is intresting that the lower they are in social and economic class, the more they think their devil's spawn should run unchecked.
Second, tell anyone saying "kill him" that why don't the parents of the little monster be required to keep him on a leash and stop him from attacking dogs from behind? If they can't control their kid, put him in a cage. If they were attacked from behind, they would react to defend themselves.
If your guy has the docked tail, the ill-mannered, uncontrolled rugrat practically had his hand up the dog's backside. Ask these idiots what they woud do if they were there minding their own business and someone snuck behind grabbed their hair from the back, jerked it and goosed them??
The dog is supposed to "know" what is attacking him from behind?? See the idiot above with the 35 year oldperson/3 year old child example. (And for that person, when someone's snotty nose monster keeps crashing into me in a store, I stick my foot out.)
Hmmm..try the line that you plan to sue them for the costs and inconvenience of the rabies quarantine. Their kid attacked your dog and caused the problem. The one who starts the fight is the one responsible. The dog reacted instinctively in self-defense. The world is not required to be childproof for uncontrolled brats. In the case of a 3 year old, the parents are responsible for the child's behavior and the consequences thereof. If the brat had crawled in a car and releasedthe brake and ran someone down, they are on the hook.. (I'm a retired lawyer.)
By the way, most state statutes do NOT count a bite against a dog where the animal was acting in self-defense or in defense of its owner or home. They do have to do the quarantine because of the public health issue of rabies.
(When I was 3, I climbed up on the bed where our Boston Terrier - my constant companion - was sleeping and decided to wake him up by smacking my forehead on the top of his skull. Startled awake, he instinctively bit - left a scar that is still there very faintly over 50 years later. My grandmother correctly told me "You deserved it. Do that to a dog again and I'll crack you on the head with something hard. How would you like that?" )
25 stitches are NOTHING - I've had that many in a hand when I caught it in on a nail in a rafter. As a kid, I fell,cut my head and had over 60 stitches in a 1 1/2 - 2 inch gash because of the location and necessary tension on the skin. We are hardly talking "mutiliation here" but one slashing bite in shock and the dog stopped..
Now, when out with your dog,do not ever let him be so far from you that you can not intercept some kid bearing down on him. You have to be constantly on the alert and keep your dog next to you in "heel" position at your side. Leash and heel position.
I use a Service Dog to carry packbacks (wrecked a shoulder with sports so no purses etc). As tolerant as he is and as pain impervious as he is, (a grocery cart accidentally rolling on his tail doesn't even get a yip), I'm always keeping a wary eye out for uncontrolled carpet-rodents who fling themselves at him as he is not a laconic Golden but a herd GUARDING breed which can take out a wolf. He is superbly well-trained and tolerant and socialized but I know there are limits even for the most laconic dog..
I had to tell one woman to get her little walking-abortion as she stood there watching it JUMP on my dog's tail - and when she stood there doing the "oh, he's just a toddler" after being told to grab the brat, I told her she had exactly 2 seconds to get the kid under control or I was going to drop kick it across the store as I turned to do exactly that, and that the dog had the legal right to be in the store but her monster did not - and she could explain to the police how she let the little monster interfer with a Service Dog - a criminal offense.
(And for all you above who think it would be perfectly fine if your little cretins came up and yanked my dog's tail while he is out working, and he and I should put up with that, trust me, they will get hauled off their feet by me and thrown back at you by me if you don't get them on a kiddy leash. He is doing a job - your rugrats are out of control and you are a truly and utterly lousy parent.)
If it was someone who came to your house, you may want to rethink having friends and acquaintances who let their little monsters run wild.
Now it would help if you could get him out so he was socialized to the point blase about stupid people and things that go bump.
To make a paper trial for the future:
(1) Go get his CGC
(2) Do some obedience work with him - be really neat if he got his CD. (AKC 1st level degree.)
Even if you don't have his registration,you can get a number from the AKC to do that.
He is most certainly NOT to old to dog those things.
This all does 2 things:
(1) It makes a record that he is very very well trained
(2) It gets him out in groups and commotion and settings so he learns not to be automatically defensive about his space and put up with people and animals startling him and doing things to him unexpectedly.
Now you both need a GOOD obedience class - and that is NOT Petsmart or Petco.
GO here to find contacts in you area that can help you locate and obedience trainer who works with all breeds and who does AKC obedience competitions competing at what they claim to teach 鈥?no proof of ability like winning: (set on all breeds)
Even it they are an hour or more away, they will know other people all over the state.
I hear a lot of anger here. Why would the dog know who is harassing you and the dog wants to attack those people?? Maybe you want the dog to attack them, maybe kill them? The dog is not dangerous, you are.
my sister had a similar issue, call the people on 'em and complain that way if something happens then they have all your complaints on record. On your side just make sure you keep the dog tied up or however you keep.
I have a rottwieller who is four years old whom i love dearly but your dog should never under any circumstances bight or attack anyone no matter what. My daughter was three and pulling on my dogs ears ect. and my dog allows it. i would not advise you to get rid of your dog because to me they are your real family as well but maybe you could take it to obedience school to get the dog accustomed to these kinds of situations. As for the other people who are upset, well if it was my kid that it happened to I would be upset to but as the dog owner i would just do everything in my power to make sure my dog did not do this again. pretty tough situation but did you ever see that dog show on tv about that guy who takes really bad dogs in and makes them the best dog ever? its an idea
Given your dogs record, he should be muzzled in a public place. And it's not 3 strikes in the UK, dogs can be, and are put down by the courts after only one attack.
I sugest you have your dog destroyed before it kills
a child.If I was that childs parents I would make sure your dog was put down immediatley.
what a discrasefull attitude you have regarding your dangerous dog.
Most places have a fist bite protection. after that they can put your dog down. Second of all you need to get a muzzle for your dog. NOW! He needs protection from himself. After that you need to seek out a professional dog trainer to help fight his aggression. Never let any one come near your dog that you don't know. If some one approaches you you will have to tell them that your dog is protective and they should not try to pet him. Because your dog has already bitten someone you will only be protecting him and yourself from further problems. Just remember now that he has a record you can be sued for a lot of money if he bites again! that is why you need to get his be behavior under control now! Remember you are the only one who can save your dog. get him the help he needs. If you catch some one harassing him call the police immediately. If someone tries to hurt him or provoke him there is action you can take.
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