Wednesday, July 29, 2009

my dog 13months old used to walk everywhere with me now she is terrified of buses and trucks what can i do?

she is a very strong rottweiler it takes all my strength to hold on to her
I would use a Canny collar for her, to keep from her getting a 'choke/strangle every time she bolts..>
I got mine on eBay, and it only took 6 days to get here from UK..
Just as human toddlers go through phases, such as the time they suddenly become afraid of strangers, this is a developmentl phase in your Rottie..She has become more aware of dangers in her world, and realizes that the turcks are monsters that can hurt..
It is actually a good healthy fear..but she needs to be able to conquer the terror that goes with the respect..
If you can use a safer, humane collar, such as the Canny, she will soon outgrow the terror, and become her old self..

You see, when she is hard to hold, it is reinforcing her fear..becasue the monsters don't just make noise, they also cause her to be strangled as well! so it feeds the fear..
Watch the videos on that site, and see if you think that is the answer.
She needs to be de-sensitized. Did something happen to frighten her? It's unusual to be ok with large vehicles and then get scared of them for no reason. When you're walking and there's a large bus or truck coming up behind you, keep her close beside you so she feels more secure, keep walking and talk to her quietly. Give her lots of praise when it's gone if she's behaved pretty well. If that doesn't work, try putting her in a sit stay (not too close to the curb) before the vehicle gets there. After it's passed, give her lots of enthusiastic praise and keep walking. Once she's calmer sitting, you can just keep walking and she should be ok.
Could she be losing her eyesight or hearing? That would make her more skittish when around large loud things. I know when my dog started to show those signs of age, she would hesitate or startle with loud sounds. Then, she lost her hearing completely and the only way to get her attention was to stomp on the floor. But, that did work.
Sounds like something scared her. Just keep trying to get to walk with you.
Try to get it used to small vehicles 1st,then try dat 10meteres walk for the first day thereby increasing it the next gradualy.
Send the dog to school or professional trainer, to get reed of the fright.
2 possibilities:

1a) she may have a hearing problem that makes her hypersensitive to the noise they make. a hearing test (?) may be able to check for this problem.

1b) same as above, except eyesight problem (less likely, but still possible)

1c) combination of hearing and eyesight problems (much less likely, but still possible)

Remember, she's sensing vibrations, smells and other things that may not be apparent to you.

2) she may have been injured by someone or something that she associates with a bus and/or truck -- in which case, it's going to take a VERY long time for her to get desensitized to "ordinary" trucks and buses.
go with your dog to uncrowded parfs or gardens he will like it a lot

i am also a dog lover.

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