Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My dog ate cake frosting now he's puking, what can I do?

I don't know how much he ate since he tipped the garbage can in the kitchen (where a big chunk of forsting was).
let him puke it up and he should be fine.
Pretty much just clean up the mess. You can't stop him from puking and it wouldn't be healthy if you could.
take him to the vet
Stop baking!
Call the vet and ask if there is anything to do to ease his discomfort but it will probably have to run its course and you may expect some diarrhea at some point. Also, make sure that he didn't eat anything else because some thing we throw away are poisonous.
If it is chocolate, most dogs get over that. Chocolate is an allergy to all dogs. If it does not quit, get him to a vet.
I hope it was not chocolate. That can be very bad for a dog. Sugar will make a dog sick in large doses. Just provide water. it will help with the puking. atleast for the dog. you will still have to clean up.
Try giving him 1tsp. of Maylox. It will help settle his tummy and should stop him from throwing up all over. I would also suggest no treats for him for awhile..doggie time out!
Just let him puke. about an hour after he's done puking then make this:
rip up pieces up bread and soak them in milk and raw egg. it's supposed to be very easy for them to digest. my bf's mom did that when her doggies were sick. hope rover gets better.
Oh my gosh! give the poor thing some water
Well.that boy was hungry..he will be OK..just a little upset tummy..
If it was chocolate, I'd break the sound barrier to get him to the Vet. Otherwise, it's probably WAY too much sugar and is having a reaction to it. Not really good either way, they don't have the internal organs the same as us to digest some food groups.
watch him, since hes throwing up the chocolate, which is good,
call your vet for advise. since he is a professional in this area.
here's more information:
pet poison HELPLINE 800-213-6680www.petpoisonhelpl.
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
well its good if he pukes but if he is pukin too much and u think he may dehydrate then give him a dose of perinom injection it should stop howevr if it does not ul hav to keep a vet on stand by as it may lead to dehydration and may be jus don relax and take care of him.

im a junior vet as well as a breeder,so heed my word!
you should be careful because they did a study and dogs that intake certain kind of sugar especially ones that contain xylitol, is very harmful for the dog. they found out that it can cause liver failure. so just be to your vet, im sure they will give him some medication.but the best thing to do is just let your dog throw it all up until he stops that will usually calm them down and then slowing feed him dry food, he may not want to eat it. just comfort him.
If he's only vomited once, it's not a big deal. Dogs who eat trash often suffer what is commonly referred to as "garbage gut".

But if he vomits several times in the same day, don't feed him for 24 hours (to give his tummy a chance to settle down), and then feed him a bland diet of rice and boiled hamburger for a few days. Mkae sure he has plenty of clean water available. and keep him away from the trash bin.

If the vomiting persists after you've restricted his food intake, or if you see blood in the vomit, get him to a vet. He may have ingested something more lethal than frosting.
Call your vet right away and talk to him. If the frosting was chocolate get him to vet immediately dogs cannot digest chocolate.
First Ewww!
Second just let him be make sure he or she has water. Then clean up.Some times ya just got to let em be.
PS If it was chocolate there may be more to come such as a bad case of the runs! re Ewwww!
But dogs are tuff sure they'll be trying to get back in the garbage in a day or so.
call your vet soon
sometime it better to just let that take place so they can get rid of what they ate.
sorry to hear that,but ewwww
the mess must be nasty.
good luck
put your trash can some where else.
just wait it out
Keep his food and water up for awhile, there is no reason to allow more stuff into his system to make him more sick. in several hours, put down his water and dont try to give him any food until tomorrow IF he isn't throwing up anymore If he still is throwing up, take him to the vet!

It's lovely how this "zombie" who is supposedly a "jr vet" keeps telling people to give their dogs injections that are vet only medications! how are they supposed to do that unless they take the dog to the vet and they "decide" to give the dog these meds?? Some people amaze me.

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