Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My dog ate glass!?

My one year old jack russell decided to eat a peice of glass this morning. I was able to retrieve a little bit of it out and my husband tried to make him throw up. Any suggestions on what to do besides to to the vet? We live in England so going to the cost twice as much since the military vet is closed on Sundays. Someone please help. I love my dogs and I dont what them to get hurt.
You are what.6 hours ahead of us here in the states?..anyway.bread, bread, and more bread. Whatever he will eat that will coat his little tummy, I am not a vet so this is just unqualified advice, but I had a terrier once who would eat any and everything (including my underpants.more info than you needed I am sure) but, to the point, don't panic, remember, terriers were bred to eat rats, moles and the like so things like chicken bones and (hopefully) glass shouldn't do him in, bread w/ peanut butter should help but do it now. It is probably too late to make him throw up..good luck with your "child".this is why I stick to cats.LOL.
making the dog vomit is more dangerous than leting him pass it.the glass will rip his throat open and surgery will be required. quite posibly the glass will pass through his intestines without any damage. i suggest giving him soft food for a week or so and look for blood in his stool.
my friends dog used to eat drinking glasses disposable razors etc. and the dog had no problems i would keep an eye on the dog and if you notice anything unusual goto animal hospital.

you should see the vet on monday if you have the money
Get some Laxatone from the pet store. You may find it in the cat section. Then you have to watch the stool. If there is the slightest drop of blood it HAS to go to the emergencey vet.

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