Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my dog ate a chocolate reece cup!?

My 10lb chihuahua ate a reece cup about 20 minutes ago what should I do?!
If she is acting normal, don't worry. If she starts vomiting, or any other abnormal things, you might want to rush her to the vets. Chocolate is deadly to dogs.
take her to the vet if she starts showing any signs of anything out of the ordinary! Chocolate can be fatal to dogs so keep a close eye on her. My friends Mini Pincher ate chocolate and they had to pump her stomach. not a pretty sight! Good luck!
I'm sure your dog should be ok. Chocolate is bad for dogs but only if they eat it frequently. If your dog only at it once then it shouldn't hurt it. We give our dogs little chocolate easter eggs at easter once a year. They only get 2 each and they really enjoy them. We have been doing it for 5 years and they are very healthy
Chances are since it was just once Reese's cup, he'll be fine. Might be a little stomach sick for a bit but there's no emergency. The levels in chocolate aren't high enough to kill a dog unless they consume a very large amount. Hope this helps.
Ok just give him some water. :(..:)
Well he should be ok , just watch him . If he shows sign of being really sick like constant vomiting or change in behavior i'd say take him to the vet. My dog ate a whole bg of M%26M's once and he was alright
Pay close attention to him/her and offer lots of fresh water. Chocolate can make a dog sick but it must be in large amounts. It is doubtful that this will be too toxic, but don't be surprised if s/he vomits. happens, just make sure s/he does not have access to the Halloween candy again.

Best wishes, give the pup a hug.
You should be okay! It takes like a half-pound of milk chocolate to kill a 10lb dog. Bakers chocolate is what you really have to worry about! If your dog were to ever eat even the smallest amount of bakers chocolate, game over!

So I would be sure to keep any more away from it, because it is going to take some time for the toxins it creates to get out of the system.

What chocolate does to dogs is their stomach can not digest it correctly, so it just keeps going around again and again, and essentially continues to re-poison the dog. So just make sure that it doesn't get anymore.
She'll probably be fine. If she seems to be in distress, take her to the vet, do likewise if she won't stop vomiting. If she throws up once or twice, that's fairly normal, and remember, a Reese's cup is mostly peanut butter, not chocolate. She probably will vomit, but as long as it isn't continuous, it shouldn't hurt her. Caffeine poisoning from chocolate can result in cardiac arrest, so if she begins shaking or her eyes seem unfocused, its time to call the vet. I've seen a Pomeranian eat two Hershey bars (a lot more chocolate than that) and come out fine after throwing it all up.
try to encourage water intake to flush the system. The dog should be fine with that small of an amount. If you are really worried call the vet and ask them their opinion. They might make the dog vomit to get ride of the left over chocolate.
Not much you can do now. Give him water. Chocolate can kill dogs. Especially small ones, though I don't think one Reece's is enough. Be careful in the future.
darn the halloween candy!

just watch her - and know that she'll probably throw up, but that thats a good thing.

if she starts to look distressed, call the vet.

I have two yorkies and they've each eaten chocolate now and again, and usually they throw it up - and maybe lounge like they've got a tummy ache.but so far nothing too serious.
Reeces are more peanut butter than chocalate. It will most likely be fine.
Call A Vet. B 4 They Close.
good luck dealing with the throwing up and diahrea tonight~!
I would take the dog to the vets as soon as possible tonight if you can. If you can't then whatch the dog till tomarrow and then take him/her to the vets.
Be very careful wit her dont push on her stomach to much unless its recomended take her 2 a vet also that could help lots cuz they know lots more than us
my dad gives my dogs sometime chocolate but just don't give it to them everyday or each second
Nothing.The worst that will happen is that the dog will throw up.It 's the dark chocolate that you have to worry about.Just keep the candy where the dog can't get to it.
take it to the vet if it shows sign of sickness(which it most likely will). I would go either way. my dog ate chocolate and barfed and had diarhea everywhere.
I know that chocolate is supposed to be deadly to dogs, but my dog has been eating chocolate for 17 years. He's so healthy, it's insane, so I'm sure that your dog will be find. I suggest that you look it up online to be safe though.
Because she's so small, it'll be worse for her. Go to your vet!
I would wait and see if she starts acting funny becuase dogs can't digest choclate and it makes them very sick. If she starts acting funny then take her to the vet.

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